Latest Episodes

Episode 176: "The Bad Batch" 2.5 & "The Last of Us" 1.3
Raiders of the Lost Batch. Zach rewound it, Jay makes fan art, Matt talks to his boss and Alanna rewatches the Clone Wars (again).

Episode 175: "The Bad Batch" 2.4 & "The Last of Us" 1.2
What has Hollywood taught you? Zach’s not willing to take that chance, Jay’s knees are buckling, Matt thinks he’s a good guy and Alanna...

Episode 174: "The Bad Batch" 2.3 & "The Last of Us" 1.1
Back to basics. Zach is clonist, Alanna doesn’t want to repeat, nobody listens to Matt, Jay is a die hard Last of User and...

Episode 173: "The Bad Batch" 2.1 & 2.2
We're in real life. Alanna doesn’t trust tauntauns, Matt needs a mansplanation, Jay knows how much everything weighs and Zach is a cynical adult.

Episode 172: "Titans" 4.3 & 4.4
We're sick of Titans already. Alanna endorses American Bake Off, Matt is wrong about this and Jay would rather have rain on his wedding...

Episode 171: "Titans" 4.1 & 4.2
It's back to the grind of "Titans" with more blood and guts and goooooore. Jay is a super star, Zach predicts the dialogue, Alanna...