Episode Transcript
Speaker 1 00:00:11 Who hit me. Oh God. Damnit damnit.
Speaker 2 00:00:15 Welcome back to Tuesday night gaming,
Speaker 1 00:00:17 Damnit Tuesday night gaming,
Speaker 2 00:00:19 Starting Jay Alana, bad Zach and Rob
Speaker 1 00:00:22 Golf.
Speaker 2 00:00:23 And today we're back to playing golf with France and we're discussing Titan seasons three Titan, season three, episodes, three and four.
Speaker 3 00:00:34 That's right. In which, in which it returns back to typical Titans.
Speaker 1 00:00:38 Woo.
Speaker 4 00:00:40 You just have to get in any hole.
Speaker 2 00:00:42 I like the part where, uh, Gar is sick of everybody's shit is
Speaker 4 00:00:47 I actually didn't like that. I thought that was a weird reaction from a superhero.
Speaker 3 00:00:50 I didn't like it either.
Speaker 1 00:00:52 He's still human who's who just had his best friend, like chew him out and hate him. He just had his best. One of his friends die and he just got shot at, by, well he's likes
Speaker 4 00:01:05 Starfire, clearly not in control of herself. And his first thing is to be like, wow, get away from me. You freak. Like not be like, Hmm. Something's clearly going with my friend's Starfire. I should work with her to get to the bottom of this.
Speaker 1 00:01:18 Well, she
Speaker 3 00:01:18 Shouldn't keep secrets.
Speaker 1 00:01:20 That's
Speaker 4 00:01:20 She's not keeping a secret. She doesn't know what's going on.
Speaker 1 00:01:22 She didn't tell anybody what is secret.
Speaker 3 00:01:24 She only told, yeah, exactly. Only told what was going on. Nobody else.
Speaker 4 00:01:30 Everyone was busy with Jason and Hawk blowing up.
Speaker 1 00:01:33 The other thing to consider is that he is also grieving and having a hard time in life. So being on a like little what's it called
Speaker 4 00:01:46 It's let's way. The dialogue wasn't really selling it. I mean, the dialogue never does, but like the writing's just like, Ew. Get away from me,
Speaker 3 00:01:55 Jay, what do we do
Speaker 1 00:01:56 Now? Yeah. What are we supposed to do? Get in the little, these are all carnival games.
Speaker 2 00:01:59 Get away me.
Speaker 4 00:02:01 Oh,
Speaker 2 00:02:02 God's
Speaker 1 00:02:05 Words
Speaker 2 00:02:07 To Boston and I sale. I
Speaker 3 00:02:08 Didn't, I didn't like, I really didn't like that early scene where they're all grieving. Cuz it was just like typical Titans, like talking about our feelings. Not really talking the way people would actually talk.
Speaker 4 00:02:20 Yep.
Speaker 1 00:02:22 The
Speaker 2 00:02:22 Thing is, sorry, go ahead. Don't like
Speaker 1 00:02:24 What do you mean? They talk, they don't
Speaker 4 00:02:27 Talk. Yeah. They don't talk the way normal people talk.
Speaker 1 00:02:30 Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:02:31 Or even normal TV characters talk
Speaker 1 00:02:34 Like what would you expect them to be saying or talking about?
Speaker 4 00:02:37 Just like talk like normal human beings. I dunno. The part where Dick is with scarecrow is like much later and he's like, let's get you fixed up companies coming. It's like weirdly kinky.
Speaker 1 00:02:48 Yeah. That's he
Speaker 3 00:02:50 Was giving off real
Speaker 1 00:02:51 Pay vibe. That's
Speaker 3 00:02:54 No, he was like that with Jason too. He was like, hello young boy.
Speaker 1 00:02:57 He's still a, a named Dick. I feel like
Speaker 3 00:03:01 Character name,
Speaker 2 00:03:02 That's name.
Speaker 3 00:03:06 Oh God. Anyway.
Speaker 2 00:03:08 I like the part where they were grieving Hawk because it's nice that they let it like give it the weight that it deserved with a major character being lost. I was supposed to just moving on.
Speaker 1 00:03:19 I agree.
Speaker 4 00:03:20 Sure. And then dove comes in and she has like the healing energy.
Speaker 3 00:03:24 Yeah. I Dove's like, why are you guys all complaining? Like I have it way worse than all of you.
Speaker 4 00:03:29 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:03:31 I love Tim.
Speaker 5 00:03:33 Oh Jay, what are we? She's worst actress just at
Speaker 1 00:03:35 It.
Speaker 3 00:03:36 No, she's not the worst actress on this show.
Speaker 5 00:03:38 Oh, I she's seen Raven.
Speaker 3 00:03:39 You haven't seen Rachel yet.
Speaker 5 00:03:41 Yeah. I take it back
Speaker 2 00:03:43 Also. She's so hot. It doesn't even
Speaker 3 00:03:45 Matter. Yeah, exactly. She gets a lot of, she gets a lot of whack.
Speaker 5 00:03:49 I looked at her dating history. It's like every celebrity ever basically. Really? Really it's like Chris Evans, Trevor, Noah. What? A third person also that's
Speaker 3 00:03:58 Equal a third famous as person.
Speaker 5 00:04:01 Yeah. Not Bradley Cooper, but somebody like that.
Speaker 1 00:04:04 Holy geez.
Speaker 2 00:04:05 I'm so not sure what we're supposed to do here.
Speaker 1 00:04:07 Just get into one of those holes.
Speaker 4 00:04:08 You have to like go up and then be like slow enough to fall into the hole.
Speaker 1 00:04:14 Remember jumping is available.
Speaker 5 00:04:17 Oh.
Speaker 4 00:04:18 But not necessarily helpful.
Speaker 2 00:04:19 Anyway. Good for her and all those guys. I hope they're her.
Speaker 3 00:04:23 What's her actual name? All we
Speaker 4 00:04:24 Know. Herm
Speaker 5 00:04:25 Kelly. Zika Kelly.
Speaker 3 00:04:27 Okay. Yeah. How come we've never heard of her
Speaker 4 00:04:29 Then she was on. Um, no, no, no. She was on a show like the OC. Yeah, right?
Speaker 1 00:04:36 Yeah. I think like that
Speaker 3 00:04:38 Was
Speaker 4 00:04:39 Her and NHA with the breakout stars from that show. But yeah, I guess I would
Speaker 3 00:04:45 Not describe her as a big, a breakout star,
Speaker 4 00:04:47 A breakout star back then. <laugh> from that show like when the OC was on
Speaker 1 00:04:51 From the OC, she was the, one of the breakout stars of the OC.
Speaker 3 00:04:57 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:04:58 Which being
Speaker 1 00:04:59 Pretty, which yeah. Is big. Cuz I mean those,
Speaker 3 00:05:04 Everybody. So everybody in this part, they're all taking turns. Be like, it's my fault. It's my fault. It's my fault. And nobody ever said the obvious, which is that it's J jeez, this fault
Speaker 2 00:05:13 <laugh> no, but super boys fault.
Speaker 4 00:05:15 Of course not
Speaker 2 00:05:16 Fault for understanding probabilities,
Speaker 3 00:05:19 Super boys like Superman never would've let this happen. And GARS
Speaker 1 00:05:23 Yeah. Again, Pete, I mean, it's the traumatic disorder of what happened plus I mean survivor's guilt is a thing. Yeah. I mean, I still blame myself with my mom.
Speaker 3 00:05:38 Ah,
Speaker 1 00:05:39 So I mean it still happens. I mean, it's a very appropriate thing you gotta
Speaker 3 00:05:48 Yeah. Um, I guess so then dove then dove leaves. She's just like, I'm leaving on a jet plane.
Speaker 1 00:05:56 Gotta go door
Speaker 2 00:05:57 Again. Do we think she's leaving the show forever and ever?
Speaker 3 00:06:00 No, I hate, I don't
Speaker 2 00:06:04 Maybe for a few episodes.
Speaker 3 00:06:07 I think they're just having her leave to cause drama and then she'll be back at the end,
Speaker 2 00:06:12 Jay. This may be worse than the real maps.
Speaker 4 00:06:15 Yeah. I don't about this.
Speaker 2 00:06:17 We'll stick it out. I'm just gonna run the shots a lot.
Speaker 3 00:06:22 <laugh> so I didn't like I also, another thing I didn't like was I, when Corey calls this dude, the guy with the abs, right? And he's like, he's like, Hey baby, you want my bed warm? And she's like, I think I'm going crazy. And he's like, talk to me. I'm a professional. It's like, come on, dude.
Speaker 1 00:06:40 I'm so confused. That was what your argument here is
Speaker 3 00:06:43 You can't, you can't professionally treat somebody that you're also like trying to get to have sex with you
Speaker 2 00:06:48 He's happens a, a psych.
Speaker 4 00:06:51 No, that's every
Speaker 1 00:06:54 Quinn
Speaker 3 00:06:57 Villain.
Speaker 4 00:07:01 Your responsible
Speaker 2 00:07:02 Dude. It's unethical psychiatry. He's gonna turn out to be a bad guy. That'd be
Speaker 3 00:07:06 A good, yeah. Okay, good. I good. We agree.
Speaker 1 00:07:08 I mean crane unethical doctor.
Speaker 4 00:07:11 Wow. None of us did thats
Speaker 3 00:07:12 Of yeah, of course.
Speaker 1 00:07:14 Hey, you never know. It's
Speaker 2 00:07:16 A game
Speaker 3 00:07:16 It's supposed to be rigged.
Speaker 4 00:07:18 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:07:18 Oh God. Don't go full. Don't go full power.
Speaker 2 00:07:22 I also like the part where the part where he's like, she's like, I like the part where he's like, you're a Titan, but you're only human. And she says, that's just, it. I'm not human.
Speaker 3 00:07:32 Yeah. I like, how does he know that she's a Titan, but he doesn't.
Speaker 4 00:07:35 What are we supposed doing?
Speaker 1 00:07:36 Just hit
Speaker 3 00:07:38 Through
Speaker 1 00:07:39 The,
Speaker 4 00:07:42 Go through the tubs.
Speaker 1 00:07:43 Yeah. Just hit. 'em
Speaker 3 00:07:45 Just
Speaker 4 00:07:45 Hit the tubs. Hit, hit the tubs. They
Speaker 3 00:07:46 Call me Mr. Tubs.
Speaker 1 00:07:48 <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:07:50 All right. So she calls him, thinks she goes to the meditation chamber goes crazy again.
Speaker 1 00:07:56 Hmm. I like the fact that uh, this part is like, car's like, oh yeah, you'll be fine. There's a, it's a, one of those chambers Bruce uses it all the time. It's super durable, Bruce. Can't break out it. And you're like, he's old. Man's
Speaker 3 00:08:15 To it. He's to,
Speaker 1 00:08:18 Well, I'm sure
Speaker 2 00:08:20 To see it though.
Speaker 4 00:08:22 Can't
Speaker 3 00:08:24 Basically, basically I'm gonna skip ahead because, because the main point of this episode is there's two, it's two separate boring Titan conversations. One between Corey and black fire and one between Dick and Pete. A scare
Speaker 4 00:08:40 When Dick and Pete,
Speaker 2 00:08:43 Pete.
Speaker 4 00:08:44 No
Speaker 3 00:08:45 It's madman. Dude. Come
Speaker 2 00:08:47 On. Scared guy
Speaker 4 00:08:49 And Dick are in the car and Barbara calls him and he answers it on the car phone. And Gary's like, Hey,
Speaker 3 00:08:54 I, he, he says, yo BS. I wrote it down. Cause it was a great,
Speaker 2 00:08:58 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:08:59 Oh no. Hear me.
Speaker 2 00:09:01 Is he, is that him listening?
Speaker 1 00:09:03 Yeah. Why am I on speaker phone?
Speaker 3 00:09:05 Yeah, that was, that was really funny. The, um, the, uh, the, the one, the conversation between, um, black fire and star fire was especially bad. It's just like, they weren't, they were talking past each other. They weren't saying anything. Sensical it wasn't
Speaker 2 00:09:22 Okay. Here's the issue with Blackfire and that whole conversation is it's all tell a not show. They just tell us how evil Blackfire is, but we never actually see it. We never see her do anything. She,
Speaker 1 00:09:34 We see her broken up. Her boy, her,
Speaker 3 00:09:37 She was in last season, dude. She did a bunch of stuff last season. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:09:40 I forgot. She literally sent someone on fire last season.
Speaker 2 00:09:43 I forgot.
Speaker 3 00:09:44 Yeah. It's
Speaker 4 00:09:45 Okay. She didn't look familiar at all. Did they recast her?
Speaker 3 00:09:48 I don't think so. But they also, they probably, I wonder if they recapped it,
Speaker 4 00:09:53 You know, they didn't. I watched the recap.
Speaker 3 00:09:55 Why did you watch the recap? Are you a sadist?
Speaker 4 00:09:58 I didn't remember what happened. I actually really needed it for the second episode about Jason with like dust stroke. I was like,
Speaker 1 00:10:04 Well <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:10:06 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:10:08 I mean, everyone needed that. Cause what?
Speaker 4 00:10:11 For it's hard to catch up on. I thought it was interesting how that one scientist guy who's like monitoring black fire was like the government doesn't wanna have the resources pursue a lethal alien. It's like really? They have the whole suicide squad.
Speaker 2 00:10:23 No way that dude was just a pervert and he made up all that stuff.
Speaker 1 00:10:26 <laugh>
Speaker 4 00:10:27 <laugh> that would make a lot more sense. I,
Speaker 3 00:10:29 That guy was great character though. I actually really liked him. Always fun. Yeah. Yeah. He brought some show. Someone
Speaker 2 00:10:36 Who has some passion for what they're doing. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. So who, who cares?
Speaker 3 00:10:43 Yep. He knows his role. Uh, the part with them in the cabin reminded me of Fargo season two, which you guys should all watch. I
Speaker 1 00:10:51 Hit.
Speaker 2 00:10:54 Uh, so yeah, I was confused about what was going on with, um, red hook. So, so he isn't actually, I guess that's more next episode where it's like, somehow Dick figures out that red hood is scared for his project protege. It's like, how did that happen?
Speaker 4 00:11:10 It was obvious.
Speaker 3 00:11:11 Yeah, dude. No, I don't know. It wasn't obvious to me
Speaker 4 00:11:14 <laugh> it was obvious. It was obvious to the audience because he was using the fear gas in that first episode. And like, where else would he have gotten?
Speaker 3 00:11:20 But Dick doesn't know that.
Speaker 4 00:11:21 Well, Dick figures
Speaker 1 00:11:22 Out, he figures it out pretty quick. Well,
Speaker 2 00:11:24 Well what if they're partners a lot?
Speaker 4 00:11:25 He figures it out. Cause Dick's like, why is Jason looking into chemistry? He's like dumb as a bag of
Speaker 1 00:11:29 Rocks. And then he finds out that he's been talking. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:11:32 Yeah. And then he figures whoever, you know, scarecrow seems to know all these bat family secrets, which is pretty also like when he breaks him out, it's like, he just doesn't care that he's not in costume high with no secret identity. It's because he figured out that Jason already told him everything.
Speaker 3 00:11:50 Yeah. They keep, yeah. It's weird. Cause they kept talking about how, um, he kept saying things about and revealing his identity. And I was like, does he know? Does scarecrow know that? You know, Bruce Wayne's Batman that he's Robin
Speaker 2 00:12:07 It sure. It seems like everyone knows everyone who's anyone knows.
Speaker 3 00:12:11 Yeah. He was like, he, he knows that the, the first indication was that Crane's like, sorry about your friend Hawk. So I was like, okay, well, if he knows that he's friends with Hawk, that's a superhero. He must know Dickon superhero.
Speaker 1 00:12:23 Well, by then Jason's already told him everything.
Speaker 4 00:12:26 Right.
Speaker 3 00:12:26 Yeah. But we don't know that at that part in the
Speaker 1 00:12:28 Episode. Right. So the implication is that, that, that was part of one of the hint about it.
Speaker 4 00:12:34 Mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah, that, that was also one of the best lines of this episode where scarecrows like, man, it's hard to keep you guys straight. So many of you are birds
Speaker 3 00:12:41 That's in the next episode, but it
Speaker 4 00:12:44 Was it.
Speaker 3 00:12:45 Yes.
Speaker 4 00:12:46 Don't think so. Wait. Yeah. You're my, my note says right above whatever.
Speaker 3 00:12:55 Yeah. That's okay. But it was a great line though. Yeah. Is, uh, is Pete your favorite character?
Speaker 4 00:13:00 No.
Speaker 2 00:13:00 Wait. Yeah. So this guy is Pete Campbell on mad men. Yeah. Yeah. Didn't he get canceled?
Speaker 3 00:13:06 We,
Speaker 1 00:13:06 We talked about that.
Speaker 4 00:13:07 We talked about this already.
Speaker 2 00:13:09 Hurry, put faster.
Speaker 4 00:13:14 Yeah. <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:13:17 I put it faster. I a lot off.
Speaker 4 00:13:19 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:13:21 Um, is fun. Do you guys like the net trap at, in the cabin?
Speaker 4 00:13:25 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:13:27 That was fun. How
Speaker 4 00:13:28 Are you not supposed to fall off? Can
Speaker 3 00:13:30 You, can you kind of steer with the mouse? I
Speaker 4 00:13:32 Think this thing is curved and we just don't
Speaker 3 00:13:33 Know it. No, you can. You can. I think you can steer with the mouse.
Speaker 4 00:13:37 No,
Speaker 3 00:13:37 No. I was doing it guys.
Speaker 4 00:13:40 There's a,
Speaker 2 00:13:42 So I just gotta say breaking scarecrow out of jail is classic Dick.
Speaker 3 00:13:47 Well,
Speaker 4 00:13:47 I totally
Speaker 3 00:13:48 I'd like to. I, I thought that part was fine until it show they have him on security camera and they're like, it's obviously Dick Grayson look,
Speaker 4 00:13:55 It's, it's different, Dick,
Speaker 3 00:13:56 What are you doing? And they're like, she's on, she's outta control. But you never know that from the actor. Cuz he always just has the same face,
Speaker 4 00:14:04 Adam.
Speaker 3 00:14:06 You know what I mean? They're like, yeah. I, you know, he's he's gone crazy after Batman left and Jason's dad, he just looks completely normal. I'm in control
Speaker 2 00:14:13 He's
Speaker 3 00:14:16 Yeah. Yeah. So I mean the black fire combo. I like, I like blacked out of it. No pun intended because it was just so bad. But they do, the
Speaker 1 00:14:24 Fire was pretty good.
Speaker 3 00:14:26 It was fine.
Speaker 4 00:14:27 I thought black fire was immediately gonna kill that guy when she broke out.
Speaker 2 00:14:31 Well the, the guy was like store fire is powerless. So I thought he was gonna try to trap both of them.
Speaker 4 00:14:36 Yeah, me too. That's what I
Speaker 1 00:14:37 Thought
Speaker 4 00:14:38 Mom.
Speaker 2 00:14:39 And then Gar would have to save the day
Speaker 1 00:14:41 And then Gar would be like, yeah, she sent me on fire twice in cane. Yeah. We there for a hot, yeah,
Speaker 3 00:14:47 She can stay in there. There's no loyalty in the Titans. And we learned that Dick killed a Wolf.
Speaker 2 00:14:53 Yeah. That remind be of um, what's up
Speaker 3 00:14:56 The gray.
Speaker 2 00:14:57 Oh, I, I was gonna say remind, be a all star Batman and Robin. The boy wonder when uh, the psychotic Batman like makes Dick grace and survive on rats.
Speaker 3 00:15:07 Mm-hmm
Speaker 4 00:15:08 <affirmative>
Speaker 1 00:15:10 Right. You got it in five
Speaker 4 00:15:12 When they all
Speaker 3 00:15:13 Oh, oh yeah buddy. Thanks. Thanks to aiming. I'm telling you man. Thanks
Speaker 4 00:15:16 To aiming. Oh, that's what you're supposed to do. What am I supposed to do here?
Speaker 1 00:15:23 Woo.
Speaker 2 00:15:25 Go into the asset hole. Okay. So then we have night wing versus red hood, which I thought was a very good fight at least by this show standards.
Speaker 4 00:15:32 Yeah. It was pretty good. That that go from sniper is the best sniper ever seen on television.
Speaker 3 00:15:38 Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:15:40 Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:15:41 He's pretty good. Uh, yeah, so it was a pretty good fight. I, I, again, I was kind of like, wow, he's gonna win so quickly. But I guess he didn't.
Speaker 1 00:15:50 Oh my God, you gotta be convenient. What
Speaker 4 00:15:51 Am I supposed to do? I stop. I can't stop moving.
Speaker 1 00:15:54 Yeah. You eventually were there
Speaker 2 00:15:56 To bounce.
Speaker 1 00:15:57 Yeah. I
Speaker 3 00:15:58 Bounce for your life along
Speaker 4 00:15:59 Around. Oh, I, I did it. I did it. Yay.
Speaker 2 00:16:02 I didn't. So, uh, so I gotta say another failed Dickon plan.
Speaker 3 00:16:11 Yep.
Speaker 1 00:16:12 And once again, Babs takes the fall.
Speaker 4 00:16:16 Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:16:18 Scare.
Speaker 1 00:16:18 Wow. I saw that Rob. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:16:21 Where are we trying to get to
Speaker 1 00:16:23 Get the flag?
Speaker 4 00:16:24 Any other corners?
Speaker 2 00:16:28 I past it. Right? So we're on episode. Oh, sorry. This Titans four and five. Not three. So we're episode five, which is the Jason hour.
Speaker 4 00:16:40 Yeah. Wow. So far. Okay.
Speaker 3 00:16:41 Yeah. Let's move no way. It was better. I, it was better than the first episode. No,
Speaker 4 00:16:44 I didn't like it. <laugh> too much, Jason.
Speaker 1 00:16:48 Hey
Speaker 3 00:16:48 Much, Jason. This is like his Emmy nomination episode.
Speaker 4 00:16:51 Yeah. Right?
Speaker 3 00:16:53 Grace.
Speaker 2 00:16:55 This is his, uh, this, his revenge of the Seth.
Speaker 3 00:16:58 Dr. Leslie. Tomkin
Speaker 2 00:17:00 Hot. Leslie Tomkins too.
Speaker 3 00:17:02 Now she wants dude. Do you like her? I wasn't into her.
Speaker 2 00:17:05 Well, Jason was,
Speaker 4 00:17:06 Yeah. What happened was he
Speaker 3 00:17:08 He's like AATE. He was like, yeah, she's hot. Did you ever bang her? And
Speaker 1 00:17:13 Bruce, that's more trying to get bat's
Speaker 3 00:17:17 Golf
Speaker 1 00:17:19 Felt like that was him. Just trying to get to bat.
Speaker 4 00:17:22 I thought Jason was gonna go killer at the
Speaker 1 00:17:24 End. Oh 100.
Speaker 4 00:17:26 Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:17:27 This episode. We see that. Jason, once again, as a follower, I feel like that's a quote from earlier in the season where they're, where they talk about how Jason always knew to follow somebody. He can't like think for himself.
Speaker 1 00:17:36 Yeah. Dick specifically says, yeah, come on. You think Jason could pull this off? Jason has always been a follower. He doesn't think original on his own.
Speaker 3 00:17:45 And he turns out that he's totally right. He's following a scarecrow the whole time.
Speaker 4 00:17:48 Yeah. Wait Jay, can we do the most classic minigolf course ever
Speaker 1 00:17:53 The most classic? Yes.
Speaker 4 00:17:54 Yeah. Just, just like windmills as far as yeah. I can see
Speaker 1 00:17:58 No specials, no power op
Speaker 5 00:18:00 Basically
Speaker 3 00:18:01 Is that forest
Speaker 1 00:18:03 Or doing power up though? How does
Speaker 4 00:18:05 A lot power ups are fine. Do
Speaker 3 00:18:06 You know that that even exists as a
Speaker 4 00:18:07 Forest? No, I don't know.
Speaker 3 00:18:10 Okay.
Speaker 1 00:18:10 This is the most traditional classic.
Speaker 4 00:18:13 Yes.
Speaker 1 00:18:14 One you can do
Speaker 3 00:18:15 Mm-hmm <affirmative> I? So who, so in the, there, there, Jason has a bad dream to start. Um, who is who's this lady that he sees
Speaker 2 00:18:24 His
Speaker 1 00:18:24 Mother. What?
Speaker 4 00:18:25 Leslie Tomkins.
Speaker 1 00:18:27 His
Speaker 4 00:18:28 Oh, Molly, wait
Speaker 1 00:18:30 In the dream.
Speaker 4 00:18:31 Oh Donna.
Speaker 1 00:18:32 Yeah. Donna.
Speaker 2 00:18:33 Oh really?
Speaker 1 00:18:34 Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:18:35 Oh, interesting.
Speaker 1 00:18:37 Did you
Speaker 4 00:18:38 Doesn't he call her Donna?
Speaker 5 00:18:40 He calls her Donna. Yeah. It was a weird came in for like, yeah. 10, five seconds. Maybe. Like I was like,
Speaker 1 00:18:46 It was like,
Speaker 3 00:18:46 Did those characters ever talk to each other?
Speaker 4 00:18:49 No. Dammit. Alana. You really damn bit. So ruined it.
Speaker 2 00:18:54 Speed. And Curtis, who never, who never talked to each other? Has moley been in the show before?
Speaker 1 00:18:58 No.
Speaker 3 00:18:58 No, definitely not.
Speaker 2 00:19:00 Okay. All in one.
Speaker 3 00:19:03 I
Speaker 1 00:19:03 It's a tie to his pre training days.
Speaker 4 00:19:07 It's it's his Hora days when we tried to steal the wheels off the BA. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:19:12 I dunno if that ever actually happened in this
Speaker 4 00:19:14 Version, in this show. Yeah. But like whatever, who cares? Whoa, I'm a box.
Speaker 5 00:19:21 Oh
Speaker 3 00:19:21 No, that was a good, you wanna be a box?
Speaker 4 00:19:24 I don't wanna be a box.
Speaker 2 00:19:25 Better box. Not a box
Speaker 3 00:19:27 Be box.
Speaker 2 00:19:31 Uh, yeah. So I like the part where he gets beat up by that, uh, hedge man.
Speaker 1 00:19:39 Yeah. Likes like nothing just gets his ass whooped. <laugh> <laugh> like, he looks away during a stare down. Aw, good job, Molly. And then suddenly there's a gun underneath his chin. Yeah. That
Speaker 3 00:19:53 Guy was fast.
Speaker 1 00:19:54 Yeah. I feel like bats would, bats would absolutely drop Dick. Drop him. Ify was like, if he saw how bad he handled that, <laugh>, he'd be like, like how you let someone pull a gun on you. What's wrong with you.
Speaker 5 00:20:12 I enjoy how like this show's aware of how like uncool Jason is like, at one point he's like, I'm still me. And then I guess Molly's like, that's one of those things that sounds cool. But doesn't actually mean anything like, yeah. I like they're making fun of Titan sidewalk basically. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:20:26 That's definitely, uh, true. Uh, I did like the conflict though. I like that. He was like, I can't operate. I can't do anything. Cause I'm scared all the time. I thought that was a good, especially for a guy. I, I character like Jason who's so like I'm the man. I'm the man. I'm the man. I'm the man
Speaker 2 00:20:44 Titan's bitches. Woo.
Speaker 3 00:20:45 I thought it was a good conflict. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:20:48 These holes are so chill.
Speaker 1 00:20:50 <laugh> damnit. That was almost,
Speaker 3 00:20:52 I was like, I love it.
Speaker 1 00:20:53 Yeah. I'm surprised she's in the lead. I'm so
Speaker 4 00:20:56 Relaxed. <laugh>
Speaker 2 00:20:58 So what did we think of, uh, Bruce saying him telling we can't be Robin anymore.
Speaker 4 00:21:03 I was so confused by that conversation.
Speaker 1 00:21:07 Fun.
Speaker 3 00:21:08 That was way skipping ahead.
Speaker 4 00:21:09 No, whatever. We're
Speaker 2 00:21:10 Not going in order anymore.
Speaker 4 00:21:12 Yeah. It goes, he goes to see Leslie and they chat a couple times and it's nice.
Speaker 1 00:21:18 He finally gets a breakthrough where he's willing to open up.
Speaker 2 00:21:21 Yeah. And then Bruce is like, you're out Norman.
Speaker 4 00:21:24 Right.
Speaker 3 00:21:25 But he explains why
Speaker 4 00:21:26 He's like you're at no, he doesn't. He's like, you're out. You're gonna die. Not you it's me. And I'm going to London, but you can come
Speaker 3 00:21:34 <laugh> he's like, I'm afraid you're gonna die
Speaker 4 00:21:36 As problem. He doesn't say that explicitly. Jason is stupid. <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:21:40 No, he says he does that. He says, I will not lose another. And he says, well, you're not gonna lose me. And he is like, yeah, well I'm gonna make sure that doesn't happen. Which is exactly what he just went through therapy where he talked about how he doesn't want Bruce to give up and lose that option to,
Speaker 3 00:22:01 But in, in therapy, he was also talking about how he's not even sure he wants to be Robin anymore.
Speaker 1 00:22:05 Right. He doesn't know who he is without Robin.
Speaker 3 00:22:08 Yeah. That's true, Rob, this is going terribly,
Speaker 2 00:22:13 But guys, can, we all agree? The best part is the part of the trophy room.
Speaker 3 00:22:16 Yeah. I was just about to say that, which is the next part. It was awesome. I love that part. It was really cool. It
Speaker 1 00:22:21 Was very small. I expect expect the better. I expect better lighting, like boom, boom, boom. Kinda like, uh, when hella goes through, uh Thor's or Oden's trophy room.
Speaker 4 00:22:37 Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:22:39 Uh, get that Marvel stuff outta here. No, you messed
Speaker 2 00:22:42 Up my shot. Yeah. The, especially on a TV budget, I thought the cowman goggles looked really good. Uh, the mask looked really good.
Speaker 3 00:22:52 I wonder if it's the same from the dark? No, from the dark ni trilogy. <laugh> that'd be kind funny if it was
Speaker 1 00:22:59 I have, I, I don't think so. It doesn't look like it, but yeah, no, I just expected it to be a little bigger, little more spacious for each one to give it their own place.
Speaker 3 00:23:12 That's just like Titans where it's a good concept. That kind of fails in the execution. Yeah. Uh, Batman says I'm proud of you son.
Speaker 4 00:23:21 He's like, you can be my son, Jason. Oh yeah. I guess,
Speaker 3 00:23:26 I guess it wasn't that far. I had that Batman fires <laugh>
Speaker 4 00:23:30 Yeah. I
Speaker 3 00:23:30 Wasn't apologize to America. I like that scene. Actually. I thought that was actually a pretty good scene.
Speaker 4 00:23:36 I didn't no. Bruce was explaining himself really poorly.
Speaker 3 00:23:39 Yeah. What else is new?
Speaker 1 00:23:41 <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:23:42 That's what? This character's all
Speaker 4 00:23:44 About. How he learn from
Speaker 3 00:23:46 Can articulate. Why?
Speaker 1 00:23:49 No. Cause he keeps giving Dick everything.
Speaker 4 00:23:51 He
Speaker 1 00:23:53 Doesn't
Speaker 3 00:23:53 Give me anything, but I thought that again, I thought the kid who played Jason did a good job acting.
Speaker 1 00:23:59 I, I
Speaker 3 00:23:59 Agree
Speaker 4 00:24:00 What's happening.
Speaker 2 00:24:02 So
Speaker 1 00:24:04 Disgust discussed his jealousy
Speaker 3 00:24:08 And he's like, oh, he like, why? Why? Like he actually seemed sad. I bought it. I bought all of it.
Speaker 1 00:24:14 I would be sad too.
Speaker 3 00:24:16 Yeah.
Speaker 5 00:24:17 I like the music's pretty like emotive too. Kind of. And I was like, the music is like by the, uh, like the 28 days later speaking 28 days later guy <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:24:25 Yeah. I was actually really surprised at how good the music has been for it.
Speaker 4 00:24:30 Great movie.
Speaker 2 00:24:32 The, the generic rock songs that go over all the end credits
Speaker 5 00:24:36 <laugh> yeah. There's not as, as much. They're very like DC. Very like quasi cool. But not really.
Speaker 2 00:24:42 Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Speaker 3 00:24:45 So why, so Jason goes to see crane,
Speaker 4 00:24:50 Crane somehow manages to lose his bong, even though he's in a jail cell. <laugh> can't be that many places for it to be
Speaker 3 00:24:57 Hasn't he? Uh, hasn't he, uh, fucking is hasn't he guy yet?
Speaker 1 00:25:02 No, he, oh my God. Where am I going?
Speaker 3 00:25:08 I do know
Speaker 4 00:25:10 Who new
Speaker 3 00:25:12 I doing you. Uh, and
Speaker 1 00:25:15 Uh, yeah, no,
Speaker 3 00:25:16 He offers to trade the, an anti fear toxin for everything he knows about Batman.
Speaker 4 00:25:21 Yeah. That doesn't like an even trade.
Speaker 3 00:25:23 It was a quick, well,
Speaker 1 00:25:24 Well he knows he's a kid. He knows he can outsmart chase.
Speaker 3 00:25:29 And I liked, I like, like I said, I like Jason's motivation. He's like, Jason's like, I can't live like this anymore. I can't, I can't be Robin. I can't. But also, but it also, I can understand him not being able to live
Speaker 1 00:25:42 Anymore
Speaker 2 00:25:44 Without living isn't that
Speaker 4 00:25:46 Isn't that
Speaker 3 00:25:47 With the fear. But, but also the whole point of getting rid of the fear is that he could be robbing again. But he can't be Robin. If he betrays Batman and tells scarecrow everything about Batman.
Speaker 1 00:25:57 Well, he can, as long as crank keeps his mouth shut,
Speaker 3 00:25:59 But he's obviously villain
Speaker 1 00:26:05 Doctors have their Hippocratic
Speaker 3 00:26:10 Hippocratic what's
Speaker 2 00:26:12 Long.
Speaker 3 00:26:13 Okay.
Speaker 4 00:26:13 Did even take it. Leslie said he was like a grad student.
Speaker 2 00:26:17 Yeah. I liked when he was like talking about how, like how it became evil, basically <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:26:26 Oh, Jason,
Speaker 2 00:26:28 Uh, no, no scar crane. And then when Leslie to like, he tried to kill me with fear of gas. It was like, hell on earth. I like that.
Speaker 4 00:26:36 Yeah. I did too.
Speaker 3 00:26:37 Like it used to be my friend until he tried to kill
Speaker 4 00:26:39 Until I tried toe. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:26:41 That's gonna be one of our eventual villain stories. <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:26:45 Which in one of our together, trying to kill the rest of us Tuesday night gaming
Speaker 5 00:26:50 <laugh>
Speaker 4 00:26:51 So, which is the better way
Speaker 3 00:26:54 There is no right way. Alana, you decide
Speaker 1 00:26:56 You dare.
Speaker 4 00:26:57 Does someone turn me?
Speaker 1 00:26:59 Dare.
Speaker 4 00:26:59 Turn me into a triangle pretty.
Speaker 2 00:27:02 Oh
Speaker 1 00:27:02 No.
Speaker 2 00:27:04 Uh, so then the last thing I have is crime alley.
Speaker 3 00:27:08 Well, they were already in crime
Speaker 4 00:27:09 Alley. No, we already did that. The discussion
Speaker 1 00:27:10 We
Speaker 4 00:27:11 Talked about, the next thing I have is Jason giving himself cancer.
Speaker 2 00:27:14 Wait, can we talk about crime alley though? Yeah. I just thought it was a little silly that the theater was still there 70 years later. Or
Speaker 1 00:27:20 Why 70
Speaker 4 00:27:21 Years later man's 80.
Speaker 1 00:27:23 Why would it not be
Speaker 5 00:27:25 It's historical
Speaker 1 00:27:26 <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:27:26 Yeah. Why wouldn't it still be there?
Speaker 2 00:27:28 Because business is close all the time in big cities,
Speaker 1 00:27:31 But they also stay alive all the time. Well,
Speaker 4 00:27:35 Imagine
Speaker 1 00:27:36 Plus it has a special place.
Speaker 4 00:27:38 Okay. It's got some Carnegie hall. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:27:42 Plus, I mean, it has a special place in Batman heart. I feel like Bruce probably pays to keep that thing to re as a reminder
Speaker 4 00:27:51 Mm-hmm <affirmative> of what I've lost.
Speaker 5 00:27:53 He izing the theater history. I could see that.
Speaker 2 00:27:56 I like how it intentionally doesn't make sense in Batman stories. It's just, he pays for it.
Speaker 3 00:28:00 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:28:02 He has an endowment for the theater and his belt.
Speaker 3 00:28:05 There was a good meaning that was going around where it's the animated series and it shows Superman, Batman and another some, just some like civilian and the civilian's like, thank you so much. Justice league. Of course our city's destroyed and Batman and Superman says, don't worry that justice league will pay for it. And then it's like a close of a Batman man. Like, yeah. It was pretty funny. No, what we have next is um,
Speaker 1 00:28:28 Wait, before we go on, uh, yeah. What do you, how different is it in each version? Like,
Speaker 4 00:28:39 Huh?
Speaker 1 00:28:39 How different does it look in crime alley in each time they've ever shown it? This is like, I was trying to think about it.
Speaker 3 00:28:47 Yeah. This is the nicest crime alley I've ever seen. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:28:50 I felt like it felt weird
Speaker 5 00:28:52 To me. Cause it's the daytime, right? Is that what throws it off so
Speaker 1 00:28:55 Much? Oh, maybe.
Speaker 4 00:28:56 Yeah. That definitely doesn't help.
Speaker 1 00:29:00 No, you piece shit,
Speaker 3 00:29:02 But even so, um, it's pretty nice. It's a pretty nice crime alley. Yeah. Uh, yeah. Um, so we starts taking hits. Jason starts getting wait. Oh, I can know what by means. So then he do. So he has the, the part with the Lazarus pet. Wow.
Speaker 4 00:29:19 So I wanna talk about Jason doing chemicals and not having any PPE. He has the respirator. He throws it away. Has the PPE PPE personal protective equipment.
Speaker 1 00:29:29 I didn't hear the PE at
Speaker 3 00:29:32 PPE. He doesn't
Speaker 1 00:29:33 Jason doesn't need. Yeah. That's all I heard.
Speaker 5 00:29:34 That's what lot
Speaker 3 00:29:36 Knows. That's
Speaker 2 00:29:36 True. His peepee is gonna fall off.
Speaker 4 00:29:38 Well, he's mixing chemicals. He's testing it on himself.
Speaker 1 00:29:41 That's what I had issues.
Speaker 4 00:29:43 He's not wearing any equipment. It's just ridiculous. Jason. See being
Speaker 1 00:29:47 Master.
Speaker 3 00:29:47 Wait, wait, wait speaking. A, we forgot about last from last episode about Corey saying I'll burn your Dick off. It was great.
Speaker 1 00:29:57 Thank you, Matt.
Speaker 3 00:29:58 You're buddy. Don't say I never do anything for you.
Speaker 2 00:30:01 She knews what that guy was doing with Blackfire while Blackfire was sleeping.
Speaker 4 00:30:05 Oh,
Speaker 3 00:30:06 It was again, it was a return to form for Titans, you know like bodily function, adult language,
Speaker 2 00:30:12 Adult content. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:30:14 Why is it? So
Speaker 3 00:30:16 That's what she said.
Speaker 4 00:30:17 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:30:18 That was what Dick.
Speaker 2 00:30:19 It was what Blackfire said.
Speaker 3 00:30:21 Okay. So then we have the Lazarus pet.
Speaker 2 00:30:24 That was great too.
Speaker 3 00:30:25 It's a full on Lazarus pet. They were just like, yeah, here's the
Speaker 4 00:30:28 Lazarus. It was like, here it is. It's just in Gotham.
Speaker 2 00:30:30 You can thank Elle. Cool for leaving some of his businesses behind shit.
Speaker 1 00:30:38 I did the exact same thing balls
Speaker 3 00:30:42 And it was pretty cool. I, I, I was watching him kind of on a poor device for reasons I won't get
Speaker 1 00:30:47 Into really.
Speaker 3 00:30:49 When he in the pit there like snakes and stuff, moving
Speaker 1 00:30:52 Around,
Speaker 4 00:30:57 You it's
Speaker 1 00:31:03 To
Speaker 2 00:31:04 Its perfectly in position that somebody screwed me. I mean, that's somebody was
Speaker 1 00:31:07 Jacked. Well, are you talking about, I do nothing. I'm not sitting here doing shots. Oh bourbon. While
Speaker 3 00:31:18 Her almost messed you up.
Speaker 1 00:31:22 I
Speaker 4 00:31:23 Didn't.
Speaker 2 00:31:24 And I did like how he had henchman doing
Speaker 4 00:31:26 That. So I also thought it was interesting. So I'm watching this, right? I'm like, okay, scarecrow has a plan. He's like, we have to show our worst enemy, their worst fear. And then so I'm like, okay. So Jason going to fight the joker is like a plan that they had, like he meant to get murdered maybe. No he didn't.
Speaker 1 00:31:43 Right. So,
Speaker 3 00:31:45 And, and you know, what's funny is it shows scarecrows reaction to Jason being murdered, but he doesn't really have a reaction. He's just like, it just shows him kind of cutting there. So it was weird. It was very,
Speaker 4 00:31:57 Yeah. He's just like, oh good thing. We have this Lazarus pit.
Speaker 3 00:32:00 Yeah. He's like, I'm a backup.
Speaker 4 00:32:03 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:32:04 The episode did kind of imply that getting worded by the joker as part of their plan.
Speaker 4 00:32:08 Right.
Speaker 3 00:32:10 I find it interesting that he comes outta the Lazarus pit. Oh my God. With basically no ill effects,
Speaker 4 00:32:15 Right. It, the Lazarus pit making you crazy is definitely something that's up to like the writers. So how they're feeling. Thank
Speaker 1 00:32:21 You. I
Speaker 3 00:32:23 Always felt like that's pretty consistent. I feel like the Lazarus pit is supposed to always make you crazy.
Speaker 4 00:32:28 I thought it makes you crazier. The longer you've been dead. He was probably pretty freshly dead.
Speaker 2 00:32:32 No, no.
Speaker 3 00:32:33 Sorry.
Speaker 2 00:32:33 Well, I thought, I thought that it makes you like a crazy murderer as soon as you come out and eventually that fades, but then over time it makes you like Rael. Cool.
Speaker 4 00:32:44 That's what they did in arrow.
Speaker 2 00:32:46 Right. But it's, it's better than just having Jason be like totally fine. I guess maybe he wouldn't have agreed to blow a park if he hadn't gone through the Lazarus pet. Maybe
Speaker 3 00:32:56 It's not. It's definitely not clear. They're not making it obvious. Those Titan, these Titans writers.
Speaker 2 00:33:02 I like ambiguity.
Speaker 1 00:33:04 Do you? Um,
Speaker 3 00:33:05 Sometimes
Speaker 4 00:33:06 What? I feel like the writers are doing it on purpose.
Speaker 1 00:33:09 <laugh>
Speaker 4 00:33:10 Like the writers are just like, yeah,
Speaker 1 00:33:13 Right at the
Speaker 4 00:33:15 1.1.
Speaker 3 00:33:19 Um, so then, then we have the scene in the ACA morgue with the, with the, in the godda Vida scene and it, uh, and Jason is naked and it's uh, it's homoerotic. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Speaker 1 00:33:33 <laugh> <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:33:35 You guys are
Speaker 4 00:33:35 With me. He's like, yes. Take care of medicine. Trust your doctor. He's
Speaker 3 00:33:40 He's like, suck it down.
Speaker 2 00:33:44 I didn't really pick up on that. But what you guys are
Speaker 4 00:33:46 Talking. Oh my God. Totally.
Speaker 3 00:33:48 Yeah, dude, definitely. It's there. I'm not just reading into it. Yeah. He like puts on music. He starts dancing. <laugh> he's like right. It's all like fuzzy.
Speaker 1 00:33:57 That's all scary.
Speaker 2 00:33:58 I don't see anything about, about a young man seeking knowledge and guidance. A father with an older one.
Speaker 3 00:34:07 A father figured it with an older man.
Speaker 2 00:34:09 Yeah,
Speaker 3 00:34:09 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:34:10 A large hair. One also.
Speaker 3 00:34:12 It's definitely, there's definitely some subtext there. There's no doubt about it. Uh, so we learn about the orange of the red hood and he's got all the gear on and then, but
Speaker 1 00:34:22 Also explains why his helmet isn't as top quality as you would expect. It's from crane.
Speaker 2 00:34:31 Yeah. Doesn't have a Batman budget. Anything else we have for uh,
Speaker 3 00:34:36 Yeah. Yeah. So he goes after he goes after the goon and I wouldn't say anything about the goon, except that there's a lot of stro effects and I didn't like it.
Speaker 2 00:34:46 <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:34:46 Right. It's like flash flash, flash, flash, flash, flash, flash flash the whole time.
Speaker 2 00:34:50 Yeah. I, I didn't notice.
Speaker 4 00:34:51 Yeah, it was kinda lazy. They were like, we just don't wanna deal with the scenes. We're just gonna use a lot of stroke lights to make it scary.
Speaker 3 00:34:58 And I guess the point of it is that he kind of is that he's not, he ain't all bad.
Speaker 4 00:35:04 He still, yeah.
Speaker 3 00:35:05 Still cares about the youth, the youth of Amer of Gotham city.
Speaker 2 00:35:09 What?
Speaker 3 00:35:10 Molly, he, the fact that after he becomes red hood, he goes and gets Diego and you know, finishes off Hawkins.
Speaker 4 00:35:18 Well
Speaker 1 00:35:19 It's to let her know that he still cares. Uh, and it's all for her. The reasons
Speaker 2 00:35:27 Is it though, Jason, Jason, is it <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:35:30 Jason?
Speaker 2 00:35:31 Cause I thought it might have been more of an ego saying,
Speaker 1 00:35:34 Oh it's 100%. He got his ass. Whoop. She saw him. He got her brother back.
Speaker 3 00:35:40 Yeah. His bro, his brother. He's not a brother. Is he? I thought he was like a shelter kid.
Speaker 1 00:35:45 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:35:47 So guys, I absolutely love the part where he said tell all your friends about me.
Speaker 3 00:35:52 And then he was like, now
Speaker 4 00:35:54 I'll it
Speaker 2 00:35:56 Guys.
Speaker 5 00:35:57 You guys remember that? It does. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:35:58 No, I
Speaker 5 00:35:59 Don't remember. I wrote it down. It was so good. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:36:01 <laugh> it's a reference to 1989 Batman.
Speaker 4 00:36:04 It is. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:36:06 Rob, you wanna tell
Speaker 5 00:36:07 Him? No, actually I didn't get, I was thinking like more commando where he is like, remember when I tell them I would kill you last I lied. Run that I didn't. There was AI band thing. Yep.
Speaker 2 00:36:18 Yeah. So the opening scene and I say nine Batman is him beating up two thugs on a rooftop. And then he grabs one of 'em like a swear to me kind of situation. He says, I want you to tell all your friends about me. Who are you? Our Batman.
Speaker 5 00:36:31 Ah, okay. Yeah. Okay. Huh?
Speaker 3 00:36:34 1989. Batman's the one Batman. I didn't spend a lot of time watching growing up.
Speaker 4 00:36:39 Oh 19. Oh my God. I was literally thinking the whole time, Bruce, uh, Campbell. No Dick. No. Oh my God. Adam West, Adam West. Yeah. Him. I was thinking you meant that I was like, he beat up twos on a rooftop.
Speaker 2 00:36:55 More
Speaker 4 00:36:59 Cool.
Speaker 3 00:36:59 Who are you?
Speaker 4 00:37:01 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:37:01 And then Robert on a whole full of goons.
Speaker 3 00:37:05 Yeah, that's right. Um, the, yeah, no. I also like the idea that the antidote took away the fear and then he is like, I don't feel anything. So it just takes away like all his emotions. Yeah. This is something that has been covered by some media that I can no longer recall right now,
Speaker 4 00:37:21 But, uh, equilibrium.
Speaker 3 00:37:24 Yeah. Yeah. I guess so the idea that more, the idea that once you take away your feelings, you no longer have any morality.
Speaker 4 00:37:30 Yeah. Equilibrium.
Speaker 3 00:37:32 Okay. If you say so,
Speaker 2 00:37:33 Any morality?
Speaker 3 00:37:35 Yeah. Any morality?
Speaker 2 00:37:37 That was a, that was not equilibrium.
Speaker 4 00:37:39 Yeah. Well it's just, you know, they have no emotions. So they don't like give a shit about murder in CA don't and puppies. It's not puppies
Speaker 3 00:37:49 It's that they don't give a shit about anything.
Speaker 4 00:37:50 Do you ever ever think that that dog in that movie is definitely long dead?
Speaker 3 00:37:54 No.
Speaker 2 00:37:54 It's like all the dogs and all the
Speaker 5 00:37:56 All movies. Yeah. All those laughs are gone.
Speaker 4 00:37:58 Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:38:00 Well, thank you. Thank you. Uh, Rob got me a call
Speaker 5 00:38:02 On one. Oh, that's what I'm here for.
Speaker 3 00:38:06 Yeah. Uh, alright. You guys ready to do questions at the day?
Speaker 2 00:38:10 Yeah, dude. Did you mind if I jump in with a couple?
Speaker 1 00:38:12 Wow. Can you get wrecked, Matt,
Speaker 3 00:38:15 Me a heads up. If you wanna do that. Well,
Speaker 2 00:38:17 I can, I can do it next week. It's okay.
Speaker 3 00:38:19 No it's okay.
Speaker 2 00:38:21 All right. So these are course from the real where I, or I get all my, uh, material. So according to the ladies on the,
Speaker 3 00:38:29 My, my stuff is made up, made up hot, fresh.
Speaker 1 00:38:34 You're welcome. According
Speaker 2 00:38:35 Ladies on the reel. When you get in the shower, the part of your body, you wash first says a lot about you. So what part of your body do you wash first in the shower?
Speaker 3 00:38:46 You know, what's funny. I have a shower, husband,
Speaker 1 00:38:49 Hair.
Speaker 4 00:38:51 I'm armpits.
Speaker 5 00:38:52 Really hair.
Speaker 2 00:38:53 Okay. So
Speaker 1 00:38:54 Down baby, start at top. Work your way down now,
Speaker 4 00:38:58 Are you especially
Speaker 2 00:38:59 Jay? I don't have anything for hair. So I don't know what that means. Sorry
Speaker 1 00:39:04 Means you're all weird.
Speaker 2 00:39:06 But the armpit means you're social and your friends. Like you,
Speaker 1 00:39:11 That's a lie. That's weird. Wow.
Speaker 4 00:39:16 Whoa. That
Speaker 1 00:39:18 Was coming outta that hot.
Speaker 2 00:39:20 What
Speaker 4 00:39:20 About you?
Speaker 3 00:39:22 Me?
Speaker 2 00:39:23 Yeah. You,
Speaker 3 00:39:24 I said face. Does that mean I'm vain?
Speaker 2 00:39:26 Uh, I'd like to say no, but it's. That is what that means.
Speaker 3 00:39:31 Yeah. See,
Speaker 5 00:39:32 Wait, what about chest
Speaker 4 00:39:34 Are so VA your chest is probably your face in the shower.
Speaker 2 00:39:40 Your chest means you're comfortable and kind of a type, a alpha personality.
Speaker 1 00:39:45 Wow.
Speaker 5 00:39:46 That's not really true.
Speaker 4 00:39:47 You wash your chest. Does it get dirty?
Speaker 3 00:39:49 Rob just rubs them.
Speaker 5 00:39:50 It's just like the easiest one. It's like right in front of me. I don't know. I'm just like, oh, nipples
Speaker 1 00:39:56 You
Speaker 3 00:39:58 Your chest.
Speaker 1 00:39:59 Yeah. You sweat your chest, sweat
Speaker 3 00:40:01 More than your arm. Pets.
Speaker 1 00:40:03 It doesn't matter. You still sweat a ton and some of you are hairy. I don't know what to tell
Speaker 4 00:40:08 You. Yeah. You guys are hairy.
Speaker 2 00:40:09 Thanks a lot. <laugh> it's true though. You guys,
Speaker 3 00:40:12 I don't care.
Speaker 5 00:40:15 Have a of a five year old boy.
Speaker 1 00:40:18 I have a chest of an Asian scare.
Speaker 5 00:40:20 Wants to meet you,
Speaker 3 00:40:21 Rob.
Speaker 5 00:40:22 Yeah. Oh yeah. <laugh> <laugh> I'm say,
Speaker 2 00:40:27 Uh, so I also do RPE. So I'm also social and people like me. Is there anyone that we've missed? I think that's everyone
Speaker 3 00:40:35 DJ's not here.
Speaker 2 00:40:36 So then my other question is, have you ever experienced buyers remorse about
Speaker 4 00:40:41 Yeah,
Speaker 3 00:40:42 Definitely
Speaker 2 00:40:43 Have and
Speaker 5 00:40:43 All the time.
Speaker 3 00:40:44 I definitely have, but I can't really remember why. Well, I, I mean, I bought, I experienced buyers remorse recently because I bought something and it didn't work and Amazon wouldn't let me refund it.
Speaker 4 00:40:54 Why not?
Speaker 3 00:40:55 Because it was just like this. It's not eligible. Fuck you. What? Yeah,
Speaker 4 00:41:00 It takes like everything. Amazon takes like everything back.
Speaker 3 00:41:04 It's not taking this.
Speaker 4 00:41:05 Was it an autograph?
Speaker 3 00:41:07 No, it was, was it video camera? Like battery.
Speaker 4 00:41:11 Oh.
Speaker 5 00:41:12 Oh, that should
Speaker 4 00:41:12 Be able to, yeah, that should be returnable.
Speaker 5 00:41:14 Let like the lithium ness.
Speaker 3 00:41:16 Yeah. I don't know. Yeah,
Speaker 4 00:41:18 You should complain.
Speaker 3 00:41:19 I, well, I left it a one star review. I don't know what else I can do. I don't wanna call them.
Speaker 2 00:41:24 You should fight city hall.
Speaker 3 00:41:27 I, yeah, that's the whole point <laugh> anyway. So yes. Thanks for bringing it up. <laugh>
Speaker 2 00:41:34 Uh, I don't really, at least not often. So I can't, I couldn't think of anything. I mean, I did just get a new car and I, although I don't feel buyers remorse about it. I do kind of wonder if I could have gotten something cooler.
Speaker 1 00:41:48 Your car is
Speaker 4 00:41:49 Fantastic. Yeah. What are you talking about
Speaker 1 00:41:51 Coming from someone who likes cool cars, your car is pretty fantastic.
Speaker 2 00:41:55 Thank you, Jay. I like, like I said, I'm totally fine with it. Oh yeah. That why? I don't like sometimes I wonder
Speaker 1 00:42:03 I one I have buyer's remorse for Zach's computer.
Speaker 4 00:42:12 Zach didn't consult you about it.
Speaker 1 00:42:14 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:42:14 Well, so if I didn't jump in this weekend, Jay came over to install some hard drives in it. So I was like a parent watching their child have surgery,
Speaker 4 00:42:23 Uhhuh,
Speaker 2 00:42:24 And then Jay would stop and go. Uh, oh. And I was like, oh my God, what's the Adam us marriage break it. And he said, your video card is very out of date. They kind of screwed it.
Speaker 1 00:42:33 His whole computer is like two generations between. Alana's
Speaker 4 00:42:39 Really how
Speaker 3 00:42:41 Man. Cause they must have run out of the latest and greatest parts.
Speaker 1 00:42:44 No, they have a surplus of all the latest and greatest parts. Now he just got screwed.
Speaker 2 00:42:50 Hmm.
Speaker 1 00:42:50 He just picked, he picked a computer bill that shouldn't have been available. It's from like 2019. And I don't understand why they're still selling it.
Speaker 2 00:43:01 Well, it runs great. And the games I like are running fine. So
Speaker 4 00:43:05 How's your OCUL is your Oculus run?
Speaker 1 00:43:07 Yeah, it should run, but it's yeah,
Speaker 2 00:43:09 It's been running. All right.
Speaker 1 00:43:10 The fidelity is rough. It's literally the computer I thought he was upgrading from is what he has.
Speaker 4 00:43:16 Well, that can't be cause because is really old.
Speaker 1 00:43:20 But, but the bare bones, the structure is fine.
Speaker 2 00:43:25 So it's upgradeable.
Speaker 4 00:43:26 So, so yeah. So you can help him get some different parts.
Speaker 1 00:43:29 Yes. It's it's completely serviceable, but I, if he had mentioned it, we could have gotten him. Fantastic.
Speaker 2 00:43:41 <laugh> all right. Well maybe next time
Speaker 4 00:43:45 A lot. Yeah. It's
Speaker 1 00:43:46 Like all your,
Speaker 3 00:43:46 All your kitchen shit.
Speaker 4 00:43:48 No, I love my kitchen shit. No, actually. Okay. So I was on birthright and my bag broke and I was like, oh, I need something to like, carry my stupid, like water bottle and shit around. And that we were at this bizarre. And I try to like haggle with this lady for a purse that was made from like a parachute to slap your hand. She like, didn't she wasn't going for it. And I like ended up buying it cause I was too awkward to be like, nevermind. And it like, it's like a terrible purse.
Speaker 1 00:44:14 <laugh> parachute, but
Speaker 4 00:44:15 Too real. Just like, I mean the parachute is not the problem. It's just like small and like kind of stiff and doesn't really look that nice. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:44:26 I believe it.
Speaker 1 00:44:28 Oh gosh.
Speaker 5 00:44:30 I have the worst remorse in the sense of like I bought a house I'm like not crazy about, but like, I mean, I got it when the interest rate was like low. So I was like, I guess that's a plus, but yeah. I mean, it's just exactly
Speaker 3 00:44:40 Out.
Speaker 5 00:44:41 It's not that bad. It's just, uh, it's just
Speaker 1 00:44:44 Your is
Speaker 5 00:44:49 Size, but like it's a decent size, but like it's uh, just near like that road. And like during a party, you can't hear it, but like, uh, I don't know. Just there's like, you know, all the muscle cars just like passing by and like shaking the whole house. Just like,
Speaker 1 00:45:01 Yeah, but that's just the neighborhood they're
Speaker 3 00:45:04 Like damn kids.
Speaker 5 00:45:05 Yeah. These damn kids with their damn cars, they
Speaker 1 00:45:07 Just need to add the secondary layer of drywall with the green stuff and you'll be,
Speaker 5 00:45:14 Fuck. I agree. I got that's I'm still gonna get at some point when I have money.
Speaker 2 00:45:19 Yeah. Yeah. Rob. I can hear that where I live
Speaker 5 00:45:23 <laugh> oh yeah.
Speaker 3 00:45:23 That's not a house you purchased though.
Speaker 2 00:45:26 But the point is they seem to be everywhere at this area.
Speaker 1 00:45:29 Oh,
Speaker 4 00:45:29 The street?
Speaker 1 00:45:30 Yeah. Yeah. Street racer street racing.
Speaker 5 00:45:34 I mean maybe electric cars will just become a thing everywhere and that'll stop.
Speaker 2 00:45:39 Would this be silent? Silent killer.
Speaker 5 00:45:41 Yes. Okay. With that.
Speaker 3 00:45:44 Dang it,
Speaker 2 00:45:45 Matt. Those are my two questions of the day.
Speaker 3 00:45:47 Okay. Do you guys want all three of mine? Sure. Time for it.
Speaker 1 00:45:51 Yeah. Plenty of time. We started. We ended so early.
Speaker 5 00:45:54 Yeah. We kind of did.
Speaker 3 00:45:55 It's just Titans. We didn't have anything to say about it. Yeah. Hi, I'm good. Oh Zach. Other
Speaker 1 00:45:59 Than why we, why did we decide to back to this? Is, did you, that season is gonna be the last
Speaker 3 00:46:18 Thank God.
Speaker 1 00:46:18 Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:46:20 Granton's probably like, I can't do it anymore.
Speaker 1 00:46:22 Grant is probably like now's my time to be in the movies.
Speaker 3 00:46:29 Right? Exactly. I'll I'll do the, uh, I'll reshoot. I'll do some research. All right. So here's my question.
Speaker 1 00:46:37 Damnit.
Speaker 3 00:46:38 Would you rather now listen carefully. This is complicated. Would you rather have you have to change your first name? Would you rather change your first name to a name that is traditionally the gender opposite of your own? Okay. Okay. So if you're a boy, you would have a traditional girl's name. None of this. Um,
Speaker 2 00:46:58 Alex,
Speaker 3 00:46:58 None of these. No. Yeah. No gender neutral names.
Speaker 1 00:47:02 UBI wi names. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:47:04 None of that. None of that garbage. All right.
Speaker 1 00:47:07 Wow. Garbage. Yeah. None of that. Sorry. My friends who are named Chris. Alex.
Speaker 3 00:47:12 Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:47:12 Taylor, Jordan,
Speaker 2 00:47:14 Leslie.
Speaker 3 00:47:15 None of that shit. Leslie
Speaker 5 00:47:16 Doesn
Speaker 3 00:47:16 Count.
Speaker 2 00:47:17 Leslie town counts.
Speaker 3 00:47:18 <laugh> Ashley. Ashley.
Speaker 1 00:47:21 Um,
Speaker 3 00:47:22 Or would you rather, so you'd rather have the opposite agenda or would you rather have a name of a culture that's clearly different than yours? Clearly not yours. I'm
Speaker 4 00:47:32 Culture. It's only the gender. One
Speaker 2 00:47:33 Culture. Culture.
Speaker 4 00:47:36 Yeah. I hear Zach.
Speaker 2 00:47:38 I already have a job.
Speaker 4 00:47:39 <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:47:40 A job.
Speaker 5 00:47:42 That's a good point.
Speaker 2 00:47:43 Yeah. Cause the, we bias in hiring. Is there flexibility of which culture?
Speaker 3 00:47:48 Uh, I mean,
Speaker 2 00:47:50 We get
Speaker 3 00:47:50 You. No that you just get, you just get you pick which one and then you
Speaker 1 00:47:54 Get
Speaker 3 00:47:55 Chosen.
Speaker 2 00:47:56 Okay. Yeah. That, yes. I'd be fine with any of them.
Speaker 4 00:47:59 Uhhuh it's all
Speaker 2 00:48:01 Jacob Diego would be fine. Would be fine. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:48:05 What about like, um,
Speaker 1 00:48:08 Wait
Speaker 4 00:48:08 Ma and
Speaker 2 00:48:10 Yeah. That'd be fine.
Speaker 5 00:48:12 It's fine.
Speaker 4 00:48:13 It's fine. People
Speaker 2 00:48:14 Like now told, you know, don't millions of Chinese people like him.
Speaker 5 00:48:20 Yeah. It's millions
Speaker 3 00:48:21 Of Chinese people. Can't can't all be right.
Speaker 4 00:48:23 Can't all be.
Speaker 5 00:48:24 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:48:24 Yeah. Somebody else answer the question. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:48:27 I'm holding off on my answer. Just
Speaker 5 00:48:29 Keep digging
Speaker 1 00:48:30 That hold
Speaker 4 00:48:31 You're you already, because you already thought about it.
Speaker 3 00:48:33 Yeah. And, and cuz there's a trend,
Speaker 1 00:48:36 Gender specific or
Speaker 3 00:48:39 Gender opposite or culture,
Speaker 4 00:48:41 Obviously culture, then I'd be the hero. Like Michael Burnham.
Speaker 2 00:48:46 You'd be a trend.
Speaker 4 00:48:47 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:48:49 I wouldn't care about
Speaker 3 00:48:53 You would choose gender. Interesting. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:48:54 I, I honestly, yeah.
Speaker 5 00:48:58 Can I just like pick Norwegian or something? Like, no, you can't pick the culture. You have
Speaker 3 00:49:02 To. No, you can't pick the culture
Speaker 1 00:49:03 That it a wheel and whatever gender ISS selected is the one you get.
Speaker 2 00:49:07 Yeah. Walter, Rob, it's not obvious that you're not Norwegian. You could be.
Speaker 4 00:49:11 Yeah.
Speaker 5 00:49:12 Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:49:14 Definitely calling white bread. You're
Speaker 2 00:49:16 White.
Speaker 5 00:49:18 Yeah. Um,
Speaker 3 00:49:22 Yeah. It has to be one clearly different, you know, so.
Speaker 5 00:49:25 Sure. Okay.
Speaker 2 00:49:27 You really came up with this question. It's a really good one.
Speaker 3 00:49:29 Yes. Thank you. I did come up with this question. It was all me, baby,
Speaker 1 00:49:33 But
Speaker 4 00:49:37 You'd be like, it's just that my people are Nordic, like Betty and madman.
Speaker 1 00:49:42 Hmm.
Speaker 3 00:49:43 So I would do, I would probably do the opposite ethnicity as well and just cause I think it's funny.
Speaker 1 00:49:49 Wow. You think my name is funny.
Speaker 3 00:49:53 Your name is not the op your name is American.
Speaker 1 00:49:56 Excuse me. No, it's not your first name. It's just American people say it wrong.
Speaker 4 00:50:02 Your first name. How are we supposed to say it?
Speaker 1 00:50:04 Yeah. It's actually chess.
Speaker 4 00:50:08 Why? Why would you say
Speaker 1 00:50:10 Is,
Speaker 4 00:50:11 Oh my God. Matt. Why would you say,
Speaker 3 00:50:14 I know I wouldn't be surprised either way.
Speaker 4 00:50:19 You, you know, how do you have like a Hebrew name?
Speaker 2 00:50:21 Yes. It's like that.
Speaker 4 00:50:23 Well, it's probably not like that. Cuz Jay probably, you know, uses it.
Speaker 2 00:50:27 <laugh> goes by.
Speaker 4 00:50:29 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:50:30 I, I don't ever use my Korean name.
Speaker 4 00:50:31 What about in Korea?
Speaker 1 00:50:33 Uh, in Korean people don't talk to me. <laugh>
Speaker 2 00:50:37 Works out.
Speaker 1 00:50:39 No, they don't even acknowledge me. They just go, Hey asshole. And I go, yes. It's true. All
Speaker 3 00:50:46 Right, Rob.
Speaker 5 00:50:47 I, I, okay. I thought about this a long time. Yeah. Too long. Uh, yeah, I was, I'm thinking just a different yeah. Ethnicity, cuz I'm kind of basing on like how often I would get like annoying questions from like tells of the bank or something. Just like, why is your name Roberta or something? Like I, I prefer just to be like maybe made don't think I'm adopted that. I'm cool with that. That's yeah, that's totally fine.
Speaker 3 00:51:10 So I've asked several other people, not like not a statistically significant amount and all of the women have said opposite gender and all of the men have said ethnicity
Speaker 1 00:51:21 <laugh> oh
Speaker 3 00:51:24 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:51:25 I can totally understand. Considering the stereotype that, I mean in business emasculating, you have no. If in business, if you have a male name, your studies have shown that you're more often likely to actually be paid attention to and have authority like
Speaker 2 00:51:45 Have a male name, sorry, have a male name or just be a man.
Speaker 1 00:51:49 No, have a male name,
Speaker 4 00:51:50 Be a man.
Speaker 1 00:51:51 There's there's been multiple experiments where people have used a male name instead of their own and be like per my email, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, sign this and using a male name versus their actual name. They've gotten responses almost nine outta 10 times. Versus when they've used their own feminine name.
Speaker 5 00:52:15 I can see that.
Speaker 2 00:52:16 Yeah. It's like in, I written
Speaker 1 00:52:18 Where's the whole, no it's spoken. Doesn't even matter.
Speaker 4 00:52:23 Guys. Go through that crack a lot. There's a crack crack kills.
Speaker 3 00:52:27 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:52:28 Cause I mean growing til, I mean even today, depending on my mood and whether or not I'm a little hungover, I have a very high pitch voice. So people assume that I've always assumed that I was my mom. What, when I answered the phone back in the day when we landline,
Speaker 3 00:52:44 I don't think you have a high pitch voice. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:52:46 When I, when there's a landline, uh, and also when I answer like business calls and stuff like that, I, I usually have a higher pitch voice. Um,
Speaker 5 00:52:55 Or just like even
Speaker 1 00:52:55 When I interpret. Yeah. Even when I interpret I, most of the time I use a higher voice just randoms. So always I'm ignore.
Speaker 3 00:53:06 Wait, can we hear, can we, your voice?
Speaker 1 00:53:08 How are you today? Can I help you today? What's going
Speaker 4 00:53:13 On, Jay? Do you know that song from Joseph in the amazing technical or dream quote where it's like, and a man who can interpret, could go far? Is that like your theme song?
Speaker 1 00:53:24 <laugh> I wish it was song. It's more like my nightmare, but yeah, no. So like, I, I totally understand. Like I I'd be ignored when I answered the phone, but like soon as I like, like I had the exact same call after like a night of drinking and I'm like, Hey, what's up? Like I have my hungover voice. They're like, oh, Hey, what's going on? Hey, what? Blah, blah. I'm like, I literally answered this call yesterday. Why are you talking?
Speaker 2 00:53:52 <laugh> I like, yeah. I think the takeaway of the story is that people with lower voices have privilege.
Speaker 1 00:54:00 Yeah. 100%. So I totally understand the,
Speaker 4 00:54:03 The takeaway is men have privilege. Isn't that the takeaway.
Speaker 2 00:54:05 Yeah. But we knew
Speaker 3 00:54:06 That we already knew that
Speaker 4 00:54:09 Addendum to that.
Speaker 3 00:54:10 How can you get in on some of that privilege
Speaker 4 00:54:12 By changing my name to Michael Burno
Speaker 3 00:54:14 <laugh> and changing your voice?
Speaker 2 00:54:19 Double bogie.
Speaker 3 00:54:21 Yeah, exactly. Alright. I'm not gonna do,
Speaker 1 00:54:24 But also like to bring it back to the question of, uh, cultural perspectives. I mean, you all have non straight up Smith names.
Speaker 4 00:54:40 I mean, some of us do
Speaker 3 00:54:42 Zach and I have very white bread. First names.
Speaker 1 00:54:45 Yeah. You're
Speaker 4 00:54:46 Look the same as very much.
Speaker 1 00:54:47 I was, I was thinking more along the lines of like the last name. Yeah. That's why.
Speaker 2 00:54:55 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The question though is changing your first name.
Speaker 4 00:54:58 Well, whatever though. Cause that mean, I think what he's getting at, we know what it's like to have a ethnic. That's true.
Speaker 2 00:55:05 That's true.
Speaker 3 00:55:07 I think you're better off with a, with an ethnic first name than last name.
Speaker 2 00:55:13 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:55:14 Because then you could just be like, yeah, no, my parents are weird hippie <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:55:20 Exactly.
Speaker 1 00:55:21 But again, that comes back to the whole cultural hippie names are acceptable. Tylene is an acceptable name. Ty are some reason for certain people, but not for others. Like it weird.
Speaker 3 00:55:41 All right.
Speaker 4 00:55:42 I don't get the reference.
Speaker 1 00:55:43 There is no real reference. It's a actual name. I know that I've seen multiple times that I've had multiple friends up that have had very differing experiences in life with
Speaker 3 00:55:58 I messed up. My,
Speaker 4 00:55:58 This is a spooky spooky.
Speaker 3 00:56:01 All right. So my last que I had three. I'm gonna save one for another another day.
Speaker 1 00:56:05 How dare you?
Speaker 3 00:56:07 I dare Demonn. That was a good one. But I will ask this the other shower. That's
Speaker 1 00:56:10 You
Speaker 3 00:56:11 Hold I will ask, I will ask this question cuz it's shower related, which is that let's just, let's say that you're about to take a shower. Okay. It's like first thing in the morning, you're about to take shower. You're going in. You're already naked for the purposes of this question.
Speaker 2 00:56:27 I like where this is going.
Speaker 3 00:56:28 And then you take a really nasty dump first in all honesty. How much wiping do you do?
Speaker 1 00:56:39 Normal amount.
Speaker 3 00:56:41 Seriously.
Speaker 5 00:56:42 A great
Speaker 1 00:56:42 Hundred percent normal amount because I don't wanna have to deal. I don't wanna touch it. Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:56:48 Matt, what's wrong with you?
Speaker 2 00:56:50 I knew I was gonna say that
Speaker 1 00:56:52 If I could clean it and then do a nice, simple wash rather than having to worry about. Yeah. I don't wanna deal with fecal. If I don't have to. I used to work in a gastroenterologist office where I had to handle mail full of fecal matter. I don't wanna deal with it again.
Speaker 3 00:57:09 It's different when it's your own.
Speaker 1 00:57:10 Fuck you ghost.
Speaker 2 00:57:12 Does, does that mean you're not getting a dog?
Speaker 1 00:57:14 No, I can deal with dogs. I'm not touching their poop. I'm using a bag.
Speaker 2 00:57:19 So, so too close to gum for, for me. But that's the discussion for another time. That way Matt, I would do it. Normal amount of wiping and then finish it off in the shower.
Speaker 3 00:57:28 You guys are lying.
Speaker 2 00:57:29 No,
Speaker 4 00:57:30 I'm not lying. No, no way, dude.
Speaker 1 00:57:31 I do it all the time. I take a dump right before I take showers all the time. So I don't have to worry about it. Cause I don't wanna get out of the shower and go, oh shit, literally. Oh shit. And have to take a dump. And then I would be like, well that was a waste. Now my ass is dirty again.
Speaker 2 00:57:47 Yeah, exactly. That
Speaker 3 00:57:48 Makes sense.
Speaker 5 00:57:49 Oh, a hundred percent. Yeah. I I'd still wipe all the way. I think be forced to have it. I'd just be like, I don't know. I'd see. There's a lot remaining. I'd be like, I'm not gonna what I'm gonna like use my hand and like just
Speaker 1 00:58:04 Deal with all
Speaker 5 00:58:05 That crap. Go deep in that. Yeah. No
Speaker 2 00:58:08 Go balls deep in it.
Speaker 5 00:58:10 Yeah. Like
Speaker 1 00:58:11 I don't mind getting a good clean, clean, but if I don't have to like go nutty on it, then I'm not going to <laugh>.
Speaker 3 00:58:23 Fair enough,
Speaker 2 00:58:24 Matt. What about uh, back front to back or back to front? That's the real question.
Speaker 4 00:58:29 What?
Speaker 2 00:58:31 Yeah
Speaker 4 00:58:31 There that's. There's no question. There's only, only one way sanitary.
Speaker 3 00:58:36 That's that for men? It doesn't matter a lot. It's
Speaker 4 00:58:38 When, fuck you guys.
Speaker 3 00:58:40 Yeah. Another, another as another example of privilege
Speaker 1 00:58:44 Also. I mean, for me I live alone, so it's fine. Cuz then I'm standing in my own shit. But then that just means extra cleaning of the bathroom. Like extra hard scrubbing to make sanitation for your family. I mean that's just disrespectful.
Speaker 2 00:59:00 Yeah. The tub becomes dirt.
Speaker 1 00:59:02 Yeah. That's just disrespectful for anyone else who uses it?
Speaker 3 00:59:07 Get out on the
Speaker 2 00:59:09 It's all pipes.
Speaker 1 00:59:11 Yeah. The pipes is one thing. It's the floor is where you're stepping.
Speaker 3 00:59:18 Doesn't bother me. What can I say? It
Speaker 1 00:59:20 Doesn't bother you, but I feel like it might bother other people when you go, Hey, by the way you're standing in shit. <laugh> yes, man. I'm never showering your house. <laugh> no ones.
Speaker 3 00:59:34 No one's in asking you to,
Speaker 1 00:59:36 Hey, how dare you? Why would you not invite me to shower in your house? I would invite you to shower mine. You
Speaker 2 00:59:43 Can't use your mic.
Speaker 3 00:59:44 You just can't use the master. You can use the, uh,
Speaker 1 00:59:47 Guest. Is it because I'm Asian? Am I ethnic for you? Are you Asian?
Speaker 3 00:59:52 I had no idea
Speaker 1 00:59:55 What the Chesson name didn't clue you in
Speaker 3 00:59:58 Did be anything these days.
Speaker 1 01:00:03 All right. I can be anything this's America.
Speaker 2 01:00:08 Oh no. Let's get up.
Speaker 3 01:00:10 Ah, God it all right. And on that note,
Speaker 2 01:00:14 On that note, thank you for joining us here on Tuesday night. Gaming can catch us every week at Twitch that TV slash MC
Speaker 1 01:00:20 Slanting. I totally hit that skeleton in the nuts
Speaker 2 01:00:23 And group up with us next time.