It's the 200th episode and Tuesday Night Gaming is hosting a celebration. Extra questions of the day, TNG trivia, Naomi's notes, and of course the TV review. Zach is the least Internet savvy one of us, Matt’s memory is mush, Alanna knows where genius comes from, Jay is getting assaulted by zombies and Naomi is a little bit special.
It’s like the Cave of Wonders. Jay is playing Abound, Zach doesn’t want to be difficult, Alanna makes a Prediction and Matt is like...
A very special week this week. Zach has so many emotions, Naomi is on her soapbox firmly, Matt should have expected it, Jay is...
We’re the only Bad Batch fans on the Internet, Zach only watched 11, Alanna didn’t watch either, Rob was getting bored, Jay runs everywhere...