Latest Episodes

Episode 223: "What If?" 2.7
Which Avatar is the good Avatar? Matt has bravery, Alanna wants hot Zuko and Jay knows prison bathroom etiquette.

Episode 222: "What If?" 2.5 & 2.6
Thunderforce vibes. It’s hard for Alanna to play on her phone, Rob watches a lot of stuff with subtitles, Zach has always liked Vin...

Episode 221: "What If" 2.3 & 2.4
It’s raining all over the world. Jay wants to feel part of the crew, everyone know’s Alanna’s location, and Matt plays a lot of...

Episode 220: "What If?" 2.1 & 2.2
It’s the best and worst of Marvel. Alanna has seen it before, Zach needs wood, Rob is an average kid, Matt is a meat...

Episode 219: "Strange Days (1994"
It’s a reference to a Doors song. Rob picks the movie, Matt wants to catch a train, Jay likes a little bit of drama...

Episode 218: "Merry Little Batman"
How did they make money on this? Jay gets used to it, Alanna pets a cow, you guys need to get on Zach’s level,...