Latest Episodes

Episode 234: "Blue Beetle"
Here’s this white guy, he was awesome. Matt is a big softie, Rob doesn’t want coherent, Alanna’s thinking reshoots, Zach watched the trailer and...

Episode 233: "Halo" 2.8
We’re Fortnite Spartans. Zach watches a Bridge Too Far, Matt challenges Ares, Bobbie tries to chomp the plant, Alanna enjoys playing as Magma and...

Episode 232: "Halo" 2.7
Hot branding action. Matt writes it down, Zach wants to start over, Rob likes a big heavy sandwich, Jay sighs a heavy sigh and...

Episode 231: "Halo" 2.7
Hanging with the boys. Zach steals a bunch of bars, Matt has two Wings of Icarus, and Jay is in Hobbit mode.

Episode 230: "Halo" 2.6
This is why we have the pellets. Matt finally gets a 5-2. Rob’s a poor man and an idiot, Zach explains why people look...

Episode 229: "Halo" 2.5
Mike Tyson is a huge pigeon person. Jay likes Taco Bell, Zach laughed when he died, Alanna doesn’t want to live at NASA and...