Episode 160: "Andor" 1.4

October 11, 2022 00:53:18
Episode 160: "Andor" 1.4
Tuesday Night Gaming
Episode 160: "Andor" 1.4

Oct 11 2022 | 00:53:18


Show Notes

Where’s our terrifying hologram? Matt isn’t good enough, Jay is caught up, ZJ has seen Solo, Alanna predicts Dengar, Andrew owns a CD and Zach is a pedantic asshole.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 2 00:00:10 Hello. Welcome back. Speaker 3 00:00:12 Hey, what about Speaker 2 00:00:14 Me's Speaker 4 00:00:15 On the recording? Speaker 2 00:00:17 Be shortly. Welcome Tuesday night game, post new ComicCon edition. Who starring Jay Zj. Alana, Zach and Matt. We had a fabulous time. Thanks for coming to our panel. Everything went great. Speaker 4 00:00:34 We met Neil McDonough, <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:00:36 Oh my God, He still my heart. So today we're talking about Andor episode four, but before we do, I have a quick story if you guys don't mind. Speaker 3 00:00:46 Wow. Speaker 4 00:00:46 How, how quick is it? Is it, Speaker 2 00:00:49 It's, it's, it's very quick and also sad. So this week, Speaker 3 00:00:53 Oh no, Speaker 2 00:00:53 This week is Yom Kippur. So we had mom and me last week over the week, the week we're recording. This is Yom Kip. So one of mom and dad's friends, a 65 year old Jewish woman came up to me and we were chatting about Neuro Comicon and she said, Do they allow pets there? And I said, Uh, I don't think so. And she said, Oh darn. Cuz we could dress up my corgi as the corgi from, What's that? The really bad sci-fi show with a Corgi yet? Speaker 4 00:01:20 Are you cowboy B b It's not bad. Shut up. How Speaker 3 00:01:22 Dare. How Speaker 4 00:01:23 Dare you? Speaker 2 00:01:24 That's what I said. How dare you Speaker 1 00:01:26 <laugh>? Speaker 4 00:01:30 Um, I love it. Although I don't the Corgi really wears anything. I don't Speaker 3 00:01:35 Remembers. Speaker 4 00:01:43 What's the dog's name again? Speaker 2 00:01:45 Time Speaker 1 00:01:46 Is Speaker 4 00:01:47 Dying. No, the real corgie. Speaker 2 00:01:49 Rosie. Speaker 4 00:01:50 Rosie. Yeah. Rosie's a lot bigger than the Cowboy B about Corgie Speaker 1 00:01:54 <laugh> bigger in which dimension? Speaker 2 00:01:56 Yeah, she's Poofier. Speaker 4 00:01:59 No, she's, she's just like longer and like bigger. She's just bigger, Speaker 1 00:02:03 Longer. Corgie sounds adorable. Speaker 4 00:02:06 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:02:09 Uh, so my big question this week is, Jay, have you had a chance to catch up and watch the show? Speaker 3 00:02:14 I did. I fully caught up on all the things. Speaker 1 00:02:19 Do you wanna give us 10 seconds of your takes on the last three episodes? Speaker 3 00:02:24 Uh, sure I can do that. Um, Speaker 1 00:02:31 10 seconds up Speaker 4 00:02:33 <laugh>. Aww. Say about that. This is a long 10 seconds. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:02:36 10 seconds was, uh, fun, exciting, ridiculous. And uh, guys gotta be jealous all the time, huh? Speaker 4 00:02:48 Yeah. Why? Guys gotta be like that. Speaker 3 00:02:51 Em are men. Speaker 2 00:02:53 It's because they know they're secretly not good enough. Speaker 4 00:02:56 Tim Mi Speaker 2 00:02:57 At least that's true for me. Many Speaker 3 00:03:00 I not all men. Speaker 2 00:03:02 Hashtag not all men aren't good enough. Speaker 4 00:03:06 Mm. Speaker 2 00:03:08 Interesting. Speaker 4 00:03:09 Interesting. Speaker 2 00:03:10 You could have that weapon. I dropped it. I already Speaker 4 00:03:12 Have one. What does it do? Speaker 3 00:03:14 It shoots and it sparkles. When it does, it Speaker 2 00:03:17 Just, it just doesn't, It has a lot of recoil and it's Speaker 4 00:03:19 Hard to say. I have a, I have a Cobra dmr and it seems pretty sweet. Speaker 3 00:03:25 Did Speaker 2 00:03:25 Okay. I have a Cobra DMR too. All right. So shall we move on to Yes. Today what you were talking about Andrew, episode four And what is there to talk about? Nothing Speaker 4 00:03:35 Happened. No. There is something important. We have to figure out how to balance the budget and make sure the rebellion is properly funded. Budget Speaker 2 00:03:41 Meetings. Budget your favorite part. The business has given you the business. Speaker 4 00:03:46 This is about checks and balances. Balance sheet budgeting. How do we carry this debt? How do we pay the rebels? How do we afford, uh, X Wing? You know the important thing? Speaker 2 00:04:00 You don't run the budget budgetary. I do. Okay. Speaker 3 00:04:02 How do you hot cover up the fact that you are running an illegal operation. Speaker 4 00:04:06 Yeah. Money laundering. Speaker 2 00:04:08 Getting incredibly Ben outta shape when one of your coworkers just asks to look at a file. Speaker 4 00:04:13 <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:04:14 I Speaker 1 00:04:15 Thought you got some great interpersonal drama here. One thing I really appreciated is her saying, um, or the, the leader of the rebel cell telling the guy, We've all been sitting in the dirt for free and now this guy's showing up and you're paying him. I thought that was Speaker 4 00:04:30 That's right. Speaker 1 00:04:32 I bet Hanzel got Speaker 2 00:04:33 The same treatment. Speaker 3 00:04:34 Val putting them on blast. Speaker 4 00:04:38 Val. Yeah, it's Bell. That's her name. Speaker 2 00:04:41 Val's the Blunt. Yes. Speaker 4 00:04:42 Bes. Yeah. The leader. You wanted to lead Speaker 2 00:04:45 The leader of the Speaker 4 00:04:47 Band. What you have to do, Speaker 3 00:04:48 There's someone landing over here. Speaker 2 00:04:50 Cj. I would say the big takeaway from this episode is that Hansel got the sh a ft. Shaft. Shaft. Shaft shaft. You got paid, Speaker 1 00:04:59 He Speaker 2 00:04:59 Got paid 17,000 to escape from the death star <laugh> where getting paid 200,000. Speaker 4 00:05:07 Maybe they have reverse inflation in Star Speaker 2 00:05:09 Hon. Salute didn't get paid. 17,000. That was what they promised him to bring them to Alderon. Well, how much did get paid Speaker 1 00:05:15 Was 15 when we reach Alder. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:05:18 17, huh? Yeah, exactly. Speaker 4 00:05:21 But you didn't know they were going to the Death Star Speaker 2 00:05:24 <laugh>. Yeah, but did he get paid kill on run? Speaker 4 00:05:27 Ah, Speaker 2 00:05:28 Ron, Jesus, this is a great question for the Star Wars fans. How much did Han Solo get paid in those little boxes? Speaker 4 00:05:36 Due healing? Speaker 2 00:05:37 No, I got yelling. Thank you. I just have to hide. Where Speaker 3 00:05:39 Are they? How Speaker 1 00:05:40 Often we hear other amounts of money. We know that Luke sold his land speeder for 2000. Speaker 2 00:05:44 Run the rocks. That's Speaker 1 00:05:47 True. Do we get like kind of insight into how much people make for stuff? Speaker 2 00:05:50 How much did Bosque want for the Woo? Does it 50,000? He wanted 50,000 no Speaker 4 00:05:55 Less. How? Yeah. How much was the bounty on Han Solo from Java of the hut Speaker 2 00:05:58 And then they, and then they said he, the great Java offers you 35 and I suggest you take it. Speaker 1 00:06:05 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:06:06 So the point that we come in a lot, the point is and or is getting paid. Yeah, Speaker 4 00:06:11 He's making a lot Speaker 1 00:06:14 Teams here. 40,000 Speaker 2 00:06:16 Above Speaker 1 00:06:16 The right. Speaker 3 00:06:19 Um, Speaker 2 00:06:19 Those from the box. Speaker 1 00:06:21 The box was 40,000. Right? Speaker 2 00:06:24 Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think something Speaker 4 00:06:27 Like that. Yeah, that sounds right. Speaker 1 00:06:29 So that was worth a ton of money too. It's as much used speeder Speaker 3 00:06:36 Over here. So on top. Speaker 2 00:06:38 Yeah. Actually, well actually in that case, s was maybe he was overpaid for a symbol passenger run to Alderon. Speaker 4 00:06:44 Yeah, maybe that was the point. Speaker 1 00:06:45 Point. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:06:47 They were desperate. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:48 S huh? Speaker 2 00:06:49 Dropped 17. Huh? Not bad. Some kind. Speaker 1 00:06:56 We quote the entire original film Speaker 2 00:06:59 <laugh>. Uh, yeah. So my first note is Med Nog. Yeah, med first too. Speaker 4 00:07:05 That was, I Speaker 2 00:07:07 Was like, did they literally say Med Nog? Speaker 3 00:07:09 That's what I'm gonna call it from now on. First Speaker 4 00:07:11 Of all, I was like, this is clearly alcohol. Second of all I was like, are they drinking back to liquid? Speaker 2 00:07:15 I'm almost dead Speaker 1 00:07:17 Gross. Speaker 2 00:07:18 It has double Makes Speaker 1 00:07:19 Sense. Speaker 4 00:07:20 Yeah. Doesn't it? Speaker 2 00:07:22 That kills your brain, but it heals your body. Speaker 1 00:07:25 It's like Neosporin. Sure. I'll put it on a wound, but I'll chug it if I really need something to Speaker 2 00:07:31 Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Yeah. So then scars guard, next thing I have is he's really got, or his number, he like goes everything about him. Speaker 4 00:07:42 Yeah. Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:43 They have the same conversation they kinda always have about ideals versus survival, right? Like mm-hmm. <affirmative> could live, but at what? But for what Speaker 4 00:07:52 Does, does this conversation, uh, solve that? I've been in this fight since I was six years old. Speaker 2 00:07:57 No, it doesn't <laugh>. No it does not. No. Well, does it contribute to it <laugh>? Well, cause it just makes it, again, it makes it sound like he, he took breaks. Speaker 3 00:08:09 What do you mean? It sounds like he took break. Speaker 2 00:08:11 Cause he's like, I did this when I was this, I fought this when I was this. Speaker 3 00:08:16 Well, if he's undercover, he has to, he can't just be like nonstop. Right? Speaker 2 00:08:22 I dunno. Speaker 1 00:08:25 Was implied in Rogue here. Speaker 2 00:08:26 He's, Speaker 1 00:08:28 And it no longer feels that way. So it feels different than what was implied in Rogue One. Speaker 4 00:08:32 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:33 My interpretation was that he was fighting the man Speaker 1 00:08:37 In various wins since I was six years old. That doesn't the same ring does it? Speaker 2 00:08:42 I've been fighting the man since I was six years old. There's two of them. I'm, Speaker 4 00:08:48 Oh no. I had to reel Speaker 3 00:08:49 One. Got one. Speaker 4 00:08:51 Okay. Speaker 2 00:08:51 You gotta kill John Wick. Jay, it's all down to you, Jay. All right. So next I have Speaker 1 00:08:57 Disagree. Um, I think he doesn't have his number because he, he keeps going on about how like Cassian, you know, wants, wants to fight and wants to stick it to the umpire. But it sounded like he, that wasn't his overriding concern before. Speaker 3 00:09:13 Oh yeah. Cassian. Yeah, definitely. I, I, the, I I think he was, Yeah, he definitely didn't. But I think he has the ability to read underlying hate and then like, kind of push and motivate them the way they want. He wants them to. So like, it's kind of, he understands them, but at the same time he's obviously manipulating them. So to a degree he, he understands how he can manipulate people. I think so. Speaker 2 00:09:43 Specif Speaker 3 00:09:43 Play Casian, Speaker 2 00:09:45 So. Oh. Oh, okay. But Casian manipulate people too. I guess maybe we could say when he says he is been the fights and six year old, he was just lying. No, I, So this is a ity between the move movie and the shelf. Speaker 3 00:09:58 I don't think it's a discontinuity. I think it's just the matter of uh, Speaker 1 00:10:01 I think it's a rec con. Speaker 3 00:10:03 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:10:03 Yeah. What he said was true from a certain point of view. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:10:06 Exactly. Basically Speaker 1 00:10:07 The never outlive that will we, Speaker 3 00:10:12 The way he could be talking about it, like Cassian and like, uh, he has been in a position of oppression and wanting to fight since he was a kid against the man. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> since he was six or something along those lines. But like, not necessarily Speaker 2 00:10:33 Fighting. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:35 I liked how in this episode was Stellan. We kind of dig down the layers of his character. Cuz the first time we see him, he's this high powered buyer. He's paying 40,000 for this box. And then all of a sudden he's like, I'll pay you 200,000 to do this for me. And here as collateral as this Crystal I care about because of the symbol of the struggle and you know, you're along for the ride. I was, you know, I'm like, Oh yeah, 200,000. He's got that money, he's rich. And then all of a sudden we go to him and he's like talking about how he doesn't have any money to pay anyone and stuff and all. And it just is like, Speaker 3 00:11:08 Mo mom gimme money. Speaker 1 00:11:10 He was lying to, to Cassie. And about that 200,000, he doesn't have that to pay him. Speaker 3 00:11:14 Well, I mean it's the Leia, it's the same thing. Leia goes to Mon Mo for mon like, money. Speaker 4 00:11:20 Money. Speaker 2 00:11:21 When does Leah gonna, when Speaker 4 00:11:23 Does Li Yeah. What are you talking about? Speaker 3 00:11:25 I mean, Leia has money, but she doesn't necessarily have all the money to pay like Luke and stuff like that. She has to Speaker 4 00:11:31 Get much. No way. Luke, Speaker 3 00:11:32 She has to get, she has to get approval to give him fun. Does she? Speaker 4 00:11:36 Unfortunately. Okay guys. Unfortunately for Lea, her money got blown up on Alder on, Okay. The Bank of Alderon no longer is insured. She's Speaker 2 00:11:44 Like, No, my accounts <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:11:45 So Speaker 3 00:11:46 Yeah. So she has to go through Speaker 2 00:11:48 Uhhuh. Speaker 4 00:11:50 Yeah. I still dunno why Canon you're like referring to this for, But I can also see that lands I, Speaker 3 00:11:55 I got surrounded, I'm dead. Speaker 4 00:11:57 Riches are disappeared with Alder on. Speaker 2 00:12:00 Yeah, no, Leah was like on, Leah was like, You'll get your reward when we get to the rebellion. And she followed through. Speaker 3 00:12:07 Right? Because she takes the money from the rebellion. Speaker 2 00:12:10 Yes. Speaker 3 00:12:12 Is credit Speaker 4 00:12:14 Through Speaker 3 00:12:15 Moth because Moth is no credit. Speaker 2 00:12:18 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:12:19 Hey, at this point she's getting it from Jan Donna who's the head of that cell, right? Speaker 2 00:12:24 Yeah. It's a bit of a red, It's a bit of a red kind to say's always been the leader of the rebellion. I don't know. I mean be, Speaker 3 00:12:32 I don't know if it's a necessarily, Speaker 4 00:12:34 What do you mean by leader? Speaker 3 00:12:35 Yeah. Cause I don't think she's a leader. Speaker 4 00:12:37 Mo moth's the president Dad. Donna's the like army guy. He's like in charge of the Army out Speaker 2 00:12:43 There was a message from the president. Speaker 1 00:12:45 My, my understanding of this, which is probably somewhat limited, is that Revel cells sprung up somewhat organically. Each of them had different motives. Each of them had different goals. Each of them had a different leader. So we have Sa Guerrera, we have Mon Mof and the Senate, we have Jen did Donna doing his thing. Um, and that it wasn't until the Rebel Alliance formed with all them forming an alliance that we get them working together. Correct. Speaker 3 00:13:14 May Speaker 2 00:13:14 Even mentioned that. Right. Isn't there a part where he's like, somebody says, What faction are you with? Or something like Speaker 3 00:13:19 That. Well, yeah, they, they talk about how saw, you know, they talk about specifically saw they talk about like how all these different functioning units are fighting. And then Cassian goes, So what's the difference? And he's like, Exactly. We're not, we're all the fighting the same more? And he's like, Well, screw you guys. You all fuck. Speaker 2 00:13:39 Yeah. That sounds like how, So one of the things I didn't like about this episode is that it kind of kept having the same conversations over and over again where it's like, Yeah, Speaker 4 00:13:49 You Speaker 2 00:13:50 Bring in Cas. Yeah, but I don't trust him. Well, you gotta bring him in anyway. Okay. Speaker 4 00:13:53 Well you need him. Well, I don't like it. Well, too bad. Speaker 2 00:13:57 Well, I still don't like it. Well, Speaker 4 00:13:59 Yeah, it's Speaker 2 00:14:00 Still too bad. Speaker 4 00:14:02 Yeah, no. All of these Star Wars or these Disney shows are like that. Speaker 2 00:14:07 Okay. So can we talk about the, Speaker 1 00:14:08 To be fair, what's, I thought this one was way better than the other shows <laugh> about it. At least it was better written in my opinion. But Speaker 3 00:14:17 How dare you. The Power Rangers would not approve. Speaker 2 00:14:19 The writing's fall off a little bit from the first three episodes, but Speaker 1 00:14:24 It wasn't nearly as bad as Bo afe or OB one. Even the depths of OB one. Speaker 2 00:14:30 Yeah, I agree. We'll Speaker 1 00:14:33 See to get there. We've got a lot of episodes to get there. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:14:35 Ellen has a super gravely voice for some reason he's like, Cassie, I'm, I dunno. Speaker 4 00:14:44 Still in Scar. Speaker 2 00:14:45 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:14:46 Halfway into the episode. Yeah. Then he totally changes his appearance and mannerisms. Speaker 4 00:14:50 Yeah. Like a chameleon. Speaker 2 00:14:52 That's great acting. What? Speaker 4 00:14:55 Yeah, he's great. Uhoh. Speaker 1 00:14:57 I, I really like the scene with him changing his outfit and doing his little dance in front of the mirror. <laugh>. Yeah. I thought that was great. That's Speaker 3 00:15:03 Really good. Speaker 2 00:15:05 Switch back to the like serious mode even though he is in the costume. Yeah, that was, that was good. The clothes make demand. Speaker 3 00:15:14 Um, they do. I like how attention to detail he was and how uh, they showcased that. Uh, Yeah. Everyone on Choson puts on the face. Speaker 2 00:15:26 That's true. Uh, did you guys know that Bon Moth was married? Yes. Nope. I, I assume, I assume she was like lesbian cord hair. It's Speaker 4 00:15:37 Cause of our hair entire Speaker 2 00:15:38 On the haircut. That's right. That's right, Speaker 4 00:15:41 Dude. But like her husband sucks so much. Like, that was like a, like a two second scene and we were all like, Oh my god, fuck this guy by the end <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:15:49 I thought it was great because he is, it's um, it's a very relatable kind of sucking Yeah. Like who hasn't wanted to be just like, let's leave it. Let's, let's just have fun. Let's enjoy ourselves. You know? Speaker 2 00:16:01 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:16:01 Especially if Speaker 2 00:16:02 You're rich and I a partner that's been thoughtless sometimes about things like that. Speaker 3 00:16:05 Especially if you're rich. You, you're in that lifestyle. You Speaker 2 00:16:09 Don't Yeah. Enjoy what things is it, Is their marriage like arranged Speaker 3 00:16:14 What? Speaker 2 00:16:15 It seems like they arranged Speaker 1 00:16:17 Mobility. So it's possible. Yeah. But I, I don't know. I get the impression that they, that this, that the rebellion is kind of tearing them apart a bit. And that he doesn't know about her full activities. Speaker 2 00:16:30 No, definitely. No way. There's no way he does. Speaker 3 00:16:35 Yeah. I feel like it was, uh, no. I think at one point they did have a loving relationship. Speaker 4 00:16:42 I think this guy's just high on his own supply. By supply. I mean being rich on Corson and having rich friends. Speaker 2 00:16:48 You like your trophy husband. Speaker 4 00:16:49 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:16:50 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:16:53 I think that would be pretty great. Just to, you know, think of all the food you could eat, all the different kinds. You could Speaker 2 00:16:59 Try being a trophy husband. Yeah. I'm sure it's great. Oh yeah. But it is great at the top of the choat whatever concrete jungle or what is it in Star Wars? Dura Concrete d It's Speaker 1 00:17:14 Probably Speaker 2 00:17:17 Something. Anyway. Uh, so guys D isb, the isb Speaker 4 00:17:21 Isb. Speaker 2 00:17:22 Isn't that from the books? Yes. Yeah, sure it is. It's Speaker 1 00:17:26 Sorry. Wait. Speaker 4 00:17:27 Whoa. Isn't it from the video games? Speaker 3 00:17:29 It's from, it's two. I need help. Speaker 4 00:17:33 Okay. Okay. Speaker 1 00:17:34 And it's also from Rebels, cuz what's his name was isb. Speaker 3 00:17:38 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:17:40 You, Lauren? Speaker 1 00:17:41 No. Agent. Agent. Sometimes no one agent. Uh, Callus. What a terrible name. Speaker 2 00:17:47 <laugh> the very name though. I don't really have a whole lot to say about the isb except I liked their Blade runner like aesthetic. Yeah. I liked their boss. He was a he was like a bad ask. Speaker 1 00:17:59 Yeah. I liked the the boss being a competent individual. Cause the ISB in the EU was always meant to be like, Hey, they're the people who are actually holding the empire together for as long as it was. Um Speaker 2 00:18:12 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It wasn't like a dark eye cow calling in his throwing room. Speaker 1 00:18:16 No. It wasn't like the inquisitor who never seemed to do anything Right their entire time. Speaker 2 00:18:20 <laugh> <laugh>. Yeah. Um, and then yeah, they say corporate is out. Were done with the corporate Stooges. Yeah. And in case you weren't listening, it shows the corporate guys getting fired and what's and what's his name going home to Mama. Speaker 4 00:18:34 Okay. So during the scene where he's traveling home, going through the maze of uh mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, you know, of Cho not, we were like naming other songs. That would've been way sad to play over that. Speaker 2 00:18:47 Yeah. I, I would like, uh, It's the sound of silence. Speaker 4 00:18:51 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:18:52 Olu Speaker 2 00:18:56 A was like all around me. You of of the Deep, where it's just like we follow his misadventure. Speaker 4 00:19:12 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:19:13 Losing his life slower and lower and lower. Speaker 1 00:19:17 His name again Speaker 4 00:19:20 Was, was his Indian Speaker 2 00:19:23 Was definitely not white. As white as he is. Maybe I'm wondering if, if he ends up being someone bigger, I I thought he was gonna be like the antagonist of the whole series going after them. But it doesn't really seem like, I Speaker 4 00:19:39 Think he probably will be, I think he be Speaker 2 00:19:45 Resources or like he's become a bounty hunter. Speaker 4 00:19:51 Guys. He's den <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:19:53 Finally Speaker 1 00:19:54 Our origin story. Speaker 2 00:19:55 Finally even Speaker 1 00:19:56 More pathetic. Speaker 2 00:19:57 Why he would sw him to get grievously injured somehow. Yeah. Grievous. Speaker 1 00:20:03 Yeah. It Speaker 4 00:20:05 Guys, what if he assume Speaker 1 00:20:08 I could see him going two ways. I could see him joining the ISB because he likes those clean cut outfits. Or I could see him like, because he is kind of like, like you said Matt in the last episode, his heart was kind of in the right place. He was trying to avenge his men. You know, That's that a noble motive. Could he end up somehow with the rebels? I don't think so, but I Speaker 2 00:20:28 Know with the rebels, I, I think Dangar is the strongest, definitely the strongest theory. I mean that that character is unexplored. And I know you guys said he was in the Clonan Wars, but nobody has watched the Clone Wars. That is definitely not true. <laugh>. How dare you? TV's a live action. Live action Decar, if we need live action reboot. Yeah. But he is like, uh, I must kill, I must kill Cassy and the Door. How? He's like Cassie and took everything Speaker 1 00:20:53 From me. I think they're gonna recognize his drive and you Speaker 2 00:20:58 Know, Speaker 1 00:20:59 And use him. They, Speaker 2 00:21:00 The blonde ladies recognizes his drive and recruit some Speaker 1 00:21:04 Oohs. Like, you know what I think is gonna happen? I think they're gonna be like, what's your name? That's a lame name. You should be Agent Callis. Speaker 4 00:21:11 Oh, that's, Speaker 2 00:21:12 That's actually kind of who I thought it would. And then he grows just I am sideburns Speaker 1 00:21:17 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:21:19 Um, Wait, what if it was like, what if it was like a par two parallel stories where I he gets recruited to ISB and casting gets recruited to, to the rebellion. It's like the same story parallel and Speaker 1 00:21:32 Then they both end up back on Yan four. Speaker 2 00:21:34 Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And they cross over at the end like in the last of us too. Speaker 1 00:21:39 That, that's the best possible because it has him chasing after end or as part of the isb. But it also then we get his redemption story. And Rebels Speaker 2 00:21:48 On the other hand, cj, I dunno if the ISB would take some watch step corporate guy who failed at his one job. I feel like they have higher standards than Speaker 1 00:21:56 That's the Empire Speaker 2 00:21:58 <laugh>. I mean they do they say Speaker 1 00:22:00 He's too well for a storm trooper. Speaker 2 00:22:02 Yeah. The empire's like, can you hold a blaster and walk? You can be a storm trooper Speaker 4 00:22:09 Behind his be ah, they're everywhere. Oh, this place crawls. Speaker 2 00:22:14 So the next observation I have, Speaker 4 00:22:17 Oh no, Speaker 2 00:22:18 I don't remember what scene it is, but there's a part with space coat hangers Speaker 4 00:22:22 Like so shiny. Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:22:24 That's, that's where selling guards changing Speaker 1 00:22:26 When he's got his outfit. Yeah. Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:22:27 Yeah. So I like that. They're like slightly overdesigned. Aslana would say code hangers. Speaker 1 00:22:32 Well this show now we have space underwear, we have space, uh, code hangers. Apparently they shave shit at one point. So we get space shit. Speaker 2 00:22:40 Don't forget space prostitution. Oh yeah. Yep. Um, so, okay, so when he arrives at the Rebel Hideout, I notice the Rob robots have AK 40 sevens. Speaker 4 00:22:51 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:22:52 They're very modern looking weapons. Yeah. They don't even look like space a K 40 sevens or whatever. AK 40 sevens. So yeah, I didn't really love that. Speaker 1 00:23:04 Also thought it was, I think it's around then that they mention, um, that he was on mind. Menor, um, Mindo, I forget the name of it, but the same place H was on <laugh>. No, um, the, he was on the same planet Han was on. Speaker 4 00:23:20 Huh? Speaker 2 00:23:20 When was Han on it? Speaker 1 00:23:22 Remember in solo Han's fighting on this planet and you can't see anything because it's dark and he find meets Chewy there. Speaker 2 00:23:28 Yeah, I remember that Solo. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:23:30 The, yeah. You remember the solo? No. Speaker 2 00:23:33 Remember that part in Solo? No. Speaker 1 00:23:35 Oh yeah. Well, not that any of our listeners have seen solo like most of the US I thought, I think that that's the same planet though that Cassian was on. Speaker 2 00:23:45 Okay. I've seen at least twice. Speaker 4 00:23:49 Wait, Cassian was on like the one where they're gonna Rob? Speaker 2 00:23:53 No, the Thelan just listen, Cas was on same Planet that was in, in that part in Solo. Speaker 4 00:23:59 Which Speaker 1 00:24:02 Only an, Speaker 4 00:24:05 I mean, which part are you talking about? Speaker 3 00:24:08 So Speaker 1 00:24:08 Con enlists in the military? Yes. And then we show him like in this muddy pit shooting at people we can't even see. Speaker 4 00:24:15 Yes. Yeah. I actually kinda remember that. Okay. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:24:19 It had the uh, dramatic irony where he's like, I'm gonna be a pilot in two years. And then it shows them as like being a grunt. That was great. Okay. So anyway, so the next note I have is mamma and her driver. I don't remember the context of that. Yeah. So they, they go to selling, she goes to selling Stars Garden and she's a new driver and they don't trust them so they have to like do stuff. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's Speaker 3 00:24:47 Under the watch. The careful eye of the man. Speaker 1 00:24:51 I like the touch. And I feel like this is another example of not talking down to your audience, where still in Scars Garden is assistant are talking and she's like, um, Chandra. And he's like, or one of them is like Chandry and the other's like, I assume so, or that would make sense or something. The driver. And they don't tell us Mon Moth is from cdr, Speaker 2 00:25:09 You know, Speaker 3 00:25:10 Uh, they do mention it shortly after they about Speaker 1 00:25:14 That Speaker 4 00:25:14 Whatever. Chin Speaker 3 00:25:15 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:25:17 I thought, I thought Chans were like those furry guys. Speaker 3 00:25:21 There's multiple Speaker 2 00:25:23 Humans Speaker 1 00:25:24 From cdr. Speaker 4 00:25:26 They can have multiple aliens from with St. Planet. Speaker 3 00:25:29 Yeah. Look at a Speaker 4 00:25:31 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:25:31 I'd rather not look in the boo, but yeah. No, you guys are right. Uh, I I was great. I like all the parts with her. Speaker 1 00:25:40 I thought Speaker 2 00:25:41 She's kinda like Dan too, where she's like a character from the original trilogy mean not super developed and not, not one that you have like strong attachment to too. Speaker 1 00:25:50 Yep. Speaker 2 00:25:51 So they can kinda mess with if they want. Yeah. So well, so far they seem to be doing right by the character. Speaker 3 00:25:56 Yeah. I do appreciate that they use the, uh, the Act tour that they initially used for the delete episode Speaker 1 00:26:07 Three. Speaker 3 00:26:08 Yeah. Speaker 4 00:26:08 Genevieve, Speaker 3 00:26:10 It's nice that they brought her back so she could have her screen time finally. Speaker 2 00:26:15 Mm-hmm. Speaker 3 00:26:16 <affirmative>. Yeah. After all that work. Cause apparently they did a lot with her and Speaker 1 00:26:19 Then they they had her in on Rogue One as well. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:22 Yeah. She was in, she was actually in Rogue One. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:26:24 Yeah. Sorry. Speaker 1 00:26:25 Along with Jimmy Smiths Speaker 2 00:26:26 Mon Lama Speaker 4 00:26:27 Jen b Anderson or whatever her name is. Speaker 2 00:26:29 And terrifying hologram. Speaker 4 00:26:32 Oh God. Yeah. Don't mind me. Speaker 2 00:26:34 And less terrifying hologram Gram off to our game. Speaker 1 00:26:37 Ooh. Are we gonna get terrifying ho terrifying hologram. Someone in this show. Maybe. Speaker 3 00:26:42 I hope that be great. Speaker 2 00:26:44 There's been in everyone so far. Speaker 4 00:26:47 What? Who is the hologram Bobba? Speaker 2 00:26:49 Luke Speaker 3 00:26:50 Bobba. Speaker 4 00:26:51 Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:54 Luke's twice. Speaker 1 00:26:56 Yeah's Hologram D Speaker 4 00:27:00 Oh guys, The bad batch doesn't come back until January. Yeah. Some reason I thought it came back in September. Speaker 3 00:27:06 They, it got delayed guys. Speaker 2 00:27:08 Somebody's heroes Three got delayed too. It's coming out of forever right now. No way. No, no, no. We're happy about it. That means the devs are doing a good job and are actually trying to make a good Speaker 4 00:27:18 Oh, yay. Speaker 2 00:27:20 Yeah. Yay. Speaker 1 00:27:21 Better than it launching and being awful. Speaker 2 00:27:23 That's what they said about cyber punk. Can Speaker 1 00:27:25 You, That's news for them though. Missing the holiday launch date. Speaker 4 00:27:28 Yeah. Also, I know I'm like many months delayed on this outrage, but I'm like, you really can't play Overwatch anymore. Speaker 2 00:27:35 No, you can't. Speaker 4 00:27:36 That's like, that's really wild that they would do that. Cause Speaker 2 00:27:39 They just shut it, they shut it down. Speaker 4 00:27:40 You can't, you can no longer play normal six v six Overwatch. Speaker 2 00:27:44 Wow. Geez. That's, I really want to, now that I know that it's gone, I'm Speaker 1 00:27:50 Right. This is Time Blizzard has done this. Either. Blizzard also, um, took away the ability to play the OG Warcraft three when they launched the, the Remaster. Right. Speaker 4 00:27:59 Wait, how come Andrew play it then? Speaker 3 00:28:01 Cause they it Speaker 1 00:28:02 Cause Andrew owns a CD or something. Speaker 4 00:28:04 Yeah, probably. Speaker 2 00:28:06 Or did they back off their decision? It's Speaker 3 00:28:09 Possible. They definitely did not back off that Speaker 4 00:28:11 Decision. Also, the remaster was like horrible, which I don't even understand how that happens. It's literally just released the game again. Speaker 1 00:28:19 Yeah. You'd think Speaker 2 00:28:21 Damn Blizzard. Okay. But, and or I only have a couple notes left. One of them is Star Wars dinner party problems, parentheses political statement question mark. So again, we tried, then we talked about this dude <laugh>. It was about Mon Moth and her husband and, and Oh, and I love, I really liked her line where she's like, You can't invite those people. They hate me. Speaker 4 00:28:43 Yeah. He was like, Yeah, Speaker 2 00:28:47 Whatever. He's like, ah, but I like, Speaker 1 00:28:48 I did boring people the way he says boring the Speaker 2 00:28:53 Boring people. Oh yeah. I remember this now. But do you think it was supposed to be some kind of political statement about like Trump supporters in real life? Yes. Speaker 4 00:29:05 I was like, looks like Mon Mo's husband is into Mag now. Speaker 1 00:29:09 Yeah. I, I felt, um, well, no, it's not even that. It's saying that I didn't think on that. Her husband doesn't even have to be awful or support the Empire directly. It's just he has no interest in fighting the empire because he just wants to, you know, do his own thing and be left alone. And it's working fine for him. Speaker 3 00:29:26 It's has it all. He has it all. Speaker 2 00:29:30 <laugh>. Yeah. He's got it all. Got Mon Moth. My Moth cares about the, the people who aren't her. I'm like, Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:29:37 She care is about the people from Gorman or whatever the planet was that had he always Speaker 2 00:29:43 Moron. <laugh>. No, he's more like Maah make the Galaxy amazing again. Speaker 4 00:29:50 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:29:51 Amazing. Uh, and then the last one, I Speaker 1 00:29:55 Didn't get the impression that he was like, Oh, I love the umpire. The empire's so great. I got the impression that he just like, Look, can't we just let the empire do its thing and do our thing? Like is Speaker 2 00:30:04 Good. Yeah. Yeah. I think he was like, Why are you yelling at me? Speaker 4 00:30:07 I know there was, there was something he, I would have to like go back and re-watch the scene, but I feel like there was something he said or something he did that just reminded me of like, like Trump people, I don't know. I don't remember what it was. He's Speaker 3 00:30:19 Like, God, why can't we have fun? Just have Speaker 4 00:30:22 Fun May maybe that was it. Speaker 2 00:30:23 Yeah. It's like, it's not my problem. We can't fight City Hall. I don't wanna deal with that. Speaker 1 00:30:28 To me it felt more like, so the empire's always kind of been a like Nazi Germany analog at some level. And to be was more like a, like, you know, less maybe. So maybe it does reflect somewhat on contemporary political, where we have these views, but also like in through history too. This is a continuing thing. People, a lot of people just, you know, want to be left alone and not engage with these awful political movements as they happen. And so I feel like you can understand it in that historical context too, where it's a little bit less immediate. Speaker 2 00:31:00 I agree. Uh, that's the question. All right. You guys ready to move on? No, but yeah, the lawsuit I have is for office politics. Right? Speaker 4 00:31:11 Well, yeah. We also, you know, the Couch Squad had a theory that, um, she, so Mon Mo says she has a meeting to stellan a meeting to solve their financial problems. And Stellan doesn't wanna hear. He's like, I don't care. Your meeting isn't gonna solve anything. Get outta my face. And so we're like, okay. She's clearly meeting with Bail or Ghana who's going to fund the rebellion. Speaker 2 00:31:32 Sorry. Speaker 1 00:31:33 She's meeting with Sa Guerrera who has his own way of funding things. Speaker 4 00:31:37 Oh, that actually I Speaker 1 00:31:38 For the show is the cash and Sa Guerrera is the, you know, muscle. Speaker 4 00:31:43 Yeah, Speaker 2 00:31:44 Yeah. Swings. Uh, maybe I I didn't really care that much who she was meeting with <laugh>. Soer is, Soer is the fanatic. She's like, I have a meeting. And all the nerds are like, Oh my God, who's she meeting with Speaker 1 00:31:56 <laugh>? It's with Chewbacca or our of you two. He's gotta make his way into the show. Speaker 2 00:32:01 Yeah, exactly. Speaker 3 00:32:02 Oh, is that gonna be the hologram or two? Speaker 1 00:32:05 So I, I liked the touch that, um, she's meeting with stn and Stella's got like, Come on, I need cash. I need cash. And she's like, It's hard to move around. I've got it. But, uh, it's just be awkward to change it right now. Speaker 3 00:32:20 It's like every hustler. It's like Speaker 4 00:32:24 She's trying not to get, you know, executed. Speaker 1 00:32:27 Yeah, no, I think she has very, extremely legitimate concerns, but just having that money and not having it in the right place must be enormously frustrating. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:32:35 Yeah. Yeah. And again, they have two legitimate concerns. She's like, I'm putting, I'm sick my neck out here. Yeah. I'm at Speaker 1 00:32:41 Risk. I'm risking more than anyone. Speaker 2 00:32:42 You can, you can risk out. You could take a risk too. Wait, Speaker 4 00:32:45 Also my impression of this part is that sh it's the money they're gonna steal. She needs to move, right? Speaker 3 00:32:52 No, just money in general. Her, Speaker 4 00:32:54 Are you guys Sure. Speaker 3 00:32:55 Yeah. They're monitoring all of our accounts so she can't, So she can't, she says specifically, she can't just pull out money out of her account. Speaker 4 00:33:04 I think it's cause they're watching it. Okay. I think it's the money they're gonna steal. Speaker 1 00:33:08 No, it's, I'm, I'm sure Jake Jay's right on this. Um, I heard as well her say, I I can move the money around, but they're watching so I can't, I have to be very careful with how I move it. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:33:19 She specifically says yeah, that she can't just pull money out anymore. Speaker 2 00:33:26 I so they, they they there's Speaker 3 00:33:29 Are you engine noises lot? Speaker 4 00:33:32 No, that's my, I'm not Speaker 3 00:33:33 Convinced. Speaker 2 00:33:36 So they're gonna do this whole high school, they explain the what's the clam? Speaker 1 00:33:41 Yep. Speaker 2 00:33:42 Clown. Yeah, Speaker 4 00:33:43 Clem. Speaker 2 00:33:43 Yeah. And, and he's like, it's a suicide mission. He should not do it. Speaker 4 00:33:48 Oh, did they find out that the Northern Lights are gonna distract everybody? And I was like, this is the plot of Avatar. Speaker 2 00:33:54 They explain it, they explain it for what feels like forever. Speaker 1 00:33:58 Then the one Revel who's clearly gonna die during the mission. Really? Oh, Speaker 3 00:34:02 Supports You Speaker 4 00:34:03 Model the one who looked like Woody. Speaker 1 00:34:05 Woody. Did he? I didn't notice that. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:34:07 Woody Speaker 2 00:34:08 Woody, the Speaker 4 00:34:09 Young guy. He looked like Woody. Speaker 1 00:34:11 I, I don't think so, but no, he looked to me like the guy in the Matrix who gets killed early Speaker 4 00:34:15 Mouse. That guy. Speaker 1 00:34:17 Mouse. Yeah. Mouse. Mouse. Speaker 2 00:34:20 He's saying Woody looks like mouse. Speaker 1 00:34:22 No, no. I'm Speaker 4 00:34:23 Saying that guy looks like <laugh> and, and <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:34:27 What does look like MCN in quite a while. Speaker 4 00:34:30 Mm. Okay. Sure. Speaker 2 00:34:31 I'm turning into transit property. I, Speaker 1 00:34:35 Anyway, I don't think he looks like Woody. I think however that he is gonna die cuz he's just so nice. He's like, Let me get that. It's finicky. Speaker 2 00:34:44 Yeah. He's like, I like Clem. Trust him. Trust him. <laugh> real question is, when is B coming back? Speaker 1 00:34:53 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:34:53 Uh, No way. That's over dude. I'm telling you she's not coming back. Speaker 4 00:34:57 No, I think she's kinda, Speaker 1 00:34:57 I thought I saw a scene with her in one of the trailers that wasn't in the show. But maybe not. Speaker 2 00:35:02 Those Speaker 1 00:35:02 Don't always, those aren't always representative anyway, so Speaker 2 00:35:05 I like being wrong. Yeah. You know these rogue one guys and they're trailers. Speaker 1 00:35:10 Yep. Speaker 2 00:35:12 So the imperial lady loses our, loses an argument and and he's like, and our boss is like, I like you anyway. Keep up the good work, but I'm not, Speaker 1 00:35:23 You're really good at suppressing revolts or whatever he said Speaker 2 00:35:26 <laugh>. Yeah, exactly. We're gonna have you do that a lot more. Nice job. Yep. Speaker 1 00:35:32 I thought that was a great portrayal. That interoffice rivalry and the way that the guy just smirked when he won the argument was so good. <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:35:42 The the slide just, Yeah. Take that loser. I I really appreciate the, all the writing for the, like the empire or poor, uh, security cards of how Yeah, there's indifference, there's managers who are like, listen, uh, you need to knock this off. Uh, that's just added paperwork. We're gonna get screwed if we don't do it. And then they're like, you know what, screw you boss. And then they, everyone's like, Yay. Yeah. And then you get this inter off like rookie, You don't know what you're doing. Shut up. Leave me alone. Speaker 2 00:36:17 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:36:18 It's a lot more relatable than just we're evil. Like the inquisitor Speaker 2 00:36:21 Were you shooting Ella? And then, and then it cuts over and it's and or around the fire with everybody and they have a conversation and then it just adds Yeah. The episode just stops. Speaker 1 00:36:33 I know. I wanted more Speaker 2 00:36:35 Really, I wanted some kind of conclusion, some kind of cliff hanger to bring me back next time. Hey, you guys want Yeah guys, I have fifties, fifties all around for my beloved ship and crew. So yeah, it was some table setting. I like that they're bringing in new elements and they left behind some of the old elements. We'll see how it goes. Yeah. This episode was interesting cuz it's the longest yet and it had no action. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:37:03 Yeah. Had so much action. Speaker 2 00:37:06 <laugh> Hot boardroom action. The spot is like a classic Star Wars plot, so we'll see how it goes. Speaker 1 00:37:12 Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I'm, I'm still cautiously optimistic about this show compared to the other ones. Speaker 2 00:37:21 What do you think dj, what do you think about the fact that the lead the lead or leading man is incredibly boring? Speaker 1 00:37:29 I don't think he's incredibly boring. I think he's more interesting than Mandalorian is. Speaker 2 00:37:35 Ah, I see. I don't agree. I don't agree. The Mandalorian had a cool outfit Speaker 1 00:37:39 And he's got mystique, but he doesn't have that much going on and he's not like a particularly complex as a human being. Like Speaker 2 00:37:48 Yeah, Speaker 1 00:37:49 Well, like he's almost deliberately has like a simple outlook on things and a simple, you know, um, Speaker 3 00:37:57 Bumper Speaker 1 00:37:58 Goal and all this and, or feels a little more complex to me. But again, uh, you know, your mileage may vary. Speaker 2 00:38:06 Yeah. I I don't think he's uh, I don't find him that enjoyable to watch. Like when he's on screen, I'm not like, yay, I'm happy now. And or I think Speaker 1 00:38:15 For me, the actor actor's really carrying it and selling the role. Well Speaker 3 00:38:18 Maybe, I mean, maybe the sister will be the baby Yoda Speaker 2 00:38:22 The sister you need someone to play off of. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:38:26 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:38:27 He's just our personality. Speaker 3 00:38:29 He just writes off the sister like nothing. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:38:32 Exactly. We haven't heard any mention to the sister since the first scene. Speaker 1 00:38:35 Once he get us paid, he can use the money to go and find her Speaker 2 00:38:38 For sister's operation. But he's like, then he should say that to somebody. Zj remind us dumb audience members. Like his, his motivation. Speaker 1 00:38:46 Yep. Speaker 4 00:38:47 This is that kid from Black Mirror. I didn't even recognize him. Speaker 2 00:38:52 Which Black Mirror is that one we cover? Speaker 4 00:38:54 Uh, shut up and dance. Speaker 2 00:38:56 I don't remember that one. Well, I'm making side by side image of him with Woody. Speaker 4 00:39:03 No, I'm good. You guys can imaginations. Speaker 1 00:39:06 I knew he didn't look like Speaker 2 00:39:07 Him. Yeah, he doesn't look like Woody in that picture. Speaker 4 00:39:09 Yeah, he does. Speaker 2 00:39:11 No. Okay, let's move on. Questions the day here. All right. Uh, okay, so if we've already had this question to stop me, Okay. We've been doing this for a while. Can't keep track of this stuff anymore. Speaker 1 00:39:27 You've already said that. Speaker 2 00:39:29 Hang on. We're an alien. So if I take out whose job is it to replace the garbage bag in a garbage can, The person who took the garbage out or the next person who needs to throw something out. Speaker 4 00:39:48 I think the person who took the garbage out Speaker 1 00:39:50 Sounds like a personal one. Are we voting on this Speaker 2 00:39:53 Sense? This is, this is some kind of review. Yeah, Speaker 4 00:39:56 This sounds, this sounds, Yeah. Like you wanna argument. Speaker 2 00:39:59 It's not, it's not because I've had people, I've had this conversation with other people. They've said it, they've said what Alana has said and I think they're completely wrong. I'm going for the crown. So I wanna, I wanted your Speaker 4 00:40:10 Guys' same line. I think that it's part of the task of taking out the trash. Speaker 2 00:40:14 I agree with Lana. Speaker 4 00:40:15 Because otherwise the next person isn't paying attention. They're gonna open the trash and throw it away and there's not gonna be a bag and it's gross. Speaker 2 00:40:23 Okay. Here's what I think. <laugh>, I think that the person who's taken out the trash has already done enough <laugh> and the next person to do it just pay attention. Speaker 1 00:40:36 I I 100% Zero ambiguity. Zero ambiguity. It is the job of the person who takes out the trash. Speaker 2 00:40:45 Wow. I can't believe I was standing alone on us. Yeah. Matt, you're gonna be standing pretty alone. Like we Speaker 4 00:40:50 Yeah, the cheese stands alone. Matt, Matt, Matt, Speaker 2 00:40:52 Alana, run. I dropped. Speaker 4 00:40:54 Oh, Speaker 1 00:40:55 Matt, The truth for me is somewhere in between, but it's no fun if I say that. So a hundred percent you're wrong. Speaker 2 00:41:00 <laugh>. No, Speaker 1 00:41:02 And um, the, I I completely agree with Alana's reasoning that the next person will open it and throw something away. And if that something is gross, if it's a piece of raw chicken, which it won't be, but now all of a sudden you've got a bigger mess on your hands and a bigger problem. Yeah. Yeah. And when you take out the trash, you've already got those like dirty trash hands. So taking out another one and filling up the bin with the trash bag is, you know, it's, it's the cap off to this whole procedure. Speaker 2 00:41:28 Yeah. And then also when you open the trash can, there's no trash bag. It is just like, ugh. It's just so annoying. Speaker 1 00:41:33 Yep. Because you've usually, you might have your hands dirty carrying something that needs to be thrown out and Yep. It's just not a good time. The only way you can control when that time is, is by doing it when you take it out. Speaker 4 00:41:44 Yep. Speaker 2 00:41:44 Yep. Speaker 1 00:41:45 That being said, I'm not sorry doing that. I always forget all the time. It's okay. I don't wanna be too harsh. Speaker 3 00:41:50 Yeah. I feel like you grab a new bag before you pull out the old bag. You pull out the old bag, Speaker 1 00:41:56 Man, tie it up man. Jay, you're so prepared. Speaker 2 00:41:58 Wow. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:42:00 Because otherwise you're touching everything with your dirty garbage hands. Speaker 1 00:42:04 Well yeah, I just figured that was a given. Mm-hmm Speaker 3 00:42:07 <affirmative>. Cause then you're opening drawers or depending on where you hold, keep your stuff, you're touching Speaker 1 00:42:11 My tire. Apartment J is covered in a thin layer of cat uh, litter. So I've cleanliness Speaker 3 00:42:20 Fair, enough's Speaker 2 00:42:21 Fine. I a fine mist in the air. Speaker 1 00:42:24 It really is. It's disgusting. Live in let live ducks. Speaker 2 00:42:31 The dirt you say I say docs. Ducks. Ducks. Yeah. Ducks. Speaker 1 00:42:36 Ducks. Speaker 2 00:42:37 Ducks. Ducks. Ducks. What about ducks? Speaker 4 00:42:41 <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:42:42 Yeah. I don't get Speaker 4 00:42:43 Book about like a week or two ago by the lady. You did Har of Vant. You guys really good? Spell Speaker 1 00:42:48 How's spell d Cts Speaker 2 00:42:52 Ks Speaker 4 00:42:53 U C K Ks Speaker 2 00:42:53 With the animal. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Okay. I guess I don't wanna go through it again, but I have no memory of that. I mean, I remember you saying that, but I, Yeah. All right. Question number two. In your opinion, what is the most credible conspiracy theory or like what conspiracy theory do you believe in the most? Well, there are conspiracies. Okay. I'm gonna be like a take little asshole and say that there are, and say that there are conspiracies that have been proven to be real. Like nine 11 was a conspiracy. I assume that's not what you mean. I assume you mean a conspiracy theory that is no actual fact behind it or has not actually been proven. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I think that's why it's like conspiracy theory. Okay. I'm gonna say JFK assassination then. Speaker 4 00:43:41 That's what I was gonna say. Speaker 2 00:43:43 It's cause it's the best one. It's also cuz it's just not credible. The official party line's not credible man. I mean, I don't know too many details about it, but motion of his headly giving that Lee Harvey Oswald got killed so quickly. You go up to the Texas book book Depo repository. There's no way could have made that shot. Speaker 1 00:44:09 But wasn't he trained by the United States Marines? Speaker 2 00:44:11 He was trained by the Soviets. You lived in the Soviet Union for a while. Speaker 1 00:44:16 I guess I was getting that mixed up with that other scene from, uh, full metal jacket. Oh, Speaker 4 00:44:21 Here's a conspiracy theory I just made up Speaker 2 00:44:24 Uhhuh. No, they told me Speaker 4 00:44:25 The rival, Speaker 2 00:44:26 They help Speaker 4 00:44:27 The rival, uh, steam liners paid off the engineers who designed the Titanic to make it terrible. Speaker 2 00:44:34 <laugh>. Wow. That's an Speaker 1 00:44:36 So situation. Speaker 4 00:44:39 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:44:40 But I built a flaw. It'll totally think if it hits an iceberg, Speaker 4 00:44:46 If it anything doesn't have to be an iceberg. Speaker 2 00:44:52 Actually, here's a conspiracy. I'm made up conspiracy there I made up. Which is that Starbucks employees intentionally misspell your name on your cup. So that way you put it on Facebook, you're like, Oh my God, look, Starbucks misspelled my name. And then you give 'em free advertising. Speaker 4 00:45:08 I I think that's true anymore. You're Speaker 1 00:45:10 Tearing apart is the fabric of our society here. Zach Speaker 2 00:45:13 <laugh>. No, it, I mean I've, and then I, I've um, asked around and they were just like, No, we just don't care. We would get paid enough. Enough to care Yeah. About how to spell people's names correctly. Interesting. That was our worst one yet. Speaker 4 00:45:31 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:45:33 All. So, anyone else? Anyone? Jay Speaker 1 00:45:38 I wanna go with a recent one because those are all like still touchy, right? Speaker 2 00:45:42 Uh, I don't think so. Speaker 1 00:45:44 Eh, Speaker 2 00:45:46 Just like neuro actually didn't fit all while Rome Speaker 4 00:45:52 PO was an inside job. Speaker 1 00:45:54 It was Cicero. Speaker 2 00:45:56 The Caesar watch out on the ice of March. Man, they're coming after you. Speaker 4 00:46:00 We should totally just stab Caesar. Caesar Speaker 1 00:46:03 Stabbed himself. Speaker 3 00:46:05 He ran, Speaker 2 00:46:06 He ran into the knives himself. Don't believe. Don't believe that the lies Augustus is lies. Speaker 3 00:46:12 It's a hack job. We're silly. Speaker 4 00:46:21 So what was Speaker 1 00:46:24 I I seriously, I'm trying struggling to think of one. There aren't Speaker 2 00:46:27 Go ahead. There aren't that many that are like actually credible. Speaker 1 00:46:31 Yeah, that's the problem. Speaker 2 00:46:34 It's always What about the Pearl Harbor one? Speaker 1 00:46:38 Uh, I don't really buy it. Speaker 2 00:46:41 Okay. Speaker 1 00:46:43 That's the problem. I could pretend that I ascribed something, but I don't want to just bake it up, you know. Speaker 2 00:46:47 Wasj, What about the atomic bombing one? Speaker 1 00:46:51 What's that one? Which atomic bombing Speaker 2 00:46:52 One. It's that the United States government knew that Japan was gonna surrender but the you to justify all the expenses of the bomb and they wanted to see what it would do to people. Yeah. So they dropped them anyway. Speaker 1 00:47:03 I I could buy that cuz they also wanted to prove to the Soviets that they had it. Speaker 2 00:47:08 Yeah. I don't know if it's a full line conspiracy theory, but it's close enough. Speaker 1 00:47:12 Yeah. Good point Zach. Speaker 2 00:47:15 Thanks. Happy to help. Speaker 1 00:47:18 Anna, Did you have one or Jay? Jay? Speaker 2 00:47:20 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:47:21 Um, I don't know. Uh, charge rs are secretly a Seth Lord Speaker 2 00:47:27 <laugh> I describe it there. Right. It's a highly credible fan theory. You could say that George Lucas always planned for him to be a Seth Lord and then change his mind. Sis Lord Speaker 4 00:47:39 Seth, Lord Speaker 2 00:47:40 George. Oh, he used to think of people gonna die. Yeah. Okay. You guys ready to move on? Yes. <laugh>. Okay. All right. Question number three. If you could only play video games from one company for the rest of your life, what company would it be? Oh God. And I will say, since I've had time to think about it, I will, I think I would actually probably say Blizzard. Even though they're Chinese scum, they just make a, they make a nice variety of games. Speaker 4 00:48:21 They don't make that many games Speaker 2 00:48:22 Do they though? They make a nice variety. They make, uh, you've Speaker 1 00:48:25 Got a nice historical backlog Speaker 2 00:48:27 And Yeah. And they make RTS for StarCraft, Overwatch for shooters. Speaker 1 00:48:32 Plus I personally know people who have made World of Warcraft their only video game. Speaker 2 00:48:36 Yeah, you were one of them for a while. Cause like Yeah, well Speaker 1 00:48:40 Go through Phases. Speaker 2 00:48:42 World of Warcraft alone will sustain you. I feel like there's actually an obvious answer and I will say it. Which is an Nintendo. Yeah, Speaker 4 00:48:49 I think Nintendo is the That's a really good one. Obvious answer. Cause you could be endlessly entertained with their games. Pretty much. They've Speaker 1 00:48:56 Got a lot of genres. Speaker 2 00:48:58 I don't know. I don if that's true. Like Speaker 4 00:49:01 For Speaker 2 00:49:03 Yeah, go ahead. Speaker 4 00:49:05 Yeah. Mario. Mario. Mario. Speaker 2 00:49:08 What RTSs do they have? Speaker 4 00:49:10 Pokemon Speaker 2 00:49:13 <laugh> Pigment? Speaker 1 00:49:14 Yeah. I feel like there's um, Speaker 4 00:49:16 Rabbits, Mario Rabbits Speaker 1 00:49:18 Style, right? Like Luci style, like, um, the latest three, Ca three. What's it called? Uh, Fire Emblem one. Speaker 2 00:49:26 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:49:28 Not really in rts, but Speaker 2 00:49:30 My, my, not my like backup would be for Access cuz they do all the civilization games. Speaker 1 00:49:36 Oh yeah. Civic itself is its own. Um, well Zach, you kind of convinced me on Nintendo, but I'm gonna go ahead and say Paradox Interactive because again, they publish a variety of games. They've got a lot of the RTS style games I love. Um, you've got, uh, Hertz of Iron City, Skylines, Battle Tech. Speaker 2 00:49:58 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Um, You Uverse Alice Cru Gas. Speaker 1 00:50:03 Yeah, I could get into that. I haven't yet, but it's out there <laugh>, so I'd probably say that I think that they have the most Aris and of course, um mm-hmm. <affirmative>. They have the most played time on my pc. Speaker 2 00:50:18 Okay. Speaker 1 00:50:19 Aside from a Warcraft. Speaker 2 00:50:20 Yeah. I think that's a good choice. There isn't, there just isn't as much variety. Of course those games tend to be pretty similar to each other, but if you like it, There you go. Jay. Jay. Is it like you're gonna pick like Sega for all the street fighters? Speaker 3 00:50:37 No. No. Um, And stop the maybe Speaker 2 00:50:44 What do they do? Speaker 3 00:50:47 They do a lot of fun stuff. Uh, let's see. Let me pull up there. Speaker 2 00:50:54 <laugh>, while you playing all the channel. Pull it up. I also thought of, um, Rocks. Is it? It's Rockstar. Rockstar? Speaker 3 00:51:01 Yeah. Rockstar. Rockstar is also a very good one. Speaker 2 00:51:03 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I mean their games are all pretty similar to each other, but they're good. Speaker 3 00:51:08 Uh, let's see. Insomniac, the Spiderman, Wolverine Ratcheting cla Wolverine game. What's that? What Wolverine game? Wolverine. Speaker 2 00:51:21 Unled Wolverine Game. Speaker 3 00:51:23 Yeah. The Future Wolverine game. Oh. Oh. But Ratchet and Clank. Uh, so the Deep, they've done a couple others. Uh, Sunset, Overdrive, Spiral. Uh, Speaker 2 00:51:37 All right, Speaker 3 00:51:39 Let me see. Hold on. And then, yeah. Rockstar. Rockstar guys. Very good choice. Uh, one Gorilla. That's right. Gorilla Game. Gorilla Does Horizon. Zero Dawn Kill Zone? Uh, yeah. Yeah. No, I'd probably go with it. Speaker 2 00:52:21 That or in addition to, Speaker 3 00:52:24 What's that Speaker 2 00:52:26 Addition? It's only one. Okay. Nevermind. We, Matt, you picked one, right? I did Division or I did Blizzard. Speaker 4 00:52:34 Division Blizzard. The same company I guess Speaker 2 00:52:37 For two can play Mc Warrior two. Speaker 3 00:52:39 Yay. Speaker 2 00:52:42 I sent Lucas Arts. Speaker 3 00:52:44 Oh, that would be good. Oh, that's, But you wouldn't be able to Speaker 0 00:52:46 Play anything after 2012, right? Speaker 4 00:52:48 I'm like, does Lucas Art still exist? No, it doesn't, right? Yeah, Speaker 3 00:52:51 It doesn't. Speaker 2 00:52:54 All right, Zach. All right. Thank you for joining us here on Tuesday Night Gaming. Thanks to see you all at ComicCon. We had a great time. And, uh, catch us every week at Twitch Chat tv slash mc slant and group up with us next time.

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