Episode Transcript
Speaker 1 00:00:09 We'll welcome back to Tuesday night gaming, storing Rob, Zach, Alana, Jay, and Matt. Yay. And today we were talking about star girl, season three, three, season three, episode two.
Speaker 2 00:00:24 Wow.
Speaker 1 00:00:26 I did not like this one. Quite as much as the first one,
Speaker 3 00:00:28 Nothing really happened.
Speaker 2 00:00:30 I actually liked it. Four. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:00:32 Interesting.
Speaker 2 00:00:33 Surprisingly
Speaker 3 00:00:34 Contrarian.
Speaker 2 00:00:35 It was a lot of, yeah. I like talking
Speaker 1 00:00:40 <laugh> it depends on what they're saying.
Speaker 2 00:00:44 No, I like talking.
Speaker 1 00:00:45 It seemed like there was a lot of wheels spending though. So,
Speaker 2 00:00:49 I mean, there, there, this episode is a setup episode
Speaker 1 00:00:53 Set up and payoff. I did notice this time, actually last episode, I noticed that there was Seth green and the credits, but I never bothered to figure out who he was. Was
Speaker 3 00:01:01 He the Thunderbolt?
Speaker 1 00:01:02 He's the de thunder bowl. He,
Speaker 3 00:01:04 Yeah. Cause I noticed that Jim Gaffigan was gone. I was like, wow. They're cheaping out on us.
Speaker 1 00:01:09 <laugh> Gaffigan. Yeah. I, well, I think another reason why I, I didn't really like is it had a lot of flashbacks to like the gambler, like setting up his trailer for like 10 minutes. Yeah. In the, yeah. It didn't pay off in this episode. And then if, I don't know if it ever will, but it seems like it was basically just again, like wheel spinning, like he dies. So who cares about his little duck? His lucky duck. Hopeful. You're gonna remember those objects, like five episodes from now? No, or it definitely won't unless it's like previously on star girl, the gambler had a duck <laugh> yeah. Maybe his will find it and then it would be like, no, his duck is already left me. It's like, or it's like the killer had the duck in their house and that's how they know. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:01:56 Or maybe Becky also has a thing for rubber duckies.
Speaker 1 00:02:00 That's a good point.
Speaker 2 00:02:02 How far are you going? Your downloads?
Speaker 3 00:02:04 I'm a half percent. 50%. Um, did you guys notice the gambler's blueway shoes?
Speaker 1 00:02:11 No, <laugh> it's great. Uh, we learned in the beginning of the episode, that crusher seems to have some kind of beef with the gambler. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:02:21 He like betray. Did he try and kill them? No,
Speaker 2 00:02:25 He left them. He took all the money and he just left. He left them to rot and die. So supporting
Speaker 1 00:02:31 Them, he took money from the shade. Did he presumably also take it from the cracks, I guess presum.
Speaker 2 00:02:35 Presumably he took all their money. Yeah. Or, and not just that, he just, as they were fighting and if, as they were having their issues gambler just disappeared on them. So he wasn't a team player. He wasn't part of their
Speaker 1 00:02:48 Little crew. I bad guy
Speaker 2 00:02:51 <laugh>.
Speaker 1 00:02:52 Yeah. So that was weird. Um, I, I also had that in a note. Why does he want payback? And I thought maybe it was just from a preview episode that you guys remembered and you did.
Speaker 3 00:03:02 I'm glad all of us were confused. I,
Speaker 2 00:03:04 No, they specifically talk about it in the first episode.
Speaker 1 00:03:08 That's why the shade, that's why the shade doesn't like him. And
Speaker 2 00:03:11 They, I remember that. That's why they say it too. They specifically say, why is he back in here? Why is he allowed? He wasn't even part of he, he left us, blah, blah, blah. There's a whole, there's a whole blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Session of it in the first episode.
Speaker 1 00:03:26 Nah, not enough punching, not saying, uh, okay. So then we learned the gambler was not shot, even though Cindy was standing over him with a gun. Right. It was stabbed as if, by a sh as you watch you clear in the audience,
Speaker 4 00:03:44 But then they're like, but you could have been shot. Anyway. I was like, what does that mean? Like <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:03:49 Could have been shot through the, and nobody know
Speaker 2 00:03:54 If that's the case. What if she shot him and then took her little stabby stab to hide it?
Speaker 1 00:03:59 Like in only murders in the building.
Speaker 3 00:04:01 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:04:02 Wow. Spoiler alert. Spoiler
Speaker 4 00:04:04 Alert. Most of will never watch.
Speaker 1 00:04:07 Yeah. I thought they just said just cuz he wasn't shot doesn't mean Cindy didn't kill him. Which is true. Yeah, definitely.
Speaker 3 00:04:14 Yeah. She
Speaker 1 00:04:15 Said, Cindy says I wrote it down. She, Cindy says she accidentally went off. You guys remember her saying that? Mm-hmm <affirmative> I don't know what that means. So did she have beef with the gambler too?
Speaker 3 00:04:27 Her money? She accidentally went off.
Speaker 1 00:04:29 Yeah. I dunno.
Speaker 3 00:04:31 I don't remember her saying that. No, she did. She went off to talk to the gambler.
Speaker 2 00:04:36 No. Yeah. She picked it up in accidentally, went off and
Speaker 1 00:04:39 Went off. Yeah. The gun accidentally went off there.
Speaker 4 00:04:40 I guess there's still that weird clip. I'm just like how many? It's such a tiny gun.
Speaker 2 00:04:44 It's a two shot. It's
Speaker 4 00:04:45 A two. Shot's a two shot. Okay.
Speaker 3 00:04:47 Darren.
Speaker 1 00:04:48 All right. I'm installed. Can I uh, tell, can I get an invite way up, but top the mask,
Speaker 3 00:04:55 Which shade goes to talk to him? He's not wearing his hat. And I was like, where's your hat bro? And Andrew was like, why are you throwing shade at the shade?
Speaker 1 00:05:03 He should wear the hat. He doesn't wear the hat very often.
Speaker 3 00:05:06 He should wear it more. He looked so good in the hat.
Speaker 1 00:05:10 Mm Yu me. I tried to keep your thing for evil dad. Like,
Speaker 3 00:05:13 Okay. Who's the shade's child. He's not a dad.
Speaker 1 00:05:18 Humanity is his child is he has watched it grow.
Speaker 2 00:05:20 He's my daddy
Speaker 1 00:05:23 Blue valley is his children. Okay. So the next thing I have is Cindy does mad science. Yeah. I thought that was just kind of dumb. This is, it just came outta nowhere. It has a, had a little pacing issues.
Speaker 3 00:05:34 I liked it. Hold on. Can someone invite me to the group? I liked it because it gives us another plot. It kind of explains her motivation for joining the JSA. Um,
Speaker 1 00:05:47 I don't, I don't even remember what she did. She, she, she makes some kind of serum and then drinks it. We, we don't know what the serum does.
Speaker 3 00:05:55 It's pink,
Speaker 2 00:05:57 But
Speaker 1 00:05:57 It's pink. That's all we know.
Speaker 2 00:05:58 She's like massaging her arm. It looks like she's having issues physically. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, bef as she's doing it. And then she stares at the big old portrait of the injustice specifically stares. It looks like at gambler, but it could have been
Speaker 3 00:06:17 Her dad, her
Speaker 2 00:06:18 Dad, but maybe her physical, like enhancements are causing her issues.
Speaker 3 00:06:25 They are,
Speaker 2 00:06:27 She needs more she's juicing.
Speaker 1 00:06:32 Are they causing her issues?
Speaker 2 00:06:34 Maybe they're not as fully functioning as
Speaker 3 00:06:41 All right. I can come back now. Yeah. So
Speaker 1 00:06:43 It is, it is interesting. I, I, it is kind of mysterious. I would've been interested. Well, it'd just be interested to see where it goes. It just seems like there was no lead up to it. Like it would've been better. I think if they had had a little bit more build up where it like shows her working on it and then she bakes the serum, but whatever. Yeah. Just the whole thing with them finding her was really weird. She's like, I didn't do it. And then they just like, let her go.
Speaker 3 00:07:09 She's still acting really cagey. Cuz she has the laptop.
Speaker 1 00:07:14 Yeah. Well what is they supposed to do is act like in prisoner.
Speaker 3 00:07:17 Yeah. Like the flash build their own pipeline and
Speaker 1 00:07:22 That's no, no accountability. Yeah. So the next part I wrote about is the part I, I liked a lot. It's the part where Courtney has the gambler's letter and she's like reading about it.
Speaker 2 00:07:34 Facts, mail, fraud.
Speaker 1 00:07:35 She's like I read this letter a dozen times, which is, that was not a very good line, but I did like how she it's, you know, con feels a connection to Becky. Yeah. And I like the line where she's like, if I, if I had gotten a letter that said half of this from my own father, it would've meant would've been a lot. So I thought that was true to the character. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:07:54 Jay, is it, is it mail fraud if doesn't have an address,
Speaker 2 00:07:58 I guess not if there, but if it, yeah, no, it's definitely
Speaker 1 00:08:03 A bit of violation of trust. Her name is not Becky AANA
Speaker 3 00:08:07 <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:08:08 There's no way around that.
Speaker 2 00:08:10 Yeah. There is no address. It didn't go. It's not meant to go through the pal service. I guess. It's not really male.
Speaker 3 00:08:16 Yeah, I guess so
Speaker 2 00:08:16 It's just invasion of privacy.
Speaker 3 00:08:18 It's just invasion privacy. Yes. Um, Courtney's kind of been kind of, I feel like kind of flat this season. Like no, we have to trust Cindy. She's always flat. I to find a murderer. You just don't remember she's
Speaker 1 00:08:30 You just don't remember. She's always like this. She's always kinda like bland thing about her. Dad reminded me back when she'd be like, yeah. When we meet Starman, my dad, my wife will be great. Yeah. That was the best part. I never
Speaker 3 00:08:43 Should've kept that going.
Speaker 1 00:08:44 Never get sold. She should just be calling Joel McKay or dad you're like, come on dad. I mean still, uh, I also like to whatever pillow.
Speaker 3 00:08:55 Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1 00:08:56 Even though it's all dated. I don't, I get the impression teenagers don't really say that anymore. Maybe
Speaker 2 00:09:02 They still say whatever,
Speaker 3 00:09:03 You know what? It's not realistic. Cuz if this was in now times they would be on their phones, like twenty four seven. Who would they like the teenagers?
Speaker 1 00:09:11 Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:09:12 Who kind of, sort of, not really. They're busy being fighting crime.
Speaker 3 00:09:16 They'd be on TikTok and be like, Hey, we're the JS Saya. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:09:23 That probably does exist by the way. It's just the corporate version.
Speaker 3 00:09:27 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:09:27 So the next part I have is Mike and Ja. Yeah. This
Speaker 3 00:09:31 My God. What
Speaker 1 00:09:34 The
Speaker 2 00:09:35 Killer
Speaker 1 00:09:36 That let us into the justice society. Yeah. Another strong character motivation. Yeah. Um, but, but I thought at the end of the second season, they kind of respected Mike after he murdered IOL or was at the end of the first
Speaker 3 00:09:49 Season. That's the first season.
Speaker 1 00:09:50 Yeah. So I thought he was getting some respect, but maybe not. And
Speaker 3 00:09:54 The second
Speaker 2 00:09:54 Seasons the best or came in the pitcher end. So yeah.
Speaker 3 00:09:57 And he was trying to build his own robot so he could join the JSA. They were like, Mike you're too little.
Speaker 1 00:10:03 And then they just forgot about the robot and uh, pat spending more time with Mike he's like, forget it. And I was spending time with Sylvester at staff.
Speaker 3 00:10:10 Yeah. Mike's like barely been on the season so far.
Speaker 1 00:10:12 Well, it's only been two episodes, but that's true. Yeah. It's a little bit premature, but I like that. They're letting, giving those two guys stuff to do. Cause Jaim so powerful. But I guess they also know that he's almost as much of a me to them as he is to anybody else. And that was good too late, not to jump ahead, but the part with the wish where they like, again, it's the same kind of like very stilted, you know, carefully laid out. So that's
Speaker 3 00:10:38 Good. I like that. Mike tried to do it by himself and of course didn't do it quite right.
Speaker 1 00:10:42 But he didn't ruin everything. So that was
Speaker 3 00:10:43 No, that's true.
Speaker 2 00:10:44 To be fair. That was pretty well written out.
Speaker 3 00:10:49 Yeah. It was for like a 13 year.
Speaker 2 00:10:51 I was like, honestly, I probably would've come up with something pretty similar if not worse. <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:11:00 All right. So after the Thunderbolt stuff, Paula and Barb us, we have some like weird Barb side plot stuff and
Speaker 1 00:11:08 Yeah. Her beaver Tim, which was amazing.
Speaker 3 00:11:11 I why like what? That was such a weird, I dunno.
Speaker 1 00:11:14 I'm I'm ready. I'm ready to, to go to war on Tim. Yeah. Solo. We were all waiting for when he was like, I'm gonna vote against your proposal. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:11:25 Oh God. <laugh>.
Speaker 1 00:11:27 It was great. And he, and again, it comes out of nowhere. It's like there's no. Where is this coming
Speaker 3 00:11:32 From? Who is this person?
Speaker 1 00:11:34 Yeah. It doesn't matter. He doesn't like Barb and therefore we don't like him. Let's go.
Speaker 4 00:11:39 Okay. The first few season. So I was like, what, what the hell's going on? But I was like, okay, now there's no context. Good
Speaker 1 00:11:45 <laugh> guys. I'm calling it right now. He killed the gambler.
Speaker 2 00:11:48 <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:11:49 It was, it was town. It was
Speaker 3 00:11:51 Tim.
Speaker 4 00:11:51 It was, Tim might be right.
Speaker 1 00:11:53 <laugh> like, I, I might be. That's how that's how these Scooby do mysteries work. ISS the innocuous side. Charact. He's always that boring guy.
Speaker 3 00:12:00 Yeah. Tim is Peron.
Speaker 1 00:12:02 Ooh. Oh, he's not Peron. He's just Tim.
Speaker 3 00:12:07 Peron's the villain.
Speaker 1 00:12:08 Oh, all his feelings about Peron is like star girl on her dad.
Speaker 3 00:12:11 Totally.
Speaker 1 00:12:12 Well not let it go. You mean like you and Jack Knight? Yeah. Yeah. That's a better example. Yeah. But yeah. I like Paula saying dispo. We would never be so sloppy disposing that the corpse is 1 0 1. Yeah. Yeah. That was super villain says then until they mess up. Yeah. I
Speaker 3 00:12:31 Mean, she's a super Villa. She's more like a, like a, an assassin, like a mercenary,
Speaker 1 00:12:36 Like Cheshire.
Speaker 3 00:12:37 Yeah. She would know how to dispose of a body.
Speaker 1 00:12:40 Yeah, no, no. She would. Then we learned that the gambler had the stab wound and then we have the best scene in the whole episode. Wait
Speaker 3 00:12:49 In shade of a Dick measuring contest.
Speaker 1 00:12:51 Well, no, no. Well the part in the diner.
Speaker 3 00:12:54 Yeah. That part. That's what I mean. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:12:56 Yeah. Wait, it was, hang on before you get to that. I just like that. Neither Paula or Barbara know how to bake. I thought that was funny. Have we gotten to that part yet? Well, yeah dude
Speaker 3 00:13:06 Kind of. So Paul Paula asked Barbara, she knows how to bake and she's like, no, but we Andrew and I thought that she was lying to get out of trying to that's
Speaker 1 00:13:16 What I thought too. OK. We that's the password. Uh, okay. And then I notice have a brief thing where Cindy, I guess, is the confrontation in the cafeteria when she she's kind of throwing her weight around for someone who suspected a murder. Yeah. But she owns that school. Yeah. That's how she operates. She's not gonna change. I didn't write anything down for that. I, I did. I kind of liked the part where they were like, we need to find the laptop. Whoever has laptop murder now a little bit of a false assumption, but at least there's a direction. The season needs like a clear direction. So I guess they have that.
Speaker 3 00:13:50 I agree. They need the, we need the Villa to reveal themselves soon.
Speaker 1 00:13:55 Yeah. They start working against I don't. That's true. I don't think that's true.
Speaker 3 00:13:59 Soon-ish to the audience. If not the characters, I don't, we
Speaker 1 00:14:02 Need to do more like actual detective stuff instead of just in fighting.
Speaker 3 00:14:05 Yeah. Their, their version detective work was like Sylvester and para are gonna go question people. They only talked to the shade <laugh> and they got nowhere. <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:14:15 Right. And also you were like, should we trust Cindy? I don't know. I don't trust her. Yolanda's like, let's kill her. I like the part where, uh, Sylvester sits down at the booth and they had like kind of tries like sit next to him. I think he's like trying to push him over a little bit. That was great. Yeah. I also always obnoxious. It was great.
Speaker 3 00:14:36 Feel bad. <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:14:39 No, I, I feel bad for Sylvester. He's trying to be like intimidating pat. We're gonna, yeah. Uh, I was like that. She finally gets a tea that he likes all that built, you know? Know? Well, how
Speaker 3 00:14:51 That so scared of him.
Speaker 2 00:14:54 She was
Speaker 1 00:14:55 Well, yeah, after you do it 44 times, and then he gets mad at you each time.
Speaker 3 00:14:58 Yeah. That poor lady. I hope he gave her like a huge tip.
Speaker 1 00:15:02 He did mad.
Speaker 2 00:15:03 I feel like he doesn't tip,
Speaker 1 00:15:04 You know, he doesn't, he's British. Like we don't tip in Britain, but
Speaker 3 00:15:08 He's like super polite and proper. And like just cuz they don't do it in the UK. It's proper to do it here. No. Maybe
Speaker 4 00:15:17 With like last multiple, like the whole season, like just like this arc of doing the tea thing then like ended in two episodes. And I was like, I don't know. I, I wanted like this slow build up of like, and then they may fall in love. I don't know. I, I had this whole thing in my head. It didn't happen.
Speaker 3 00:15:33 Well, it's funny you say that. Right. Cuz like they bring him in and you're like, oh shade lives in town. You know? Great. And then he's like, I gotta go. I hate Sylvester. I got shit to do. I don't think it's like what?
Speaker 1 00:15:44 I don't think he's necessarily leaving. I think he's just saying,
Speaker 3 00:15:47 Well it's it's like the classic. We don't really wanna pay this actor for like all the episodes. So it write like is he?
Speaker 1 00:15:54 Yeah, but he could be around and just not in episodes.
Speaker 3 00:15:57 Well I agree, but I don't know. They're clearly doing something with Jayden obsidian and him. So looking forward to that
Speaker 1 00:16:04 Clearly,
Speaker 3 00:16:04 Clearly. Yeah, of course. They're you didn't see that green shit
Speaker 2 00:16:09 I saw. Yeah. I did like the fact that when he got baed he uh, had that little sparkly greens
Speaker 1 00:16:19 Thought of that. I didn't it's a good, good reminder. Uh, okay. So we have a brief thing of Cameron where he's his high school power should
Speaker 3 00:16:26 Be about Sylvester calling shade. Hufflepuff. I thought that was rude.
Speaker 2 00:16:30 That was, that was
Speaker 1 00:16:32 Thought it was weird. Where's Sylvester wants to get back. I didn't have an opinion about it. Sylvester. Uh, what about the part where he shows up at, at uh, cord's school? Oh
Speaker 3 00:16:49 My God should be
Speaker 1 00:16:51 Arrested. Was weird. It was weird.
Speaker 2 00:16:53 And the school let's her leave with him?
Speaker 3 00:16:56 Well the school presumably doesn't know he's there.
Speaker 1 00:16:59 Right?
Speaker 2 00:16:59 Then why is she getting,
Speaker 1 00:17:01 Although most high schools these days have, well I guess not in I blonde blue valley. Wouldn't that much in the way of security. Oh shit.
Speaker 2 00:17:08 Why would they not? Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:17:09 I don't know. They, that part was very real unrealistic that she would just leave school without being stopped. He would just wander around this school. Just like random guy, like come
Speaker 1 00:17:18 He's superhero. <laugh>
Speaker 2 00:17:20 Why she Chas when he does test.
Speaker 1 00:17:22 Yes. Yes. He was especially when, especially when he doesn't have a good reason to be there. Yeah. Like he's like, let's go train. His
Speaker 3 00:17:29 Reason was I'm bored. Yeah. And I wanna show off.
Speaker 1 00:17:32 He's like, I gotta emasculated in front of the shades and let's go
Speaker 4 00:17:36 A
Speaker 1 00:17:36 Train. And what did he train her? What did he train her to
Speaker 3 00:17:41 Do? He trained her to, uh,
Speaker 1 00:17:43 He was the shooting star.
Speaker 3 00:17:44 He the shooting star. Yeah. And like, I think more like channel her energy into the staff is probably a useful thing to know.
Speaker 1 00:17:51 Yeah. Uh, I, I did. I have, I I'm like Zach where I laughed when he was like, it's time for you to level up like a video game, like
Speaker 2 00:18:01 Frogger, Frogger. <laugh> yeah. So for you don't level up at Frogger, that's
Speaker 3 00:18:05 What Andrew said
Speaker 1 00:18:06 Only gave you the
Speaker 2 00:18:07 Love.
Speaker 1 00:18:10 Well, he's like, you know, a video game, just, just trying to think of a video game. Right? His logic train it's he's lovely. Have like a video game, a video game, like Frogger.
Speaker 3 00:18:18 So people on the internet were like, oh, you know what could have caused the damage to the trailer? That shooting star maneuver.
Speaker 1 00:18:26 Oh.
Speaker 3 00:18:27 But like Courtney had the staffs that don't really know about that.
Speaker 1 00:18:30 There's lots, there's lots of things that could've caused that damage.
Speaker 3 00:18:33 So like which hole is it?
Speaker 1 00:18:35 It's all the way their side it's on the other side. This is part four. This is kind of tough. Um, yeah. I also, how do you guys feel about the Peter pan? Think of a wonderful thought and that's how you, it doesn't make any sense. <laugh> it makes no sense because it's a piece of technology.
Speaker 3 00:18:56 Yeah. Why was
Speaker 2 00:18:57 It? It's A's a technology that feeds you. It obviously has connections to emotions. It gets sad. It gets lonely. It gets
Speaker 1 00:19:11 That's dumb. That's not from the comics either that it get outta actually buddy I'm I'm starting to be, uh, that
Speaker 2 00:19:18 Guy uhoh shirt, glasses upset.
Speaker 1 00:19:20 There you go, man. Explain it to me in blue
Speaker 3 00:19:23 Ball. Is that outta the way
Speaker 1 00:19:25 In the comic? The staff does have a, like a psychic there's a bit of like a psychic connection, like Jack and I learns how you mentally command it. This the whole thing with emotions though. That's new.
Speaker 3 00:19:39 That's very CW.
Speaker 1 00:19:40 Yeah. You, you could control it with your mind. That's a little bit different than saying you need to channel your emotions to right.
Speaker 2 00:19:46 Or it's just making you connect to like a certain like energy, right?
Speaker 1 00:19:53 Yeah. Mm-hmm <affirmative> but it's the point is it's not totally, totally new. Godammit <laugh> so yeah. I, I was also wondering like, what does Sylvester think of that makes him work the staff so well
Speaker 2 00:20:09 Probably how cool he looks. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:20:12 Probably how much also
Speaker 3 00:20:13 Also
Speaker 1 00:20:14 Loves pat
Speaker 3 00:20:15 Practice. He used to be happy. He used to have friends. He used to know Wesley Dodd's DaVero
Speaker 1 00:20:22 <laugh> yeah. I just would be kind of curious if he was like, Hmm, it doesn't work as well as it used to. Cause I like, I like that part too. Well, we'll get to it. We'll get to it. Um, yeah. So we have the, yeah, so we have the spasm. I like the, the glowing eyes. That was the cool effect. Wait,
Speaker 3 00:20:37 Do, are we skipping past talking about Cameron? Cause uh, I thought his teacher died.
Speaker 1 00:20:42 No, he didn't die. He just got like possess
Speaker 2 00:20:44 By hour. Yeah. And got really, really
Speaker 1 00:20:46 Hurt our tshirt. Yeah. That's think of that.
Speaker 3 00:20:50 Yeah. I thought he got totally wrecked by a clip though.
Speaker 1 00:20:54 He did not get totally wrecked by a clip. So just mostly wrecked. Get ed one. I would say
Speaker 3 00:20:59 Ty, Ty wrecked.
Speaker 1 00:21:00 <laugh> oh yeah. That's what Jay would say. Oh yeah. That's true. <laugh> uh, yeah. Do do anything else about Cameron? Just yeah. His hand is spasming.
Speaker 3 00:21:10 Right? Other than I was like really glad to see his grandparents. I was like, it's the best character.
Speaker 1 00:21:15 Nice. Have them back. No, we do grandparents. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:21:19 Not just spasming, like cramping in like just straight up pain. Like mm-hmm <affirmative> anytime he,
Speaker 3 00:21:27 His hands, you know, because
Speaker 1 00:21:28 That's what the artist's tool. It's where channel, excuse me, channels his ice.
Speaker 2 00:21:35 That's how he's gonna paint the world with
Speaker 3 00:21:37 Us. Do do also his hair looked great.
Speaker 1 00:21:41 I used to see
Speaker 3 00:21:43 Cameron's hair. I don't know if you guys noticed
Speaker 1 00:21:45 Sound like you're on the Delta flyers.
Speaker 3 00:21:47 Oh yeah. They talk about Jane way's hair.
Speaker 1 00:21:49 They talk about everybody's hair. Yeah. People's hair. God shit. <laugh> so
Speaker 3 00:21:57 App goes,
Speaker 1 00:21:58 Okay. So yeah. The next thing I have is the, the great bathroom scene with Mike and Chichi. Yeah. Uh, well, uh, before that is the baking scene. I didn't know if you guys wanted to talk about that.
Speaker 3 00:22:08 Uh,
Speaker 1 00:22:09 Marvin and Paula baking, you
Speaker 3 00:22:10 Know, baking's really not that hard. And they even had a cookbook. I dunno if that's
Speaker 1 00:22:13 Why it that's why it was funny. You know what don't judge? How dare you, judge.
Speaker 3 00:22:16 How dare you? Not
Speaker 1 00:22:18 Everybody. Not everybody can follow directions. Okay. Really?
Speaker 3 00:22:21 They can't follow directions.
Speaker 1 00:22:22 Don't be so narrow. Normative. Okay. I
Speaker 2 00:22:24 Mean, people fail labs because they can't follow the instructions.
Speaker 1 00:22:28 Yeah. Come on. It's an older, but it checks out, you know? Yeah. Oh my God. I made the, made the oven explode. Cause I dunno how to, you know? Yeah. Bet. If they were wouldn't have a problem with all,
Speaker 3 00:22:42 Would it be like, Hey Paul, Hollywood's a man.
Speaker 1 00:22:47 Yeah. But I'm just saying if they were bad at cooking, you wouldn't have a problem with that.
Speaker 3 00:22:51 That's no, I would. I'd be like follow directions.
Speaker 2 00:22:56 <laugh> and they'd say we did. And then you'd say, no, you didn't. We
Speaker 1 00:23:00 Think we did something wrong. Te that's more the baker. I think. I don't remember exactly what Paula says. I didn't write it down, but she looks at the, it looks like, like a lump of coal and she's like, I don't think it came out correctly or something like that. She
Speaker 2 00:23:15 Says it's a little flatter than the other one.
Speaker 3 00:23:17 Doesn't look like the picture.
Speaker 1 00:23:19 She's like, it doesn't look like the picture or something like that. So I like that. It was pretty dead all. So yeah. So now we can go into the, uh, bathroom. We're talk about her memories, her happy memories, but then yeah, go to the
Speaker 3 00:23:32 Bathroom. What does it say on the door? Men or boys?
Speaker 1 00:23:35 <laugh> it doesn't say boys on the door. It says men. And then at the end it cuts over. It says boys, it says boys and then music,
Speaker 3 00:23:41 Like a,
Speaker 1 00:23:42 Like, like the music choice there. It stays, it stays on it for so long too. It stays on the boys for so long. Yeah. But then so, so, but then Jakim like wants to immediately go check the door. So I was like, are they saying he's like gullible or why? Well he's smarter.
Speaker 3 00:23:58 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:23:59 Wait, check the, to make sure it says boys. Yeah. But, but if it'd be smarter then like I was like, why does he care?
Speaker 3 00:24:06 He's skeptical.
Speaker 1 00:24:08 He just doesn't. Oh crap. He just, he's more, more cautious reset takes you back to the beginning. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It does. I thought he just took you back to where you were. He just doesn't trust. I think he just doesn't trust Mike. And that makes sense. Yeah. He's smart. Mike's not very trustworthy. Yeah. Um, but I really like that. One of my favorite parts of the scene is he does the wish and then the end, he says, amen. <laugh>
Speaker 3 00:24:32 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:24:33 Yeah. That was, that was funny. Cause its like, how else are you gonna end a wish please?
Speaker 3 00:24:38 The end,
Speaker 1 00:24:39 The end. Uh, yeah. So that was, that was a funny scene. Uh, uh, yeah. So then we have the part where Joel, I wrote down Joel for experience sake. So ster God, I can't do this whole Sylvester confronts the shade.
Speaker 3 00:24:57 I don't think those hole's possible.
Speaker 1 00:24:58 Well, they're having a nice, they're having like a nice, he in ordinates are having like a nice con fab on the porch and I oh and I like that part too, actually. Cuz he is like, is that the part? Oh no. That's later actually. Nevermind. Nevermind. Nevermind. So they have the confab and then he is like shade. You killed the JSA. I hate you. Sorry. Go ahead buddy. Beat up. Which was cool. Cause you don't get to see that very often. Yeah. He's he's like you almost get the impression that shade is like Uber powerful, but it shows that a big hit from Starman will really knock him on his butt will show him which way is up. This part also made me wonder, I'm sorry if they already addressed this in the show, which is entirely possible, but like why did shade help the ISA? My God, you didn't wanna kill the JSA? What?
Speaker 3 00:25:47 That was a bad golf.
Speaker 1 00:25:48 Wow. Uh, he had a,
Speaker 3 00:25:52 I thought he did say he didn't wanna kill a JSA. Yeah,
Speaker 1 00:25:55 He did mean he saved Dr. Midnight, but why was he hooked up with the ISA? Did they ever explain an eye on them? I think I thought he agreed with their like environmental terrorism goals.
Speaker 3 00:26:04 Did he also wanna like keep an eye on the eclipse diamond or something?
Speaker 1 00:26:08 Yeah. Well yeah. Yeah. You see it's all variable board. Cool day. Why? I was part of the ISA <laugh> I'm not a killer, like the other ones. Yeah. So then she is like Fs and he leaves, he just disappears.
Speaker 3 00:26:23 Yeah. When he, I like when he talks to, uh, our mail and he is like, I ran into something large and dumb, dumb. Yeah. Rather large and stupid is what I guess that, yeah,
Speaker 1 00:26:33 That, that was, that was great. Uh, yeah. It's so sorry buddy. It's also kind of weird to see the shade in broad daylight outside. Do you guys like the part in the confrontation where he's like, he's like I, after the JSA disappeared, there were a bunch of funerals. They were all very well attended except for yours pat.
Speaker 3 00:26:53 Only one there Savage you're
Speaker 1 00:26:55 A loser.
Speaker 3 00:26:55 That
Speaker 1 00:26:56 Was weird.
Speaker 3 00:26:56 That was totally Savage. That was like the part, the beginning of Dr. Strange is like, oh the best superhero, the best surgeon still couldn't get. The girl was like that energy.
Speaker 2 00:27:06 Yeah. It was <laugh> yeah. It was fallback.
Speaker 1 00:27:11 Very impressive.
Speaker 3 00:27:13 Yeah. Sage or SHA Sage shade was great in this
Speaker 1 00:27:17 As, as, always
Speaker 3 00:27:18 As always. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:27:21 Uh, yeah. So they go through all that and then they get home and then they get chewed out by pat as if things couldn't getting worse. No, not by pat. They don't. Oh, they do get chewed out by pat that's right? Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:27:30 They're they get
Speaker 1 00:27:30 In trouble. Like you're like sitting on the couch, like, like they're being made to sit on the, you know, thinking chair, like in my house. Uh, that was really funny, but it had a, it had, I really like the character moment with Sylvester where he's like, he's like the JS, I killed the JSA. Why did I get to come back? And the, and they're all dead. So he was like, survivor's guilt. Pull
Speaker 3 00:27:52 That thread. I love that part. I love here.
Speaker 1 00:27:54 I know. I know. You'd say that, but I just, I just like that part.
Speaker 3 00:27:57 No, it was good. It also made him like, not seem like a super villain in disguise for once he, he act so weird all the time.
Speaker 1 00:28:05 Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:28:06 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:28:06 But maybe that's exactly what a Subaru Villa would want you to think.
Speaker 3 00:28:10 That's true.
Speaker 1 00:28:11 Uh, I, yeah, I'll also like how he asked the question in the audience also has the same question as the audience doesn't know. Yeah. Why did he come back?
Speaker 3 00:28:18 Maybe he's the specter.
Speaker 1 00:28:21 Yeah. Maybe that'd be cool.
Speaker 3 00:28:23 Whoa.
Speaker 1 00:28:24 By the presence.
Speaker 3 00:28:26 Yeah. He's he wears too much clothing to be the specter
Speaker 1 00:28:30 <laugh> yeah, just with the little, uh, jammies or whatever. I doubt the Speedo. Um, next I have his hour man working on the hour class. Oh, I didn't notice that. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:28:42 It's when he saw and like Beth's just sitting there with him. It's like Beth that's what are you doing?
Speaker 1 00:28:49 They're gonna, it's only a matter of time before Rick falls, you know, get starts dating. One of 'em.
Speaker 3 00:28:55 I know
Speaker 1 00:28:55 The ladies, is it gonna be, is sexy. He's of,
Speaker 3 00:29:00 There was a comment on the, that was like, why aren't these girls going after Rick? He's like really hot.
Speaker 1 00:29:06 This less psycho. Yeah.
Speaker 3 00:29:08 But they're in high school. Like, you know,
Speaker 1 00:29:10 That's the time to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Guys. I think we can all agree that his one true love is Solomon Grundy.
Speaker 3 00:29:16 Ah, totally.
Speaker 1 00:29:17 No, that's definitely true. How much he cares about Grundy. And they're like, he's no room is hard for me, but yeah, dude, in this scene
Speaker 2 00:29:24 Pizza,
Speaker 1 00:29:25 He says that uh, his hour glass is functioning random. Like it's like random amounts of time. Yep. Oh I okay. I missed that part. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:29:33 It goes from anywhere from like an hour to six minutes to 40 minutes. It's unpredictable.
Speaker 1 00:29:40 Yeah. And he's like, I cannot abide having my powers randomly turn off in the middle of a fight. And I was like, but that's what our man does. Well, not random. He keeps track
Speaker 3 00:29:50 Of it random. Yeah. Well
Speaker 1 00:29:52 His powers always turn off when he needs him the most. Well, yeah. It character wouldn't think that. Yeah. Um, and then the shade's like, I must leave.
Speaker 3 00:30:03 He's like, I'm sorry. It didn't work out with Grundy. And I like that. I was like, it's nice to imagine them working together. Trying to raise right Tom Grundy.
Speaker 1 00:30:13 Yeah. It's cute.
Speaker 3 00:30:14 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:30:15 Yeah. No, definitely.
Speaker 2 00:30:18 As
Speaker 1 00:30:18 There's a lot of different snows, the game, the show stays interesting. So, uh, yeah. We have a quick scene with the grandparents they're back and they're like, it's your destiny camera?
Speaker 3 00:30:29 They're like art sucks. Time to be a ice monster.
Speaker 1 00:30:33 It's time to be a super villain. Like your father before you. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, and then, and then I, we have one more Joel Sylvester and uh, Courtney's seen, but before that he's talking to the staff, he's like, yeah, you're right. We shouldn't have done that. I should, I should have left you with Courtney. I'm sorry.
Speaker 3 00:30:56 That hilarious.
Speaker 1 00:30:59 Yeah. And then we have Cindy foiled by a password and she has the password. She has the laptop. Dun dun she's by Courtney's logic. She's the murderer.
Speaker 2 00:31:13 Well, according to not Courtney, it was Beth who deduced that
Speaker 1 00:31:22 Beth so much jumped to the conclusion that whoever has the laptop must be the murderer. Yeah. Which is why he's a cringe face when she
Speaker 2 00:31:30 Said that. Courtney's like, yeah. Yeah. That's
Speaker 1 00:31:32 It. That sounds right. Who would loo his corpse like that? It's not like who would steal in the show who would
Speaker 2 00:31:41 Steal his property and go through all his stuff.
Speaker 1 00:31:45 He's obviously a rich, man's got a lot of money. Wants money. Yeah. I or rich man, Doy, Doy,
Speaker 3 00:31:52 Doy buy some blues Sue shoes. Exactly.
Speaker 1 00:31:56 So that'll be interesting. A lot of mystery boxes. And then lastly, the CROs have a secret. It's only a matter of time before they find out dun da. Well,
Speaker 3 00:32:04 The CRO secret is that they didn't get into rotary club. <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:32:11 Terrible secret. The most shameful secret in town thought
Speaker 2 00:32:16 They and Julia
Speaker 1 00:32:17 Is like the part where they're working out in their, in, in their gym. And they're the only ones there.
Speaker 3 00:32:20 It was at night.
Speaker 2 00:32:23 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:32:24 What makes you say that? It was night, night.
Speaker 3 00:32:31 I, I think they showed an outside shot first and it was dark. Bless not
Speaker 2 00:32:36 By was absolutely dark.
Speaker 1 00:32:38 Not, I thought the point that they're not very good, Jim O owners, the CROs continue to be great. Oh God. Unlike me at this game. Yeah. There hasn't been quite enough sports faster, but I assume, I hope, I assume his time will come. He can wait. The super villain's greatest asset. His patience. Yeah. I, yeah. So that was fun talking to you guys about it. I enjoyed that more than actually watching it, uh, upon reflection. I think it was better. The problem is because of family issues, I've been watching it on like an iPad. It's not the same experience I needed back on the, on the good TV,
Speaker 3 00:33:16 Really enjoying, uh, I feel like it needs to move a little, I mean, star girl doesn't really dwell. So I feel like the plot will pick up next episode, but it's like, I'm not really enjoying the whole like, oh, Sylvester. He's being so weird. And like, it's like, hurry up. Tell us what the deal is with Sylvester. Okay. It's
Speaker 1 00:33:34 Well, it is a CW show. They do tend to draw these things out. Yeah. But star girl's one of is one of the, a good, nice exception where I remember they move things along pretty quickly in previous seasons,
Speaker 3 00:33:45 They should do the, uh, hour thing with Rex Tyler plot.
Speaker 1 00:33:51 The hour thing with Rex
Speaker 3 00:33:53 Tyler. Yeah. Where he's like trapped for an hour. Aing
Speaker 1 00:33:55 Point
Speaker 3 00:33:56 Aing point like a bottle
Speaker 1 00:33:57 Episode. Oh I've duh. Of course they should.
Speaker 3 00:33:59 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:34:00 Yeah. But
Speaker 3 00:34:01 They, you tell Jeff Johns when we see him.
Speaker 1 00:34:03 Yeah, we will.
Speaker 5 00:34:04 Okay.
Speaker 1 00:34:05 I will. I'll tell my buddy Jeff Johns. Whoa. Where in the opening credit it says Courtney Whitmore created for DC by blah, blah, blah, blah. What about everybody else? What about Sylvester McCoy? I mean Sylvester Pemberton semester
Speaker 3 00:34:20 McCoy. He goes created in a lab.
Speaker 2 00:34:24 That was rude.
Speaker 3 00:34:25 That was rude. Jay, how dare you?
Speaker 2 00:34:28 How dare I spawn
Speaker 3 00:34:30 Spawn? Is that what happened?
Speaker 1 00:34:32 Yes,
Speaker 2 00:34:34 I spawned. And you hit me now.
Speaker 3 00:34:37 All I did was play normally.
Speaker 1 00:34:39 Okay. So that's it for star man. We are now of our guest star. I mean star girl. Yes. We have a guest star. My wife Naomi is here with her review of the miss Marvel, uh, show, which she has been binging since.
Speaker 3 00:34:52 Oh, about Marvel,
Speaker 1 00:34:58 Your mind, your sweepers. Cause we're going into the mind field.
Speaker 5 00:35:03 Hello everybody. I had to be back on the podcast. Um, so, um, yes. So I watched all of miss Marvel yesterday and today. Right?
Speaker 2 00:35:17 Well
Speaker 5 00:35:17 Episodes though. So whatever and I was sick, so whatever, anyway,
Speaker 2 00:35:22 Everyone else is watching it.
Speaker 5 00:35:24 <laugh> yes, I watched it. And so I'm here to provide you, should we need like a catchy name for the segment, like a book report or whatever <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:35:33 You, you need to do it more than once for it to be a segment. The Naomi corner.
Speaker 3 00:35:37 <laugh> no, it should be a double end, like Naomi's news, but it's not news
Speaker 5 00:35:42 For me. Um, so I am, before I say anything about the show, I will just give some background for our many, many listeners.
Speaker 1 00:35:54 That's right. All set.
Speaker 5 00:35:57 I am not like big into Marvel. I'm not really that into comics at all.
Speaker 1 00:36:06 <laugh> that's not true. Oh, dare what?
Speaker 3 00:36:09 That's true.
Speaker 5 00:36:11 Naomi is a
Speaker 1 00:36:12 Comic Naomi's into comics.
Speaker 3 00:36:14 Naomi Naomi's read comic in the last five years.
Speaker 1 00:36:17 Uh, probably not.
Speaker 5 00:36:20 Well
Speaker 1 00:36:21 Superheroes though.
Speaker 5 00:36:22 I read spider, but that was a ago.
Speaker 1 00:36:25 Yeah.
Speaker 5 00:36:26 And I guess that is Marvel shoot anyway. Um, you know, it's wheelhouse. Um, but I was flipping through Disney plus trying to find something to watch. And so I watched it anyway. It was great. I was a big fan. Um, yeah. And I think that, that some of the things that I, well, the other thing I will say is that I'm also like, not very good at like history, like world history, like
Speaker 1 00:37:04 Pakistani history from three years ago, specifically. Yeah.
Speaker 5 00:37:09 Like, so I like, oh, I'm learning all these things. And Matt made fun of me for not knowing them already, but anyway, so, um, but no, but, but what I do know about is I know a lot about Jersey and I know a lot about being a 17 year old girl and wow. And, and I know about being a religious minority. So like I was able to relate with the characters a little bit.
Speaker 1 00:37:31 That's good.
Speaker 3 00:37:33 As much of a religious minority as that.
Speaker 1 00:37:37 What'd you say? What, what
Speaker 3 00:37:40 I would say that like, well, at least where we grew up, we were not a minority. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:37:44 We were
Speaker 5 00:37:47 Minority. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:37:53 Anyway,
Speaker 5 00:37:54 But yes, no. So it was, um, it was really good. Um, I really liked, um, the diff the different sort of characters that they introduced and, and the locations, like she like went to Karachi and like then went back in time and then, you know, whatever, you know? And so, but then also she was in Jersey and like, I don't know, it was just good to see the variety in only six episodes. Um, it was kind of like, I would describe it more as like a six hour long movie.
Speaker 1 00:38:25 Yeah. Sounds about. Right.
Speaker 5 00:38:28 Um, but I do hope they make a season two at some point, cuz I wanna sort of see where, where if she goes with it, cuz she didn't get her name or her costume until the last episode.
Speaker 3 00:38:38 Wow. Larson in it.
Speaker 5 00:38:40 What?
Speaker 2 00:38:40 Yeah. Uh,
Speaker 1 00:38:42 It's pretty
Speaker 2 00:38:45 Marish
Speaker 5 00:38:46 No, she's not.
Speaker 2 00:38:48 Yes she, yeah. She she's shes.
Speaker 3 00:38:53 Naomi don't see the post credit scenes it
Speaker 1 00:38:55 Scene there's no, there's a post credit. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:38:58 There's post credit.
Speaker 1 00:39:00 As we determined on this podcast, someone being in a post credit scene does not count as actually being in the shell. What I don't remember determining why did we decide that we decided that
Speaker 2 00:39:10 I feel like Matt is using the burial. We,
Speaker 1 00:39:16 We talked about it, go our mini Christian, go back, Christian, bang me up on this. We talked about episode guys, DIDNT, believe me, but it's true.
Speaker 5 00:39:26 I decided to watch the full credits my after the first episode, cuz like it looked like someone had worked hard on it, so I wanted to watch it once. Um, and then there was a post credit scene on the first episode, but then the second episode I watched the whole credits and there wasn't so I figured there wasn't gonna be one again. So I stopped doing that, but I guess I should go back and watch you saying there's a post credit scene on the last episode too. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I'll go back and watch that. Thank you.
Speaker 2 00:39:50 And I do like I, I enjoyed all of the post credit stuff, uh, while the credit stuff, mainly because it did bring in a lot of extra artwork, a lot of extra scenes, like it's a lot of what the Marvel shows are doing. They're bringing a lot of callbacks as well. Expansions to what happened like you, the lot of the, um, scene developments, uh, art that they've done, they show in the post, in the credit scenes, which I,
Speaker 5 00:40:15 Yeah, definitely. And I, and I, there, there was some interesting artistic stuff and, and even like in the beginning, when they have the whole like Marvel, like intro or whatever, it was like different in different episodes. Like the one that was back in time, like it was all black and white with like old time superheroes on it. That was really cool. Um,
Speaker 1 00:40:35 Wait, which old time is square?
Speaker 5 00:40:37 What,
Speaker 1 00:40:38 Which old time he is superhero?
Speaker 5 00:40:40 I dunno their names.
Speaker 3 00:40:42 <laugh> inspector
Speaker 5 00:40:45 Probably. I don't know. Anyway. And then, um, you know how like on TV shows now or movies when people are like texting it'll show the little like blue and whatever little bubbles in the air. Yes.
Speaker 1 00:40:57 I know what they're texting. Yep.
Speaker 5 00:40:59 Right. Well on this show, I thought it was kind of cool. Cause instead of doing that, they would like put the words of the text in some sort of like artistic way in the scenery. Like at one point the text is like literally like written in the stars in the sky and like at one point like the science, the street signers doing it and stuff. So kind of like a cool way to like incorporate it into the scene. Yeah. There were some cool stuff like that. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:41:22 They did a lot of very cool artistic stuff, which is why I really enjoyed the show mainly cause they did a lot of unique, fun art, very creative, very bright, interesting way
Speaker 5 00:41:34 And comes all the family stuff too. Like how her mom made her costume after being like very anti hero earlier on. And like, and like her brother just like shows up at the end for like the big fight and he's like, yeah, mom wanted me to keep an eye on you. And she was like super Shones, but then he was like really helpful. So I was like, cute, you know, I don't know, whatever. Yep.
Speaker 4 00:42:00 Kinda like lot of big young energy, like gen Z energy. I assume that I don't understand.
Speaker 5 00:42:05 Yes. There was a lot gen Z energy that I, yeah, they literally like one of her big strategies for the last battle was to have this one girl who has like all these Instagram followers, like live stream it so that like people would show up and then there'd be bystanders. And so then the government couldn't like, fuck with them.
Speaker 4 00:42:26 Yeah. Yeah. Many listeners won't be offended
Speaker 5 00:42:32 That like that kind of thing. Like it wouldn't occur to me. Um, cuz I'm old, I'm an old. Um, but yeah. And then, um, what was the other thing I was just about to say? Um,
Speaker 2 00:42:48 Yeah. While you think of that. Yeah. So, and even the comic, uh, it really does focus on a lot on like or humanistic side of her, where she has to deal with all of these competing things of being a child being like accidentally get taking the name of Ms. Marvel and like just she's like her hero worshiping and feel the feeling of imposter syndrome. And mm-hmm, <affirmative> like a lot of the issues that people have today and uh, yeah. And it really does focus a bunch on like her family life and how like the concept of the family is such a huge part of her culture. And like it has a bunch of stuff, which is why I, I really enjoyed the show. Yeah. Because it, like, we really made me connect to like a lot of like the little bits and story of stuff like that.
Speaker 5 00:43:39 Definitely. And there was this one line. So first of all, um, that woman who was like she's like was after them the whole time cuz she was with some organization or whatever, but it was, the actress was from orange is the new black um Figureoa do you remember her?
Speaker 4 00:43:55 Yeah.
Speaker 5 00:43:56 Yeah. So I guess she like is really good at just playing like corporate bitches. Um <laugh> cause that was, that was her role in this one as well. Anyway, but so her whole thing is like, she's trying to like get the people with powers and, and at one point, but she's also like you can tell like kind of super racist, cuz she's always like barging down the door of all the mosques and stuff and like being, and being kind of obnoxious about it too, you know? Anyway, um, wow.
Speaker 2 00:44:27 A Jersey officer. No
Speaker 5 00:44:30 <laugh> but at one point she makes a comment and this line was great where she was just like, this is what happens when the wrong people get powers. And then her colleague was kind of like, what did you just say? And she was like, I mean teenagers, like, no you didn't <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:44:54 <laugh> cool. All right. Okay. So you recommend it to everybody,
Speaker 5 00:45:01 Highly re I just gave a bunch of spoilers, but highly recommend
Speaker 1 00:45:06 You. I don't know how much more, you know, I don't think it's too plot based. It, it, it does have a pretty good amount of stuff that was going on.
Speaker 5 00:45:16 There's a lot of stuff going on. So there's a lot of stuff I didn't even like touch. There's a lot of stuff going on. It's
Speaker 1 00:45:22 A lot of setup. Yeah. It's a, it's also a lot of world building and setup for phase three, four of Mar marvels. Uh, is there a lot of high school stuff? Cuz you know, I don't like high school stuff
Speaker 5 00:45:35 <laugh> there is, but you watch star girl star
Speaker 1 00:45:40 Dare a.
Speaker 5 00:45:42 I said, how dare school is star that like not at
Speaker 1 00:45:51 All. I would say 5%.
Speaker 5 00:45:52 It's about people of high school age. And there are some scenes that take place in the school, but it is still a superhero show.
Speaker 1 00:45:59 Is it ever like, oh my God, I can't believe that she, that Ms. Marvel's going out with Jason.
Speaker 5 00:46:05 Well, I will say it, there was an unfortunate amount of sexual tension between some of the characters, like
Speaker 1 00:46:12 Where this fortunate you mean the best parts.
Speaker 5 00:46:16 I'm just like every time she saw a cute boy, it was like, woo. And then like her friend would get all jealous and like whatever. And it's like, just save the fucking old. Like what are you guys doing? This
Speaker 1 00:46:27 Is this stuff. I don't like they don't in star girl. But as a 17 year old girl, Naomi, is that accurate?
Speaker 5 00:46:34 Yeah. Totally accurate. <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:46:36 So there you go.
Speaker 5 00:46:38 A 17 year old girl now. No,
Speaker 1 00:46:40 That's what I meant. I figured you would figure out what I meant.
Speaker 5 00:46:43 I was once a 17 year old girl and yeah. If a cute boy like wanted to kiss me, even if the world was about to end, like I'd do it.
Speaker 1 00:46:52 Mm-hmm <affirmative>
Speaker 5 00:46:54 Okay.
Speaker 1 00:46:55 Yeah. I mean they do it in star. They do it here. They do it everywhere. There's been very, there's been a surprisingly little amount of romantic subplots on Stargirl Cameron. It's not that much. Cameron's love life. There's not that much. They like hung out awkwardly for a little bit. A couple of different episodes. It's been a plot point. Was there even any smooching as Matt what's been on? There's been, they've been attempts, disappointing amount of smooching, you know, who has the most romantic,
Speaker 5 00:47:25 There was never any actual smooching on Marvel. Just a few near misses.
Speaker 1 00:47:32 Okay. I'm actually surprised because Disney, you know is so sanitized. Come on. Disney has the Ochs, like the plants are
Speaker 5 00:47:40 Just said there was no Ochs.
Speaker 1 00:47:43 Do the princess movies. You mean like from the 1940s or the little mermaid it's from the, which is from the nineties. And we'll see how this new little mermaid goes with that. Oh, they'll be mooches you best believe there will be. Mooches you think they're gonna be the part where she pops out the water
Speaker 3 00:48:01 In Aeriel
Speaker 1 00:48:03 No, in little mermaid. She pops out of the water.
Speaker 3 00:48:06 The part where she's like, and there's like water and there's like boots
Speaker 1 00:48:10 With the rocks. Like the free will generation of books in the absolutely. Absolutely. Okay, Matt, you're my way. Thank you. You're welcome. Bye. All you guys ready for questions of the day? Yeah. All question. Number one. This comes to us. Courtesy of Zach. Hello
Speaker 3 00:48:29 This from the real.
Speaker 1 00:48:31 No, I would make him say that himself. It was from the real, I admit it. What is a TV show or movie with which you have a love, hate relationship while you guys are thinking about it. I will say Picard. <laugh> you love? Is there any love there? I like, I don't know. No, I guess not. I guess it's just hate. It's just, there's
Speaker 5 00:48:53 Definitely.
Speaker 1 00:48:53 And I like part the character and I like David, the character and I like Riker, the character David who's David Riker. David. He's
Speaker 3 00:49:02 A data. Oh,
Speaker 1 00:49:03 Sorry. I heard David as well. And I got, I like David. He,
Speaker 3 00:49:06 He like David from Marcus. The wrath of con David. Marcus. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:49:12 Everyone
Speaker 3 00:49:13 Whiny scientist.
Speaker 1 00:49:15 Yeah. We should never work with the military and uh, yes. Yeah. You like 7 0 9. I do like 7 0 9. Yeah. Yeah. Even Gerard's okay. On and off day. No drys. Terrible. Go next. If you were done Matt, I can go next. I'll say Dr. Who? Mm. Yeah. Uh, some of episodes. I love some of episodes drive me insane. You know? I don't think anything. I don't think anything more needs to be sad. Yeah.
Speaker 5 00:49:52 I think we all know what you mean.
Speaker 1 00:49:56 I feel like taking on the whole empire myself. I know what you mean. Who Rob move? No.
Speaker 5 00:50:02 Can I, can I answer?
Speaker 1 00:50:03 Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 5 00:50:05 Okay. So I going say friends.
Speaker 1 00:50:09 Ooh,
Speaker 5 00:50:10 Problematic.
Speaker 3 00:50:11 Now
Speaker 1 00:50:11 That's a good one. Yeah, but Naomi,
Speaker 5 00:50:14 Here's the problem. Like I obviously like used, still love it a lot. Like I own all 10 seasons and like watched it like a million times and know pretty much every episode by heart. I wanna fantastic. I wanna a bar trivia contest by myself cuz I couldn't find any friends who knew anything about friends to go with me ironic. And I won by myself in an entire bar, packed full of people competing. <laugh> really, which I'm pretty proud of.
Speaker 1 00:50:42 Jay's like, wow,
Speaker 5 00:50:46 I still haven't used that gift card yet, but I will. Um, but anyway, um, I, you know, it's one of those things where it's like part of my like adolescence and whatever, but I, I can't really watch it anymore. Like it's, it doesn't hold up for a variety of breathings. Like there's some problematic stuff, but there's also some just like, like I know it sort of invented the modern sitcom, but now it just feels so played out. You know what I mean? It just like isn't it just isn't good. Good anymore. I don't know.
Speaker 1 00:51:21 Hmm. Interesting. Also what makes you
Speaker 5 00:51:23 Such a part of my like, you know,
Speaker 1 00:51:28 You can't go home again.
Speaker 5 00:51:31 So speaking. So
Speaker 3 00:51:32 I actually like super agree with Naomi cause I was gonna say Titans and then I was like, after she said that I was like, no, she's right. It's like how I met your mother. It's like that type of sitcom.
Speaker 5 00:51:41 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:51:42 Wait. Yeah. It invented like the young sexy people talking a lot,
Speaker 3 00:51:46 But, but you watch it and you're like, wow, these people are terrible.
Speaker 1 00:51:49 I cannot handle this Seinfeld disrespect that the modern, I know what you guys are talking about.
Speaker 3 00:51:54 I did. I'd say that was
Speaker 1 00:51:57 Seinfeld more influential. It influential.
Speaker 5 00:52:00 We rewatching Seinfeld and it also like doesn't hold up entirely. Yeah. I disagree.
Speaker 1 00:52:10 Wow. I don't. I see it's okay. I don't, I don't think it's as, quite as bad as friends.
Speaker 5 00:52:15 Yeah. I mean the thing is yeah. With friends, the problem is that like, when I watched it, I was like, oh, like, and like I like Chandler and Monica and Chandler are so cute and blah, blah, blah. And now watching it, I'm like mommy lose characters are good people. None of them like, they're all horrible human being
Speaker 1 00:52:37 Like, like always sunny in Philadelphia. Right.
Speaker 5 00:52:41 Philadelphia, like are intentionally writing about horrible people and what they do. People like
Speaker 3 00:52:52 Yeah. Things like friends that I met your mother they're portraying the characters, you know, as protagonists you're supposed to like them. I don't think you're really always sunny.
Speaker 5 00:53:00 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:53:00 Well it depends. I mean sometimes, sometimes and how I met your mother, they are they're, they're definitely bad. And you, and they, they know it, but in most it's not. Yeah. Like we all do certainly look at Barney's like Barney's seducing women is seen as like a positive thing. Not as ay thing,
Speaker 5 00:53:17 Its like a haha thing, but it's really not. <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:53:22 Naomi. I YouTube for you. The bang theory.
Speaker 2 00:53:26 <laugh> uh,
Speaker 3 00:53:28 This hole is impossible.
Speaker 1 00:53:30 Yeah. I know
Speaker 2 00:53:31 Possible. You're going too hard.
Speaker 3 00:53:34 You're going too hard.
Speaker 1 00:53:36 I got it. Anyway. Uh, it's basically about how the big bang theory is actually very a misogynist show. And I know it's by Chuck, Laurie, who could imagine Chuck Laurie show being miso us, but it is <laugh> was it throughout or did it just start that way? Uh, I didn't out that way, but I think over time it stopped, but well there's a part I, I don't want, I dunno if we need to get into it, but there's a part where um, it's Howard talking to, um, what's her name? Keely Cuoco and he's like, wow, look at all these hot chicks here. And you said you're engaged to my best friend. So you know, that must be later in the series. Right. There you go. Oh
Speaker 2 00:54:14 Yeah. That's way late in the series,
Speaker 1 00:54:16 So. Okay. That's fine. All right. So who's next Alana. You say how I might, but
Speaker 3 00:54:20 How I met your mother? Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:54:21 For the same reason,
Speaker 3 00:54:23 Similar reasons.
Speaker 2 00:54:24 That was gonna be mine as well, but wow. But then I was, I did the exact same thing as Alana. I did Titans and then I was, think how I met your mother back to Titan. So I'm just gonna go with Titans. You
Speaker 1 00:54:37 Guys seriously love Titans.
Speaker 3 00:54:39 Hate Titans. No
Speaker 1 00:54:41 Hate
Speaker 3 00:54:43 Jen's I love your though,
Speaker 1 00:54:45 Though. It would definitely be Picard if it was love to hate
Speaker 2 00:54:48 <laugh>
Speaker 1 00:54:49 Okay. Or Titans, but
Speaker 2 00:54:51 Yeah, go love when it comes to Picard <laugh> for me, likes all like I, the whole season hated myself for, but I watched it. It wasn't horrible for me
Speaker 1 00:55:06 And
Speaker 2 00:55:07 Said,
Speaker 4 00:55:08 Yeah, yeah, this is tough. I mean, I guess the first thing that came to my mind for some reason was like the predator, like the newest pressure movie, I assume nobody else has seen, but like
Speaker 2 00:55:18 Watched it. You
Speaker 1 00:55:21 No predators different from
Speaker 4 00:55:22 Predator, the Shane black movie. Yeah. In general, just any shame black. I'm just like, but I saw twice in theaters. I was just like, this isn't good. But like, I don't know. It's just hitting all the right things for me. There's like a dumb crew. That's like saying terrible things to each other. Kinda like the, like the original predator, just like this like dumb, macho, right. Nonsense to each other. But it totally captures that. And there's like a subplot where like basically a kid with like, uh, autism is like, like autism is superpower. And like, like there's all kinds of like crazy shit that it's like, it seems like it was made in like 1987. And like, I don't know. It's just, it's kinda awesome. I, I kind of recommend it.
Speaker 1 00:56:03 Okay. Like you like it, even though it's terrible.
Speaker 4 00:56:07 Yeah, no. Yeah. It's like, and like there's like, there's one like main villain that like gets killed in like a half second shot. That's like, like you had to like, if you, if you literally blink, you'll miss it and you'll just be like, wait, did that? Just like, and he like, he dies in like the background of the shot. It's just, just, there's a lot of nonsense. I'm like you could have just like CGI. It was like a CGI shot. So they could have made it longer and clear, but they didn't. And they're just like, I mean, there's a lot of reshoots. Like I think Arnold was supposed to be in it and like the post credit and he's not, and they replace him with something just far more boring and you're just like, wait, what? And then it's just like, it's over. And you're like, okay,
Speaker 1 00:56:42 Sounds like a mess.
Speaker 4 00:56:43 Yeah. It's a huge mess. And like, yeah. But it's just pleasurable the whole time for me. I don't
Speaker 1 00:56:48 Know. Nice. All right. You guys ready to move on to question number two? Yes. <laugh> great. Question me.
Speaker 3 00:56:55 Yeah. Wait, this isn't the question, but uh, I really like the first avatar. I'm looking forward to seeing the next one.
Speaker 1 00:57:02 Okay.
Speaker 4 00:57:03 Hot take hot
Speaker 1 00:57:05 Hot. Were you depressed? Hot? It's not. It made a million or it made billion gajillion
Speaker 3 00:57:11 Like, oh, I don't remember what happened. What are the, what are the character names? It's Jake. Okay. Hey Sully Tahan or whatever her name is actually. I don't remember her name. Nate te I did remember. Ha
Speaker 1 00:57:24 Were you depressed that you couldn't go and live on Pandora?
Speaker 3 00:57:26 No. <laugh> it's like how many movies do we have these days? About space Marines. We only get avatar. Okay.
Speaker 1 00:57:34 They're technically ground Marines.
Speaker 3 00:57:36 There's space Marines.
Speaker 1 00:57:38 They go through space. There're space Marines,
Speaker 3 00:57:40 Colonial Marines.
Speaker 1 00:57:41 I watched the second one. I didn't mind the first one.
Speaker 3 00:57:44 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:57:45 Rob, how about you?
Speaker 4 00:57:47 It's fine. I saw choice in theaters just cause I was like, did I really not like that movie? And then I re-watched it. And I was like, eh, I don't think I liked it that much.
Speaker 1 00:57:55 Yeah.
Speaker 4 00:57:57 It's okay. It's just
Speaker 1 00:57:59 All right. Question number two. All right. Question number two. If you could have the skills of any profession immediately, like implanted in your head, which profession would you choose? MMA fighter.
Speaker 4 00:58:12 Wow.
Speaker 3 00:58:12 Wait, what?
Speaker 1 00:58:13 Wow. I didn't know. You were, you needed to learn how to Dick, Dick punch so much. Zach. It's important to know how to defend yourself. That's what MMA is. It's all Dick punching. You
Speaker 5 00:58:22 Think MMA are
Speaker 1 00:58:24 How many MMA fights have you wive enough to know there's a lot of come on and I've read the penny arcade comics about it. I think I would probably say car mechanic. Cause I dunno anything about cars, but I wish I did. And also you could make a nice living that way.
Speaker 5 00:58:43 Yeah. I would say something sort of like home repair or whatever. Like, like what if I could have just like built our deck for us? I would've saved us a lot of money.
Speaker 1 00:58:55 Oh sure.
Speaker 3 00:58:59 Wait, this is any profession. What was the question?
Speaker 1 00:59:01 You could have the skills of any profession, like implanted in your head so you didn't have to work for it. You just know it.
Speaker 3 00:59:07 Oh, veterinarian. So way. I keep Bobby life forever.
Speaker 1 00:59:11 Veterinarian can life forever. Alana
Speaker 5 00:59:15 <laugh>.
Speaker 1 00:59:15 So were you, were you wanna do veterinarian on your own cat? I find that I find that very Bobby it's time for your operation
Speaker 5 00:59:22 <laugh> but people save a lot of money.
Speaker 1 00:59:25 <laugh> that's true.
Speaker 5 00:59:25 Trick. The trick is of course in the way the job market works these days. Is it just because you know how to do a thing? If you don't have experience doing it? No, one's like, you'll have the skills, but it's not like you're gonna get a job doing it. Wait, I
Speaker 3 00:59:40 Didn't say to be a veterinarian. This, the question was what skills do you just wanna have?
Speaker 5 00:59:44 That's what I'm saying. I feel like you it's really just like so that you have the skills for your personal life. Cause it's not like you're gonna get a job doing the thing because no one's gonna hire you without experience anyway, which is dumb. But anyway, well
Speaker 1 00:59:55 It depends on the profession. Like a YouTube influencer. <laugh> you don't need experience for that.
Speaker 5 01:00:00 What skills, what skills do you get when you era that you, you
Speaker 1 01:00:04 Need to be a YouTube influencer. Yeah. Or
Speaker 4 01:00:06 Also like
Speaker 3 01:00:07 Editing skills
Speaker 1 01:00:11 Also like a journalist you don't really need, or maybe I'm thinking of like the night Superman era, like the gum shoe era. I,
Speaker 4 01:00:20 Paul has editing skills.
Speaker 1 01:00:25 Skills are easy to learn anyway. That's why my selection is the best. Okay. So as accident, MMA fighter, I said, well, I forgot what I said. Alon said, veterinarian, Matt, you said car mechanic. I said, car mechanic.
Speaker 4 01:00:40 I, I would be able to like maybe home repair, not a home repair, I guess like building a fucking house, just like get a piece of land and like Uhhuh actually be able to afford and pick, you know, whatever house you want. And, but I guess you couldn't do that around DC. You'd have to like,
Speaker 1 01:00:56 <laugh> go into
Speaker 4 01:00:56 The Boies 50 miles. Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 1 01:00:59 But it's doable could be a builder. Yeah.
Speaker 4 01:01:02 Yeah. I mean, I guess you like demolish like some crappy old house around here and then start from scratch
Speaker 1 01:01:07 Home. What does that show like? Home flippers or something?
Speaker 4 01:01:12 <laugh> yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 2 01:01:13 Shark bot says good point on this set notifications. Felix documented
Speaker 5 01:01:19 Final is therapist.
Speaker 1 01:01:23 That's a good answer. You
Speaker 3 01:01:26 In your personal life.
Speaker 5 01:01:27 Oh yes. I know quite a few people who could talk to one,
Speaker 1 01:01:30 You would analyze me analyze
Speaker 5 01:01:33 That <laugh>
Speaker 2 01:01:37 Yeah. Shark cross says first thought was helicopter pilot, but obviously not that not useful without certs. So question is what level skills do you actually get? I was also thinking pilot.
Speaker 1 01:01:48 You get level enough that you would be, you could be a professional in that, in that profession. Professional level skill. The best, not like the best one.
Speaker 2 01:01:57 Right? So here's the thing about, uh, the search when it comes to like flying. If you become a test pilot, you don't need the search
Speaker 1 01:02:09 Test pilot like hell Jordan,
Speaker 2 01:02:12 I guess. Yeah. I mean, my buddy was, is a test pilot and he's like, yeah, I let my
Speaker 1 01:02:18 Search go. When I became a test pilot, cuz they weren't needed <laugh> Joel like Joel McKinna and the Nin from for all mankind. What a random reference <laugh> I started watching it. It's a good show. Really? Okay. Recommend how many shows let's get some answers. So like a median. Oh shit. What answers to what question? Uh, this question. The profession question. Let's go.
Speaker 3 01:02:46 Are we done?
Speaker 1 01:02:47 Did everybody answer?
Speaker 5 01:02:49 So
Speaker 1 01:02:50 Okay. That's fine. What
Speaker 3 01:02:53 Has J did Jay not answer?
Speaker 1 01:02:55 I said pilot.
Speaker 3 01:02:56 Oh yeah.
Speaker 1 01:02:58 I thought you said I was gonna say pilot and then something else, but that's fine.
Speaker 3 01:03:02 But then chart bot said
Speaker 1 01:03:04 Certifications.
Speaker 3 01:03:05 Don't do it. Certifications.
Speaker 1 01:03:08 I still say it's valid. Okay. That's fine. No fuck. I missed. Okay. You didn't miss you hit B jerk.
Speaker 3 01:03:16 <laugh> whoa.
Speaker 1 01:03:17 Even better all. So question number three at the end of your life, you're about to die and flashing before your eyes, you can see one statistic about your life. What statistic would it be? I don't wanna know how many about to poop I had <laugh> you've expelled in your life. Yes. Yeah. That's a good one. You could do that. I was gonna say how many people love me? <laugh> what do the like too? All right. Well then I'll know. I, I would actually, and in seriousness, I would say how many people's lives I've made better and if it's zero that's bad. <laugh> I know I,
Speaker 5 01:03:56 How many people like have a memory that involves me? Cause you know, when you think about like, even if you're not like famous or like a big shot, like teacher, whatever or big shot teacher, whatever, big
Speaker 1 01:04:14 Shots, big shot teachers.
Speaker 5 01:04:15 Yeah. Like even like, even if you're not in a like helping quote profession, like their people, you went to elementary school with who remembers something kind you did once on the playground and there are people who you worked with in college, you know what I mean? Like this just almost of different people in your life who you don't like know anymore, but like they know you cause like I, you know them, you know what I mean? Yeah.
Speaker 1 01:04:46 I got it. Nope.
Speaker 5 01:04:47 Yeah. He's just knowing like how many people out there know you
Speaker 1 01:04:53 Notice how the answers before are all about other people? No. Well you're serious. I wanna know how much poop I did. Oh, you were serious about that, Jay. Okay. Yeah. In that case, how poop, how much poop had to get hauled away by the poor guys? I guess I was reading a YouTube or not a YouTube, um, a Wikipedia article by unusual deaths.
Speaker 5 01:05:15 Oh no.
Speaker 1 01:05:16 Okay. Lotted <laugh> you don't say, but then there were also quite a few involving, uh, drowning and feces.
Speaker 2 01:05:24 What?
Speaker 1 01:05:25 Yeah.
Speaker 5 01:05:27 Feces or drowning and feces
Speaker 3 01:05:29 A plus <laugh>. So I tell about the article about hazing desks and like the 18 hundreds.
Speaker 1 01:05:34 Yeah. That's what gave me the ideal. Huh? <laugh> the hazing ones were kind of boring. It was just, they drank too much alcohol and died. Well,
Speaker 3 01:05:43 No, a lot of the hazing ones were like, they went hiking on railroad tracks and got hit by a train or like they got punched in the stomach too much and they didn't have modern medicine and died.
Speaker 1 01:05:52 Yeah. There's that shark shark,
Speaker 2 01:05:56 Man. You are all setting yourselves up for some potential heartbreak, right at the end. <laugh> two people. Remember
Speaker 1 01:06:02 You, that's where I'm kinda the
Speaker 2 01:06:04 Doctor.
Speaker 1 01:06:05 <laugh> the nurse and the doctor you've alienated everybody else. I mean, you're about to die. So who cares? This might be, you know,
Speaker 2 01:06:11 Except for then you die sad and who wants that? You're
Speaker 1 01:06:14 Gonna decide anyway, cuz I'm about to die. So it might as
Speaker 2 01:06:18 Well be. Or you could die happy knowing you died, laying out like
Speaker 1 01:06:22 Satisfied with the amount 500
Speaker 2 01:06:24 Pounds of P
Speaker 1 01:06:26 <laugh> knowing
Speaker 2 01:06:27 Your colon was in a good condition.
Speaker 1 01:06:29 Jay. Instead. How about instead of how about instead of the amount, which is just an arbitrary number you could do what percentile you were in.
Speaker 2 01:06:37 No, I wanna know how much I want raw numbers.
Speaker 1 01:06:42 You could probably just look. I want the percentile.
Speaker 2 01:06:44 No, I want raw number. Ah,
Speaker 1 01:06:48 Poundage. Jay, what if you just looked up to the average amount of poop, a human creates over the, over the Jay is not average. No, Jay's definitely not average. <laugh>
Speaker 2 01:07:00 I wanna know. Cause then I could compare and then I'd be like, oh yeah, no, I absolutely have more.
Speaker 3 01:07:05 Yeah. If you have that one statistic need more statistics to see how you compared to everyone else. Maybe.
Speaker 2 01:07:11 Yeah, because I could look up the statistic, but then I, when I'm gone, I will know how I matched up.
Speaker 1 01:07:20 Shoot. This is a very good question. The day, dude, you shoot proud yourself. Thank you. I, you know, I always am, um,
Speaker 3 01:07:28 To the question, but what about cats? Petted? I like it.
Speaker 1 01:07:34 It has to be different cats though. Not just the same cat over and over unique cats. Petted.
Speaker 3 01:07:39 What about petting sessions that went well?
Speaker 2 01:07:44 How many times did Bobby get jealous?
Speaker 3 01:07:47 Huh?
Speaker 2 01:07:49 What, what,
Speaker 3 01:07:50 What, what
Speaker 5 01:07:52 I saiding do petting sessions. You sometimes not go well.
Speaker 3 01:07:57 I mean with cats that aren't Bobby probably
Speaker 1 01:08:00 Ends in a bite. Yeah.
Speaker 5 01:08:03 Bobby care about cats. Aren't Bobby,
Speaker 3 01:08:08 Uh,
Speaker 2 01:08:10 Bobby
Speaker 1 01:08:12 Other are humans. Uh, okay. Who are we waiting on?
Speaker 4 01:08:19 I would, I would do like, uh
Speaker 1 01:08:22 <laugh>
Speaker 4 01:08:22 Maybe.
Speaker 1 01:08:24 I dunno, short spots, few spots. Who cares you do? That's the whole point of the question. <laugh> okay.
Speaker 4 01:08:29 That's a good point. I would do like, uh, just like, I guess like the breakdown and percentage of part of people that like, like me hate me. Like there's unrequited love of me. I just wanna know. Uh, at the end I was like, did I get a, like a passing grade? Like, I don't know. Did
Speaker 1 01:08:47 You touch a lot?
Speaker 4 01:08:48 Did I? I guess, but also, no. I mean, it's not like, uh, in a nice sense. I feel like it's more just like at, uh, personal, like how did I do, uh, like was, uh, you know, those there's some girl that was like, you know, madly in love with me. I didn't know about like, I that's good to know at the very end.
Speaker 1 01:09:08 It's that statistic it's like, this is way too loosey goosey. We need
Speaker 4 01:09:12 Specific. No, but it's all numbers. It's all numbers. You're just like, there's like, there's like 11, like girls and three guys that like wanted to get with me. Just never did,
Speaker 1 01:09:22 So. Okay. So that's what you say <laugh> is the number of UN quieted hearts of broken hearts you left behind.
Speaker 4 01:09:28 Exactly. Okay.
Speaker 1 01:09:29 What about how many people go to your funeral? No, I don't care. Every share. I'm dead
Speaker 4 01:09:36 Something.
Speaker 3 01:09:36 Cause what if you're like 90 and everyone, you know, is dead. You know that doesn't mean
Speaker 1 01:09:41 Anything don't have descendants or whatever.
Speaker 3 01:09:43 Well, maybe they're dead too. I don't
Speaker 1 01:09:45 Know. Oh my God
Speaker 3 01:09:48 Apocalypse.
Speaker 4 01:09:58 We'll be like COVID number five by the
Speaker 5 01:10:00 Time. Right? <laugh>
Speaker 1 01:10:04 Are we waiting on anybody else? Uh, Alana is Alana seriously sitting with the cat answer? Yeah, I think we're
Speaker 5 01:10:16 Though. Before we close out, I do wanna have at some point I'm
Speaker 1 01:10:21 More than once for it to be a segment.
Speaker 5 01:10:23 I'm gonna come and do it again and it'll be called. Are you ready? Yeah. Naomi's notes.
Speaker 1 01:10:29 Mm, good choice. All
Speaker 3 01:10:31 That did fit the criteria. It having an end name
Speaker 5 01:10:34 I'll with theme song for next
Speaker 1 01:10:38 Time's theme.
Speaker 5 01:10:41 No, no. A segment theme song. Are you listen in the podcast for segments? Have theme songs.
Speaker 1 01:10:45 Oh, I I do. I absolutely do. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Yeah. All right. Well, when Naomi has that segment, we will be here for it on Tuesday. I came in can just every week at Twitch that TV slash MC slant and group up with us next time. We're more star. Yeah.