Latest Episodes

Episode 158: "Stargirl" 3.3
Justice for Barbara. Matt holds everyone to a high standard, Jay wants waffles, and Alanna reads an online synopsis.

Episode 157: "Stargirl" 3.2
The Scooby gang is on the case and Naomi has a segment. Alanna knows how veterinarians work, Rob wants a slow buildup, Zach says...

Episode 156: "Stargirl" 3.1
The gamers are delighted that Stargirl is back. Zach is easily amused, Jay has a bond with his car, Alanna doesn’t watch anime and...

Episode 155: "Titans" 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13
Listen up, Titans writers, this is an Animorphs podcast now. Rob is dedicated to the podcast, Zach gives examples from anime, Matt is so...

Episode 154: "Titans" 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10
There’s a woke term for that. Matt and Jay both suck and Alanna says “bureaus”.

Episode 153: "Titans" 3.6 & 3.7
It's Alanna's birthday and let the singing commence! Zach compares appearances, Jay is in his classy phase, Alanna has a vinyl lifestyle and Matt...